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Does long hair (on men) turn women on?


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Only if they keep it clean


What she said.

The majority of guys I have met with long hair seemed less like they chose long hair and more like they were economising on hair cuts... And baths...

Keep yourself clean and groomed no matter what your length or style and someone's bound to find you attractive.

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Afros are not stupid! I love afros on men and women with that hair type. I think there is nothing quite as stupid as dreads on a white guy, but dreads on someone with that hair type are a very convenient and attractive style.


As for the subject, It very much depends on the face. Some guys can pull it off, but most guys just end up looking silly. Post a face pic and I'll give you my personal opinion;-)

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Personally for me it's a turn off.

This would be ideal

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OR completely shaved off. Both are my preferences, anything long. No thank you.

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Trust me, I've tried both types, and I just look stupid and MUCH younger than I actually am. Nothing is worse than having people ask you how 8th grade is going...and you're 27!

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I'm just wondering. I know there are those who seem to prefer their men with long hair (instead of bald or short), but I just want to know what the rest of the female members here think. So, is it a turn on to you non-lesbian ladies?


Or a turn off?


PS: I am asking this because I myself have long hair; it's down to my shoulder blades and is overall wavy (with curls on the bottom parts).


PS 2: In case you're wondering, afros are stupid; I'm talking about normal, long hair.


I like long hair on a guy as long as he takes care of it. My ex BFs both had long hair.


Just a note: Afros are awesome and hair that naturally forms an afro is "normal" hair.

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Afros are not stupid! I love afros on men and women with that hair type. I think there is nothing quite as stupid as dreads on a white guy, but dreads on someone with that hair type are a very convenient and attractive style.


As for the subject, It very much depends on the face. Some guys can pull it off, but most guys just end up looking silly. Post a face pic and I'll give you my personal opinion;-)


Thanks for the fro love! I miss mine but it's too hot where i live now. Sometimes a white guy can pull of locs. The guy i lost my virginity to was jewish and had locs. His hair was super curly so they looked really good. There was a white guy at my college who had really nice locs. It really only works if your hair is really curly or kinky. My straight haired friend tried to do it and ruined his hair in the process.

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Thanks for the fro love! I miss mine but it's too hot where i live now. Sometimes a white guy can pull of locs. The guy i lost my virginity to was jewish and had locs. His hair was super curly so they looked really good. There was a white guy at my college who had really nice locs. It really only works if your hair is really curly or kinky. My straight haired friend tried to do it and ruined his hair in the process.


I don't know if you're white or not, either way I wasn't trying to demonize your hair choice.


I just get a bit ruffled when locs and afros are considered "unprofessional" or a violation of dress code. I spent several hours at my last job getting that particular item taken off the dress code with a close friend of mine. Bald? against the dress code for women. Locs? against the dress code for anybody. Natural? nope, not allowed. So she's supposed to spend hours a week and hundreds of dollars a month getting her natural hair straightened to be considered professional? It's borderline racist. Plus, her locs were amazing.

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I don't know if you're white or not, either way I wasn't trying to demonize your hair choice.


I just get a bit ruffled when locs and afros are considered "unprofessional" or a violation of dress code. I spent several hours at my last job getting that particular item taken off the dress code with a close friend of mine. Bald? against the dress code for women. Locs? against the dress code for anybody. Natural? nope, not allowed. So she's supposed to spend hours a week and hundreds of dollars a month getting her natural hair straightened to be considered professional? It's borderline racist. Plus, her locs were amazing.


No I was thanking you for defending afros. I'm black and had a fro before I cut it down to a buzz cut.


I understand about being angry about ridiculous dress codes. How can the way someone looks naturally be unprofessional? I wouldn't want to work somewhere like that. I know of places that also prohibit men having beards and long hair no matter how neat and tidy. I heard of a place that required women to wear make up and heels to work. No way!

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No I was thanking you for defending afros. I'm black and had a fro before I cut it down to a buzz cut.


I understand about being angry about ridiculous dress codes. How can the way someone looks naturally be unprofessional? I wouldn't want to work somewhere like that. I know of places that also prohibit men having beards and long hair no matter how neat and tidy. I heard of a place that required women to wear make up and heels to work. No way!


There are places which still require that women wear hose and skirts and heels to work. Great, so the men get to shower and pull on some pants, but the women, every single day, must shave their legs and find the not-holey hose, and damage their feet. SO not fair. GRAAAH it makes me angry.

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Not to discourage you, but I'm sure it's mostly men who work there anyways;-)


Can't be any worse than where I work. There's a grand total of 0 available women in my age group. Two really great ones overall (in completely different ways), but both married.


I guess I should get out more, but it's too much work.


And now, back to your regularly scheduled shaggy thread.

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Can't be any worse than where I work with my longish but neat hair. There's a grand total of 0 available women in my age group and none of them prefer my hair type. Two really great ones overall (in completely different ways), but both married to men with short hair.


I guess I should get out more, but it's too much work in addition to my deep conditioning treatment scheduled today.


And now, back to your regularly scheduled shaggy thread.


The italic parts I added should make your post on topic!

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What about spiked hair? Spiked hair can be short[brushcut] or grown longer,but still spiked.I like my hair spiked,sort of a grown out brushcut..Being spiked it has the advantages of short hair[easy to take care of,face more visible]without the disadvantages.

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Long hair can work. This is one of my favorite looks from back in the day of mid20s-land. Dyed reddish blonde hair, grown out I think.... 11 months at that point? It can work, but you just have to work it.


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That's actually a good length for you, Hex. You should have kept it.


I dunno, maybe I'll grow my hair to that length? I sort of had something similar going a few months back, but once again, I let my hair grow and get out of control.

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