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After watching a documentary last night, I learned about this amazing treatment for specific drug addictions that induces the user into an intense psychological state that has been claimed to be similar to a near-death experience.


Now, I have no true addictions; I smoke a lot of weed but besides that I don't have a reliance on any substances. However, I would like some sort of wake-up call to get myself to get moving. I am lazy, and I don't have the willpower to change my habits. I've been reading self-help books, but applying actual thinking methods, affirmations, etc. to my own life has not been successful in aiding my depression.


Ibogaine is not legal in the United States, I would have to fly to Mexico for treatment. I am willing to do so; the particular risk of this drug is that some people have died while on it, but there is no specific reason as to why (i.e. overdose, low body weight, organ malfunctions, etc.)


I really would like to experience this, I'm willing to risk my life for it. I doubt my parents would really approve, but I can fund the trip to Mexico myself. Does anybody have any experience or know anybody who has ever done this? I would really appreciate some input. Thanks!

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This seems like an unnecessarily dramatic step to take when basically, you're too lazy to change your life yourself, you don't even have any major addictions, but you'd like to try this potentially fatal and illegal therapy because it might give you a 'wake-up call'?


Sure, if by wake-up call you mean you might die. And then hopefully you'll realise how ridiculous it is to risk your life just because you haven't got the willpower to effect change in your own life.


Have you tried to do anything to change your life besides reading a couple of books?

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This seems like an unnecessarily dramatic step to take when basically, you're too lazy to change your life yourself, you don't even have any major addictions, but you'd like to try this potentially fatal and illegal therapy because it might give you a 'wake-up call'?


Sure, if by wake-up call you mean you might die. And then hopefully you'll realise how ridiculous it is to risk your life just because you haven't got the willpower to effect change in your own life.


Have you tried to do anything to change your life besides reading a couple of books?


Therapy, hypnotherapy, various anti-depressants and dietary supplements, meditation, etc.


I must add, the chances of ME dying from this drug are slim; from my understanding its generally people with pre-existing medical conditions of some sort.

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I'm pretty sure that drug is meant for hard core, severely addicted folks with addictions such as heroine addiction. Physical addiction.


Weed is not a physical addiction, so to go through all that hoping to "purge" yourself of it would be useless.


It's concerning you would say you are willing to risk your life over something like this. Because you smoke weed?

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The weed isn't the concern. The primary reason I want to try Ibogaine is because I feel like it would completely renew my sense of gratefulness. I have trouble feeling thankful for what I have, because I have had it for so long it is hard to even imagine myself without it. I know maybe I should volunteer, but the fact is I don't want to have to dedicate myself to an organization so I can volunteer. I just want to be happy, and I feel like this might help me jump-start myself in the right direction.

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The weed isn't the concern. The primary reason I want to try Ibogaine is because I feel like it would completely renew my sense of gratefulness. I have trouble feeling thankful for what I have, because I have had it for so long it is hard to even imagine myself without it. I know maybe I should volunteer, but the fact is I don't want to have to dedicate myself to an organization so I can volunteer. I just want to be happy, and I feel like this might help me jump-start myself in the right direction.


You could take a survival course and learn to appreciate all the creature comforts you have.

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The weed isn't the concern. The primary reason I want to try Ibogaine is because I feel like it would completely renew my sense of gratefulness. I have trouble feeling thankful for what I have, because I have had it for so long it is hard to even imagine myself without it. I know maybe I should volunteer, but the fact is I don't want to have to dedicate myself to an organization so I can volunteer. I just want to be happy, and I feel like this might help me jump-start myself in the right direction.


Perhaps you have little in your life worth feeling overly grateful for?


I don't know, I don't think ordinary people consciously take a look around every single day and feel grateful. Sometimes when something good happens, or if we're just having a nice day maybe. But whatever you're looking to achieve, this drug is not the answer. As someone else said, it's meant to be for actual addicts - it's not targeted towards what you're trying to get out of it. And since it's not likely to have a life-changing effect on you, because you're not an addict, what are you expecting to come of this?


When I asked what have you done to change, you listed therapies and drugs mainly. What I meant was, have you actually done anything? Like gone out into the world and engaged in an activity that changes the course of your life?


Any idiot can take pills and breathe deeply. If the problem is that you find it hard to get motivated, these methods are going to become elaborate forms of procrastination. You already seem to have a handle on what your problems are - the issue is, you're looking to fix them without doing anything that requires actual thought and effort.


