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whats the worst excuse you've ever had from a cheater?


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my wife said....


'If you were being better to me I wouldn't have.'


'it's my fault'


'you hurt me for so many years...I didn't say anything, but I should have.'


...cheaters will say anything except




'I messed up'

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"She's just a friend" - After I found out he'd spent new years eve alone with her whilst pretending he was alone.


"She's just a friend" - After I found pics of the her sat on his lap, touching him and kissing him on the cheek.


"She's just a friend" - After I caught them leaving his flat early in the morning after he'd told me he was round at his parents.


He's never admitted the truth (sigh)

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my wife said....


'If you were being better to me I wouldn't have.'


'it's my fault'


'you hurt me for so many years...I didn't say anything, but I should have.'


...cheaters will say anything except




'I messed up'


Outside of the cheating she did, was she right?

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Outside of the cheating she did, was she right?


not sure what you mean...'was she right'


...was I not being the best husband I could have been...


nope, I fully admit I failed in areas I didn't know I was failing...


after the affair she told me all the things I was doing wrong....did I change YES! Did I learn from the experience? Yes!


In some ways the affair was a good thing....I learned some of the areas that I was failing...and made those changes.


The relationship was over even though we tried to glue the pieces back together...


...she should have just told me all the areas I wasn't stepping up to so I could have made the changes and we could have been still married.


...instead her answer was to have an affair...then when caught cry about how I made her....


I also learned to step up and do the right thing even when it's difficult to do.


There is NEVER a good excuse to cheat.....break up...or go have professional help...but cheating is never acceptable.


one thing people reading this will note is that....cheaters will never own up to making a mistake...


I never heard...I'm sorry....

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"She's just a friend" - After I found out he'd spent new years eve alone with her whilst pretending he was alone.


"She's just a friend" - After I found pics of the her sat on his lap, touching him and kissing him on the cheek.


"She's just a friend" - After I caught them leaving his flat early in the morning after he'd told me he was round at his parents.


He's never admitted the truth (sigh)


I guess no guy in this world will ever tell you the truth that he is indeed cheating.

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"She came on to me" "She pursued me"....


Moron! I guess his "No" button was broken. I am so glad he is out of my life.


...oh, and the best line when I suspected something was going on was: "She's just a friend, you need to get over your insecurities and stop making mountains out of molehills...maybe you should talk to a therapist" Really?? You think??? Jerk!


Again, I am so glad he is out of my life. YAY!!!!

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My ex stated (when banged to rights) that 'an evil spirit invaded my body and it wasn't me'.


I'm sorry, but that make me laugh out loud! How ridiculous.



...cheaters will say anything except




'I messed up'


cheaters will never own up to making a mistake...


^ Sorry Baily, I'd have to disagree. Some do feel remoreseful and own up.


...oh, and the best line when I suspected something was going on was: "She's just a friend, you need to get over your insecurities and stop making mountains out of molehills...maybe you should talk to a therapist" Really?? You think??? Jerk!


WOW I heard the same things so many times! They try to make YOU out to be the crazy one! It's really insulting.




As for me - "my parents are pressuring me to get engaged to this girl". Which was never true, it was just some girl he started to like and hang out with/talk to behind my back. No parents or talks of engagement were involved. I think he said that to prepare leaving me. Even if it WERE true, is he not man enough to make his own decisions? He was telling me for more than 2 years that he wants to marry me. But he could NEVER step up to the plate. How pathetic.

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"I was depressed, and she was there for me. She saved my life!"


Funny, I didn't feel indebted to her for "saving" my husband's life. I guess the fact that I strong armed him into getting therapy and depression medication after his father died did not count as life saving. Maybe it is easier to be grateful for smaller things when you are shagging the person.

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"I was depressed, and she was there for me. She saved my life!"
How insulting..... so he prefers another woman to save him than his wife and what about the vows he took that day he got married to you??

Hopefully you left him... who would want to be consider as last dish esp. someone claiming to be saved by someone else?? Disgusting......:sad:

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My ex claimed that it was identity fraud - that someone who stole his identity (referencing credit card fraud) - and used his e-mail or e-mail screen name when soliciting escorts online and when writing detailed escort reviews. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

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My ex claimed that it was identity fraud - that someone who stole his identity (referencing credit card fraud) - and used his e-mail or e-mail screen name when soliciting escorts online and when writing detailed escort reviews. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
LOL... looks like a bad written movie from the 90's....
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My ex claimed that it was identity fraud - that someone who stole his identity (referencing credit card fraud) - and used his e-mail or e-mail screen name when soliciting escorts online and when writing detailed escort reviews. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL


Oh yeah, that one ranks right up there with "I let my friend use my account (borrow my card), or whatever", riiiiight.

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I had read this online about the wacky excuses some cheaters may use sometimes. The sad thing is, this story was true


Check this, a woman suspects her husband of stepping out. He was out 'jogging' and she decides to 'drop by' a certian someone's house. This certain someone has a world stopping look on her face when she happens by. She marches up the stairs to the bedroom. She sees nothing when she opens the door, but then starts searching the room. She opens the closet door, and there is her hubby, in his boxers hiding in the closet.

What does he say?


"You are having a dream, this is only a nightmare, you're asleep and this isn't really happening!"


Well, it was creative at the very least.

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"I was depressed, and she was there for me. She saved my life!"



Nöööö. It should be: I was depressed & she fired up my sparks. Therefore she saved my life because i can't stop thinking about her.


Then these people thinks that they are 'in love'... with the other.


Sad truth of how selfish (some) human beings can be.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I had read this online about the wacky excuses some cheaters may use sometimes. The sad thing is, this story was true


Check this, a woman suspects her husband of stepping out. He was out 'jogging' and she decides to 'drop by' a certian someone's house. This certain someone has a world stopping look on her face when she happens by. She marches up the stairs to the bedroom. She sees nothing when she opens the door, but then starts searching the room. She opens the closet door, and there is her hubby, in his boxers hiding in the closet.

What does he say?


"You are having a dream, this is only a nightmare, you're asleep and this isn't really happening!"


Well, it was creative at the very least.

LOL... yeah that one wins a 1st place noble peace prize for creativity... only it's still lame.
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My ex also used the identity fraud thing, because I found evidence online. He actually said someone must have hacked into his account on this forum he used, because they all had it in for him ????? and to get at him they wanted to get at me because they knew I'd find it? * * *


'I did get in a taxi with her but she got out at her house and I got out at my house'. Yeah right.


'She was following me around all night, even when I went to the toilet she'd be right outside the door!!'


'I was drunk'


'You were hanging out with guys and I thought you were screwing around on me' (in our LDR)


'I just liked the attention I guess'


My lame-arse ex lied to me time and time again until finally I'd had enough and left him. Best thing I ever did as I am now with a wonderful man

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