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woman with wandering panties


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HI, I'm 28 years old and recently married to a wonderful guy who treats me very well. The problem is that since I took my vows, my extra-cirricular sex drive has gone into over drive. Since x-mas I have slept with two of my ex-boyfriends and have had naughty dreams about another friend. I relish the thrill of long, hungry kisses that one usually only gets from a new or forbidden lover. Though my deeds haunt me, I don't want to confess for fear of losing my partner. I do love him. However, I don't see my desires and behaviour changing much. Am I a thrill junkie? Am I a monster? What is wrong with me? Please help.


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Well, its gonna come out sooner or later, your playing with fire, unless your new husband is into swinging, your both gonna get hurt.


If your hooked on danger, you may want to try risky sex with your husband, you know, elevator, janitors storage, in a movie theater. mile high club,.


Im totally against cheating, and casual sex with someone i dont even know really doesnt ring my bell, but making love to a person that loves me, now that is something exciting, the pleasure of pleasing the woman I love is an experience un matched by any other, trust, loyalty, and fidelity are still important in a good relationship. but then thats my opinion.

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Hi Celeste,


No, you are you. What you feel is not a bad thing. Women reach their peak level of sex drive when they are 30. Some 'peak' more than others.


However, what you do to yourself and your husband doesn't seem very right to me. I am always for being open and communicative, although I do see and fully understand your problem. In other words I am with Gilgamesh here and I hope you will find a way to please both your sex drive and your husband. I would suggest that you communicate your needs and desires towards him, to see if things get resolved with him.


I wish you good luck.


~ SwingFox ~

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I am with these guys here, regarding opinion.


Casual sex to me has never been the right thing to do. The post effects of guilt and trauma is not worth those hours of pleasure. It's worse if you are married or attached.


What you can do is to curb those urges. Think twice before you let lust or passion overwhelm you. We are constantly barraged with a million things in our daily lives. It's how we discipline ourselves that's important.


Be cool and take out your sexual passions on your husband instead. Create some new 'bedroom stories'. I am sure he will be more than happy....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Your behaviour is going to lead to your husband being hurt and most likely lead to divorce. A danger that you may be ignoring is that you may contact a serious Std (sexually transmitted disease) like aids, hepatiitis, etc which you may transfer to your innocent husband. Protected sex is no gurarantee to preventing a veneral disease. Condoms can break or be defective. Even oral sex can exchange body liquids. The point is that you are playing russian roulette with not only your life but with your husband's. My advice is to stop behaving in this destructive manner. However, if you are unwilling to do so don't get pregnant. The chances are that you will end up divorced. A child deserves a stable home and does not need to see their mother involved with one man after another.

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Thank you all for your responses. I think I was just going through a faze in response to getting married - something i thought I would never do. I want to keep my partner more than my sexual freedom, and am working out ways to exhaust my uneasiness at being a married feminist. Thanks again for your help......I really appreciate it. Celeste

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  • 3 months later...

I have a recurring dream: i am always being lured into a room by an attractive girl. I tell her its not right because I am with somebody but she is not deterred and she undresses and starts touching me and then I can't controll it any longer. the woman is always someone I know but can be different people. I know after waking that these women are connected because the possability of sex with them is very real. Anyway back to the dream. After it is over the dream suddenly turns into a nightmare. I have horrible feelings of regret and the thought of never being able to take back what has been done swrirls furiously in my head. I eventually always wake feeling uneasy but very relieved it did not happen. I don't know exactly how much this has to do with your situation except to say that we are all only human. You are obviously feeling bad about what has been done and these feelings are eating away at you. I will say this. If you think it would end a relationship that is very special to you then you should stop this behavior. you should make a choice. I also feel weird saying this but I would not tell him. Accept your mistake and put it behind you. You are not the only one who has ever slipped up. Although I don't know your husband I think that if he finds out he may never get over it. I know I wouldn't. I don't say that to scare you or be mean but it's the truth. I would rather not know. As long as it ends here.

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PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, do your husband a favor and leave him ASAP. This all will catch up to you and him one day, and it'll destroy him and all of his future relationships. He will be extremely hurt and he'll develop deep insecurities that could take years to repair, if they can be repaired. Why the hell did you get married if you still had these feelings to cheat and be promiscuous? Women like you disgust me!!!!! '


We're not talking about a b/f, g/f relationship; we're talking about a marriage that should be taken seriously. I hope you do feel guilty about what you're doing to your poor husband. You got a good man there that you do NOT deserve, and you're going to come around and have sex with your ex-boyfriends? Just do him the favor and leave and live your promiscuous life and have sex with all the freakin guys you want to.


I know some people will be upset by my negative post, but how else can I get through to you? LEAVE!!

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