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Does long hair (on men) turn women on?


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I'm just wondering. I know there are those who seem to prefer their men with long hair (instead of bald or short), but I just want to know what the rest of the female members here think. So, is it a turn on to you non-lesbian ladies?


Or a turn off?


PS: I am asking this because I myself have long hair; it's down to my shoulder blades and is overall wavy (with curls on the bottom parts).


PS 2: In case you're wondering, afros are stupid; I'm talking about normal, long hair.

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I never saw the point of these threads. Everyone has preferences, and it takes all kinds.


Someone could start a thread complaining about their back hair, and inevitably someone would post in it saying it was actually a turn-on for them and not to shave it.

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I never saw the point of these threads. Everyone has preferences, and it takes all kinds.


Someone could start a thread complaining about their back hair, and inevitably someone would post in it saying it was actually a turn-on for them and not to shave it.


Yeah, I don't see the point in it, either.


I've had women say point blank that they don't like long hair on men, yet when they see a pic of me, they're like "You're so hot with long hair, don't cut it!"


It's like saying "Do you like guys with blond hair?" Yeah, some might look nice with their blond hair, but some might look better with brown hair. It completely depends on the individual.

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Some girls really like it, I know of them. Trust me, they are out there. Especially since it seems you're a fan of the metal genre, there are plenty of ladies there that dig it. So overall I wouldn't worry about it. Of course there are those that don't like it, but that is the case with all hairstyles. Same with being bald, same with short hair..blah blah.


I am bald personally, so I won't be trying it out and this suits me more. But I recognize it suits some guys.

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Depends on the guy, his style and his facial features.

Does he have the perfect or close to, structure?

It all depends. Eyes and the color of them, his hair.

Yes I pay attention to detail so it reaaaally depends.

Judging by your username I'm going to guess you have long hair? Iron maiden good band btw but back to topic -

it depends how long.

I think some guys with long hair are yum..

But then there are men like,

Oliver Theykens or whatever

and Rick Owens - both incredible fashion designers that I wouldn't date only because they are gay, and I'd be in a constant competition of hair battles.

God my man cannot have better hair then me sorry!




it's like saying "do women think guys with beards are hot?"

personally Yes YES MEN WITH BEARDS ARE HOT! (See Chris Robinson for example mmm) but not all women think it is. In fact my girlfriends are repulsed by my 'taste'

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Depends on the guy. I wanted to cry in Twilight when Jacob cut his hair.


EDIT: I'm a bisexual woman who has a thing for uniqueness. Guy with long hair, and girls with short. You'll get better responses from women who are hippies, punks, bisexual, androgynous, or heavy metal fans, than you will by girls who are more.. mainstream.

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EDIT: I'm a bisexual woman who has a thing for uniqueness. Guy with long hair, and girls with short. You'll get better responses from women who are hippies, punks, bisexual, androgynous, or heavy metal fans, than you will by girls who are more.. mainstream.


I had long hair once, but it didn't seem to help. Maybe I should get some tats and piercings?


Nah, I'm too old for that stuff now.

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