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I'm 20 and never dated. And I'm DESPERATE

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Hi everyone. I'm new and I just wanted to share with all of you my concerns.


I am 20 years old and I've never dated, kissed or anything. I feel terrible because I've never dated and I want to date desperately. But the reason why I feel so bad is because I don't have hopes of dating (at least that's how I feel).


I did high school through home schooling. thereforeeee, I have ZERO friends. I rarely go out and when I go out it's with my sister. Me and my sister have only one car thereforeeee I can't ever go out by myself. Oh, also my parents are over protective. And I am also studying to become an earlly childhood teacher. thereforeeee, there are no guys at all in any of my classes at the university.


I feel like i will never be able to date because I simply don't have contact with males at all. And even if I did, I am very shy, old fashioned, and simply unskilled in this thing of dating, and flirting.


I also feel bad because I feel like I don't look my age. I am 20 years old, but people think I'm like 17 or 18 and sometimes even younger.


I really want to date. I want to know how it feels to love and be loved and just care for that other person.


Finally, I don't consider myself attractive. And I have like a mustache so I feel like I won't ever be able to date cause of this. HELP!!!!!!!


Even if I get a guy's number how in the world will we go on a date? My parents will ask me why I want to go out by myself.



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Ok im going to give you an enotalone makeover lol

1-your 20 years old in school making something of yourself and old enough to make your own decisions

2-mustache well never had one but you can get it waxed off or something wear make up

3-be cofident get dressed up and start going out finding friends even if your parents think its not such a good idea tell them this is something you need to do for yourself to be happy

4-in order to date you have to be around ppl and staying home all the time is not good anyway so start talking to ppl everywhere you get out and can go make friends have fun

5-go shopping get some new clothes shoes makeup whatever make yourself over and feel confident and oh yes try to get to a club to dance some of your frustrations away

6-Why is it that you feel you need to date at this point in time?Why do you want to get out so bad?Only you know the answers to those ?'s so get out there and answer them girl have fun ~

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Well, first off. Don't feel bad about not dating any one yet. It is fine to do that. May I point out that I think your parents need to step off. You are twenty years of age. You may want to consider moving out and finding a job while continuing to study. And if you feel that terrible about having a mustache razors are suprisingly easy to buy and use. I buy them {of course I'm a guy.... Can I ask if you picked your choice of career. Or was that more for your parents? because if it was for your parents you really shouldn't be there.


Another reason I say get a job is because of the simple reasoning that you will come into contact with guys who might be interested in you there. Even if it isnt somewere fancy.


Trust me, you would be a lot better off if you saved up enough $$$ to buy a car and get your own place. Your parents seem like they care a great deal about you, and if they really want to help you support yourself they might aid you financialy. Because the fact is it isnt healthy to have to rely on your parents all the time at your age.


I know being home schooled it seems scary {I used to be homeschooled also BTW} but it really isnt that bad being on your own.


PM me if you need to talk

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As for never been with a guy and your 20....wow dont feel bad about it at all. I am almost 24 and never had a g/f. If you want to get out there and meet guys I suggest joining some kind of activity that you have an interest in...it could be anything really. It isnt always easy to go out and make new friends but the effort it takes is well worth it. Goodluck

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How old is your sis? If she's older than you, she should be able to help you out with this stuff assuming she's already most likely experienced it.


OK. advice, 1st is wax. 2nd, you must do something for fun... go to the beach, shop, etc.? These are excellent places to meet guys. Go out, smile a lot, have fun, be friendly, and the guys will come up to you. Wearing something really attractive also works miracles.

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Dear glittergirl,I cannot give you any practical help because I'm in the same situation except that I'm a guy. I'm turning 20 this year and I've never gone on a date. But if it makes you feel any better,I get attracted to girls your type. Maybe because I am able to empathize with such girls or vice versa. I cannot give you advice because I am as lost as you are. Oh and don't worry about the mustache. A real guy would love you for who you are once he gets to know you. As the others said,you could try waxing or shaving it off. So the first impression does not turn him off.

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Ya dont worry glitter as for me the same as lonely i am just as lost and confused as u guys and have never been on a date.I dotn know how to be around girls or know anything about getting to know some i am just a very lost youngster.So just look at all these people who r just like you and maybe u vcan get the confidence to talk to that "special someone" like im trying too gl!

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Hi ya'll. I just wanted to tell you that glitter I feel the same way. I noticed that you haven't had all that many replies, however, check out the one about the 24 year-old who has never dated - you may find many helpful replies there. It is on this same forum page. I am 21, and a girl, and I have never dated too. All my friends have had 3 or more boyfriends,and my litte cousins kissed boys before me. I guess what helps me is that I am not the only one like me, and that it just takes one - as cliche and corny as that sounds. All my friends have broken up with their boyfriends, and once they do they are in the same position as me.

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- Something I've heard is, girls with mustaches have a much better sex life than others because of that extra jolt of testosterone.

... makes for a witty comeback if someone stupid makes fun of it.


- Maybe try a drama class or working as a waitress or other "outgoing" jobs where you might have to come out of your shell a bit and work with people.


- Go to various church events to find people with similar backgrounds.




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