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Am I shallow?


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Ya the blood thing can be a big turn off, but what would you do if you got involved in a relationship, fell in love, then she broke the news to you that you would be her first, what then?


Guess we either do it in shower or take a shower together afterwards. Also doesn't it hurt for women the first time?

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You don't have to have sex when she's on the period.


I could pull a douche, and say 'Whoops, I think I came too hard.'


You might not know she's about to get her period when you begin having sex. Why not think of a virgin as a girl who might get her period as a result of sex?


I'm pretty sure it's not the blood you have a problem with, you might want to think about that.

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just because she's a virgin doesn't mean she will bleed. If she is aroused, properly lubricated, and you warm her up and don't try to push in before her body and her are ready, then she probably won't bleed.


How do women get lubed up?


And before you ask, I raw dog it when jacking off. Never have used any lube in my life.

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If she is aroused, like if you've been kissing a lot, or there's been some foreplay, then her vagina will secrete a natural lubricant. If she is nervous or you're going straight in without anything, she'll be dry, and then it will hurt. You can also buy lube at any drugstore. It's most important on the outside of her vagina, on the labia and the clit.

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I dunno, dude...that's like me saying I would never have sex with a guy who's a virgin because he might orgasm too quickly. Lame.


A little education might help as well...not ALL women bleed their first time (I didn't until later in the night, and it was a teeny tiny little droplet). And not all women feel pain the first time.


And yes, many women start their periods in the middle of sex. In fact, a woman's period is often prompted by sexual activity. No matter what you do, I guarantee you won't be able to 100% avoid blood being combined with sex at some point in your life.


Plus, if you're having sex with a girl for the first time you'll (hopefully!) be wearing a condom. It's not like the blood would be touching you.

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lol, i wouldn't call you exactly a virgin.


look - it depends on her experience. many women finger themselves or use a vibrator so you may not even hurt her at all! or have any blood. just depends on her experiences.


Oh, I am. But I've seen stuff, heard stuff, and have a dirty mind. Just never done anything with a woman.

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Oh, I am. But I've seen stuff, heard stuff, and have a dirty mind. Just never done anything with a woman.


Then how would you know you'd faint at the surprise sight of period blood?


If you can't handle blood coming from a woman's vagina, you shouldn't be having sex. You can choose to not have sex with a woman who's on her period (plenty of men are like that), but if you're afraid of sleeping with a virgin based on the fact that she MAY bleed, it just seems a little immature to me.

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