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I wonder how much of the fear towards Gardasil is because of its connection with sex? There seems to be a lot of "my daughter is not getting it because she's not going to be sexually active until she's x age."


How come no one says this about the Hep B vaccine? Its main mode of transmission is through unprotected sex. And the length of time of protection with the vaccine is unknown. Yet people don't hesitate to give it to their kids. How often do you hear "my kid isn't getting the hep b vaccine because he's not ready for sex"?


I understand the concerns surrounding the safety of the vaccine, but this is besides that.

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i know, and trust me, it pisses me off. there is a lot more money into developing drugs you have to take every single day (lipitor, for example) than for antibiotics. I have talked to drug executives. they tell me they are trying, it's just hard. oh well.


the FDA is a government agency, however, and is not for profit.


what i do know is that for every drug on the market, 100 drugs were tried and only 10 made it to phase 1 clinical trials and only 1 of those were able to make it on the market. what you're mainly paying for is future development of drugs and treatments.


'curing cancer' is not so easy.


LOL I dont see why tho. Why cant we cure cancer...we can do sooo many things that seemed impossible. Sorry to go ot


I want to trust these ppl 100%. I really do...but when my mother goes seriously in debt to find out why she's breaking out in something like hives (best way to described it sorry) for YEARS, and no doctor can figure out what it is...then my faith weakens. And not just that, but many things that happen and they cant seem to figure out what it is....but hey, they've seen it before. lol

And why is it we can buy some of these drugs from Mexico, and Canada for pennies...when they cost us a fortune over here?


I'm also not sold on all of these vaccines being 'safe'.

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Better question:


Why do you keep using the word "scientists" to account for the people on Earth who have been successfully vaccinated and kept from harm? You seem to have a grudge about health and science professionals, which is why people are zeroing in on you.


So this makes it ok to call me irrational and stupid? Nice. Calling me irrational and stupid is what I am insensed about.

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I wonder how much of the fear towards Gardasil is because of its connection with sex? There seems to be a lot of "my daughter is not getting it because she's not going to be sexually active until she's x age."


How come no one says this about the Hep B vaccine? Its main mode of transmission is through unprotected sex. And the length of time of protection with the vaccine is unknown. Yet people don't hesitate to give it to their kids. How often do you hear "my kid isn't getting the hep b vaccine because he's not ready for sex"?


I understand the concerns surrounding the safety of the vaccine, but this is besides that.


This is a good question. I know for sure my parents didn't expect me to have sex when I did..but this vaccine wasn't available when I was younger..but I highly doubt my parents would've.

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I wonder how much of the fear towards Gardasil is because of its connection with sex? There seems to be a lot of "my daughter is not getting it because she's not going to be sexually active until she's x age."


How come no one says this about the Hep B vaccine? Its main mode of transmission is through unprotected sex. And the length of time of protection with the vaccine is unknown. Yet people don't hesitate to give it to their kids. How often do you hear "my kid isn't getting the hep b vaccine because he's not ready for sex"?


I understand the concerns surrounding the safety of the vaccine, but this is besides that.


Is there a segment of society being refused the hep b vaccine based on their age and the presumption of pre-exposure? If so it would be the first I've heard.

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I wonder how much of the fear towards Gardasil is because of its connection with sex? There seems to be a lot of "my daughter is not getting it because she's not going to be sexually active until she's x age."


How come no one says this about the Hep B vaccine? Its main mode of transmission is through unprotected sex. And the length of time of protection with the vaccine is unknown. Yet people don't hesitate to give it to their kids. How often do you hear "my kid isn't getting the hep b vaccine because he's not ready for sex"?


I understand the concerns surrounding the safety of the vaccine, but this is besides that.


Because recently, there has been more fear about vaccines compared to when the Hep B vaccines came out.

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So this makes it ok to call me irrational and stupid? Nice. Calling me irrational and stupid is what I am insensed about.


Like grey said, if you're going to dish it, don't play a victim. No one said any of those things to you.


Do I think your choice not to vaccinate your child is rational? No.

Does that make you an irrational person? Not necessarily.

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Believe it or not there are people in this world who insist the earth is flat, and that aliens regularly visit this planet and abduct them for medical experiments, and that all the species of this earth are here because 2 of each one were put on a big wooden boat (including every type of dinosaur) along with enough food for all of them for about a month and a half.


People believe weird things.


Careful there...dont go so far as to trash others beliefs.


WHY CANT WE STAY ON TOPIC, AND GIVE VIC A LITTLE BREAK? I think she understands everyones view on this,

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Is there a segment of society being refused the hep b vaccine based on their age? If so it would be the first I've heard.


The reason these segments of the population (men and over 26) are not being targeted is because they haven't completed trials on them. However, I know of nurses and doctors who have given their sons the vaccine regardless of this. I also know that some older women are being given the vaccine if they ask for it. It's just not highly recommended because there's a good chance they've already had HPV after that age. That would mean it was pointless. If you were a 30 year old virgin and went to your doctor about it, then I'm sure they wouldn't hesitate. The company just can't say everyone can have it without doing the tests on every segment of the population.


edit: I'm talking about on label and off label uses here, if that was confusing.

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Like grey said, if you're going to dish it, don't play a victim. No one said any of those things to you.


