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Questions you would ask your ex if you could

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I have a bunch of questions but I'll only list a few of them.


Why would you lead me on so many more months if you really moved on?

Why did you kiss me 2 weeks before you dumped me and tell me that things were going to be fine and we were going to make it?

Why did you do what you did? Why did you need to prove to yourself you were over me with him?

Why didn't you just tell me the truth from the beginning? Why did you give me a lie that drove me insane for those 3 days?

Why did you promise to see me and that we'd be friends when you knew you didn't want either of those things?

Why do you have to be so stubborn and prideful? Why couldn't you contact me once and let me know how you really felt? Why did I always have to take the initiative and come to you even when things are your fault?

Why do you still act so cold and mean towards me? After 2 years of dating and another year of getting to know each other before that, the least you can do is be nice and not be a * * * * * about things. So why do you do this to me?

Why did you tell me you loved me for who I was when it was obvious you didn't?

Why did you have to break up with me?

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- Why was it so hard for you to be faithful? Dump me if you can't, sure it'll hurt, but I'd respect you more..


- Thought love was forever between you and i?


- Why was sex so important in your life? Not with me, but with everyone else?


- Why didn't you leave me the first time you cheated on me? We brought a child into this world and this is how you're going to repay him...


- How can you love me, then a day later not love me?

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Could you please stop patting my head like I'm a sad little puppy when you see me out? Not one bone in my body is sad over you, and as far as a I know, I'm not a puppy.


I refuse to say one word to him, though, so I just avoid him at all costs. There's really nothing else I'd like to know from him considering most of what comes outta his mouth is a lie. And I'm truly happy without hearing more of them, 2 and a half years of it was enough!

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I'm smart enough to know that there is no point in asking these questions to my ex.


And if i foolishly did, i don't think she would even bother to listen to even one of them. The phone would be hung up..or she would just walk away.


By asking these questions we are only going to increase OUR pain. When you still need answer to questions, it means you need to rethink the healing process.


Maybe i feel this way cz my ex is a heartless b***h.

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Do you understand that relationships take effort and that people fight sometimes - it doesn't mean it's a bad relationship?

Do you ever consider that people who love you need something from you? That it won't kill you to show your love for them? In fact, it would give you everything you want/need.

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Why do some men only think with the head below their belt and not the one on their shoulders? Do they know that God gave them a brain for a reason?


What the hell is so great about her? Because she looks like a mess to me.


Are the rumors about you being a grandpa true? In your 30's? That's Karma dude.

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honestly why did you breakup with me, and I want the real answer no bs excuses.


p.s. stop contacting my friend she's trying to be nice and not talk to you but you still write on her wall on fb so she obviously has to reply politely


i only ask this because if you don't want to be in my life please do it properly and get out of MY friends lives as well


thank you and enjoy your summer.


i hope you failed calculus

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