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please help me, i think my GF might be pregnant


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I have a long distance relationship with my GF. 2 days ago i got back from a week long visit with her. about 2 days b4 my visit, she started her period, but it was over in the middle of my visit. on one of the nights we had sex, she was worred because she had got a little sperm on/near the surface of her vagina. 2 days later we bought plan B, and she took it that day. ive read that you can take plan B up to 5 days after sex.


just today she told me that she had a brown discharge. we read that you can have these after your period, and its normal, but she has never had one aside this time. we also read that if the discharge has blood splots in it, she may be pregnant. she isnt an expert at identifying the color/details of her discharge, and she didnt save it, so we cant really get another look to observe it better.


if she has never normally had a brown discharge after her period, i really have little hope. could anyone give thier opinion on this? if i could know for sure earlier on, it would make figuring out how i am going to handle this easier. rigth now i am a college student, and i have very little money. i dont think i can pay for an abortion without help from my parents. if either of our parents find out she is pregnant, they will likely force us apart.

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Did you have unprotected sex? Or were you just a little messy?


If you didn't actually finish inside of her, and she took Plan B, there is a good chance she isn't pregnant. Plan B messes with your cycle big time. My friend took it and got her period way earlier than usual.


Perhaps you two should use the pill and/or condoms in the future to avoid such scares.

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Like the others have said Plan B can completely change your cycle, when you get it, what its like, how long it lasts, etc.

In addition, every now and then I have a period COMPLETELY out of the ordinary. Once when I thought I could be pregnant I also had brown discharge (never had it before either), but eventually got my period and everything was fine..

We are not magical and can not tell if your gf is pregnant, only a test will actually tell but most likely you are fine.

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