Do I think your choice not to vaccinate your child is rational? No.

Does that make you an irrational person? Not necessarily.


Oh rreally? I recall someone telling me I had no medical degree so I know nothing by inference. I am not being a victim I am telling people to not be freakin rude.

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I have to wonder about people that live in 3rd world countries where these vaccinations are not readily available. How do you think they feel when their children get one of these diseases?


Until these areas overcome their sanitation, safe health practice and hygienic issues, which are gargantuan (and the means for spreading any disease), we cannot have a meaningful conversation about the eradication of the root causes of epidemics.

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Oh rreally? I recall someone telling me I had no medical degree so I know nothing by inference. I am not being a victim I am telling people to not be freakin rude.


Please post it, then. I don't recall someone saying you know nothing.

I do recall stating that having a valid opinion on a medical topic and an education in the subject correlate.


I cannot say anything categorically about engineering because I am not trained. Even if someone tells me things about it, I don't know more about it than an engineer. Not rude, just true.

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The reason these segments of the population (men and over 26) are not being targeted is because they haven't completed trials on them. However, I know of nurses and doctors who have given their sons the vaccine regardless of this. I also know that some older women are being given the vaccine if they ask for it. It's just not highly recommended because there's a good chance they've already had HPV after that age. That would mean it was pointless. If you were a 30 year old virgin and went to your doctor about it, then I'm sure they wouldn't hesitate. The company just can't say everyone can have it without doing the tests on every segment of the population.


edit: I'm talking about on label and off label uses here, if that was confusing.


Bingo, and I do not want to give medicine to my child which hasn't been thoroughly tested.

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Until these areas overcome their sanitation, safe health practice and hygienic issues, which are gargantuan (and the means for spreading any disease), we cannot have a meaningful conversation about the eradication of the root causes of epidemics.


One of the few posts in this thread that makes sense.

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I can understand why Victoria is so skeptical about the medication system, vaccines and such. She has had to deal with it.


I am on lots of medications for my asthma and some of my medications, as it is starting to come out, has some serious side affects. But, for now, I continue taking those meds and hope for the best with the side effects because that med helps me with my breathing.


I have also been in the position where doctors tell me (even with 2nd opinions) that a certain surgery will take care of a problem. I get the surgery and the surgery got botched and DOESN'T take care of the problem but cause a whole HOST of problems.


Medicine has come a long way, but it still is not perfect and can have some scary side-effects

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Please post it, then. I don't recall someone saying you know nothing.

I do recall stating that having a valid opinion on a medical topic and an education in the subject correlate.


I cannot say anything categorically about engineering because I am not trained. Even if someone tells me things about it, I don't know more about it than an engineer. Not rude, just true.


Then tell me why avman had to make note to tell people to leave out the attacks. Most people did not attack me and that is fine. Others did and I am surprised at THAT.

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LOL I dont see why tho. Why cant we cure cancer...we can do sooo many things that seemed impossible. Sorry to go ot


I want to trust these ppl 100%. I really do...but when my mother goes seriously in debt to find out why she's breaking out in something like hives (best way to described it sorry) for YEARS, and no doctor can figure out what it is...then my faith weakens. And not just that, but many things that happen and they cant seem to figure out what it is....but hey, they've seen it before. lol

And why is it we can buy some of these drugs from Mexico, and Canada for pennies...when they cost us a fortune over here?


I'm also not sold on all of these vaccines being 'safe'.


Cancer can be cured. There are many different types of cancers with different prognosis's and many have treatments that can effectively get rid of cancer.


There are rare diseases that doctors don't know much about, but there are many common ones that can be easily cured. I'm am sorry about what happened to your mother, but it is no reason to be cynical of the whole medical profession as a whole.


The advances in medical science have cured many fatal diseases that we would have experienced in the past. We don't have to worry about getting smallpox anymore and infections that used to kill people in the past can be cured by taking a pill now.

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I can understand why Victoria is so skeptical about the medication system, vaccines and such. She has had to deal with it.


I am on lots of medications for my asthma and some of my medications, as it is starting to come out, has some serious side affects. But, for now, I continue taking those meds and hope for the best with the side effects because that med helps me with my breathing.


I have also been in the position where doctors tell me (even with 2nd opinions) that a certain surgery will take care of a problem. I get the surgery and the surgery got botched and DOESN'T take care of the problem but cause a whole HOST of problems.


Medicine has come a long way, but it still is not perfect and can have some scary side-effects



I agree with you; however, you cannot deny that it has helped many people.

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LOL I dont see why tho. Why cant we cure cancer...we can do sooo many things that seemed impossible. Sorry to go ot


I want to trust these ppl 100%. I really do...but when my mother goes seriously in debt to find out why she's breaking out in something like hives (best way to described it sorry) for YEARS, and no doctor can figure out what it is...then my faith weakens. And not just that, but many things that happen and they cant seem to figure out what it is....but hey, they've seen it before. lol

And why is it we can buy some of these drugs from Mexico, and Canada for pennies...when they cost us a fortune over here?


I'm also not sold on all of these vaccines being 'safe'.



A very big reason why medical care is so expensive here is because of the malpractice suits. Try to sue someone in mexico over how a certain medicine made you fat. They'd laugh at you.

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