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Questions you would ask your ex if you could

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~ How can you end 3 years without even thinking about it?

~ How is religion an issue now when it wasn't a week a go?

~ Why lead me on for 3 years and tell me you want to marry me and can't imagine your life without me?

~ You work 20 minutes away from my house do you ever feel like you want to see me?

~ If I tried to talk to you would you respond?

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I used to have so many questions. A huge long list regarding specific incidents and indiscretions. Now I don't have a single one to ask, because: I've started to come to terms with what's happened, knowing the truth probably wouldn't make me feel much better, and in any case he probably wouldn't give me the truth. He never did.


He asks me these days "Can I have another chance?". My silence should tell him all he needs to know. Anything else he's unsure about, he should maybe reflect upon.

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Since I'm to the point of not caring, I would straight up ask her "How/why could you just turn around and walk away after 4 years of being so close?"


My ex never even threw me a bone. Once she decided it was over, it was OVER. She never debated coming back, never entertained the idea with me and never even hinted at the possibility. She was just gone.

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Since I'm to the point of not caring, I would straight up ask her "How/why could you just turn around and walk away after 4 years of being so close?"


My ex never even threw me a bone. Once she decided it was over, it was OVER. She never debated coming back, never entertained the idea with me and never even hinted at the possibility. She was just gone.


Same with me he is just gone. Cause he is on a mission God told him to do no offence to religious people but still it's a LITTLE crazy when you say it out loud.

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Since I'm to the point of not caring, I would straight up ask her "How/why could you just turn around and walk away after 4 years of being so close?"


My ex never even threw me a bone. Once she decided it was over, it was OVER. She never debated coming back, never entertained the idea with me and never even hinted at the possibility. She was just gone.


Just wanting to point out that the dumper being misleading (we can still be friends) doesn't make anything easier. Breaking up sucks no matter what!


"Remember how I asked 'when's the last the last time you were happy?' You responded with 'I don't know. I feel like I'm living a lie and everything I do is fake.' I told you 'I've seen parts of you that you could have never faked. Like everytime you let out one of those huge ****ing laughs.' You later told me that comment made you happy for days... How could you possibly think you couldn't open up to the next time you were feeling upset?"

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Could you stop trying to &^% me while telling me I should date other people? I wasn't trying to sleep with everyone while I was with you. I didn't suddenly change because you "don't want to hold me back."


Also, could you talk in a way that makes sense? Stop trying to please veryone and tell teh truth for once. You really aren't coming off well or sparing anyone's feelings.

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How's the downgrade going? Are you looking forward to having to live in our old apartment for a whole year? I got a summer, and it sucked, but man oh man you're screwed, dead.


Why are you stupid enough to mess up this bad? Seriously, you have gone far below all of your friends you used to mock for their poor decisions - the ones you used to say "I'm glad I'm at least better than that." Now you're not. How does that make you feel?

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I'm very much "high-contact" with my ex and can ask him most things - I asked most of my questions DURING the breakup conversation itself, so I have few left. But here's one that I can't ask, though I'd love to:


When you came out to your parents recently as gay, surely they must have asked you about our year-long, fairly recent opposite-sex relationship. What, if anything, did you tell them about "us"/me, and how what we shared (or didn't) shaped your thinking about your own sexuality?

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Ex fiance


How did you feel about seeing me yesterday? Was anything still there?

How do you feel about your new girlfriend? Do you see a future together?

Do you ever miss me or wish you could try again?

What reminds you of me the most?

Do you still have all the photos of us?

What do your family and friends say about me?

What does your new gf ask about me?

Under what circumstances would you try again, or would you? Why/why not?



B(Rebound/Recent Ex)

Why in the world did you abuse your ex wife?!

Why did you lie about the reasons for your past break-ups?

Why do you insist on lying to me over the most ridiculous things? They are obvious!

Did you really buy me that ring...or was it your ex wife's?

Why did you lie about the name of your old dog? That is so stupid.

Who the heck is "Samantha" and why is she leaving you suggestive comments?

Why did you join a sex club, then deny it?

Do you get off on anything other than feet?

Why is Samantha sending me messages when I don't even know her?

Why did you miss church for the past couple weeks?

Why could nobody get ahold of you?

What goes through your mind when you act the way you do?

You say you feel empty. Desribe that. Most sociopaths feel that way, I think.

What makes you think I'd want to marry you?

Why do you think you're good husband material?

Why don't you ever feel sorry when you hurt me or other people?

Why don't you ever have phone service?

Have you cheated on me (you know what I mean, sexual acts still count as cheating even if they aren't intercourse)?

What have you said behind my back?

What did you tell your ex about why you didn't go to her party?

Why did you have no reaction when I said I want to stop being friends? If you "love me so much," wouldn't you have said so?

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why did you cheat and be interested in that girl that did the same job as you? just cause she came form the same city you were born in.i had a a feeling something was going on.


she'll be drama don't you worry.Hope you like giving up on something that was strong well i thought it was.


you just didn't care

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