I understand change is scary. And I get why taking a drug that you hope will magically kickstart your attitude would seem attractive. But the chances are, you're not going to get anything out of this, apart from a wasted trip and possibly a health risk. Do you have any medical reason to think this drug could change your entire mental attitude? This whole scheme just sounds like a big way of avoiding doing something real.


Seriously, get out there and do something with yourself. Stop thinking about it and finding new ways to analyse how you feel. You must have a passion or a career you'd like to pursue?

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I totally agree with you in every way. BUT, I feel no point in making effort to help myself; I feel as if it will be useless for some reason. I have no motivation to change my habits for myself, the only reason would be to eventually get a girlfriend and or sex, but I need to be able to change myself FOR myself, not for someone else. I'm stuck in a cycle of waking up, going to school/work, going to gym (its becoming less and less), jerking off (A LOT), sleep. I guess there's books/movies/music and I try to play instruments, but everything I do is only in hopes of "achieving" the love of another person. I've tried to gain happiness for myself, but I don't care about myself.

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I can tell you, everything anyone does is in some small part based on attracting the opposite sex. Some things, sure, we do them because we like to, like playing an instrument, but things like getting a job and having a fulfilling life - we want to attract someone, and being a lazy bum doesn't go far in that direction.


Wanting to be with someone is a completely legit reason for getting better - think of it more as.... you'd like to change yourself to change the way the world views you, women included.

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I know I may come accross as harsh, but it is not my intention..


But it sounds to me that you may need a counselor or something along those lines..


It's not normal for you to be wanting such drastic measures to have a "wake-up call".


We all need wake up calls some time in our lives, but it will happen when it happens..


You don't need to take a potentially fatal drug to make you do that. You don't need to take ANY drugs.


May I ask how old you are? I'm assuming your in your teens...and if so, being lazy and not having any motivation is normal. It's harder on teens than most people think. You're entering the world..you have to learn how to fend for yourself..pay bills..get a job, etc. We all have beent here. So for you to think that you need a harmful drug to motivate yourself IS NOT the answer.



You say you want a girlfriend? Let that be your motivation alone! Find little things. You want a new shiny gadget? Car? Radio? ANYTHING! Let that be your motivation.


Drugs will not solve the problems you face. Everyone goes through a stage of no motivation. You will slowly come out of it.


Just don't resort to drugs...it's never the right choice. Ever.

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On second thought, I've decided by the time summer rolls around I probably will end up trying it if I have the funds for it. I just started involving myself in stuff a little more (got a job + an extra fun class outside of college) but still feel stuck in this disgusting cycle. I probably still need to do more stuff but aside from having to do homework or practicing instruments I'm exhausted.


I think this drug would actually be helpful for somebody in my situation, and like I said death would be so unlikely for me, so that risk doesn't even matter.

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i know what it's like to have zero motivation to get your life together. but you some how HAVE to do something. i suggest talking to a therapist. they can help you acquire some skills to help you control your behavior more and they will monitor you and hold you accountable.

you probably shouldn't smoke a lot of weed, any thing like that in excess can't be good.

how is your diet?

do you like your job?

how old are you?

are you in college or university?

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How would it be helpful for you if it's not meant to be used by people in your situation? What basis do you have for believing it would have the desired effect, since you're not a severe addict?


I have a pretty bad masturbation/porn addiction... sure it isn't a drug, but as long as I have access to my computer (which is ALWAYS) I don't really know how I would stop it, besides using the self-discipline I obviously lack.


i know what it's like to have zero motivation to get your life together. but you some how HAVE to do something. i suggest talking to a therapist. they can help you acquire some skills to help you control your behavior more and they will monitor you and hold you accountable.

you probably shouldn't smoke a lot of weed, any thing like that in excess can't be good.

how is your diet?

do you like your job?

how old are you?

are you in college or university?


I saw a therapist for a while and it honestly didn't really help. I'm trying to stop smoking, I have been pretty good about it. I've been trying to alter my diet and make it healthier, less fats and sugars and more nutriton... also have been taking vitamins and fish oil. I do like my job right now. I'm 18 and I go to a university.


I think a big problem is I don't really know what I want to major in yet, I am afraid to choose one and lock myself into a position even though I can change it later. I just don't want to bother getting accepted into one program and then changing my mind so I'm trying to figure out what I want to do.

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