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I think that virginity has different meanings for different people. Some people treasure it while others dont. Personally whatever each individual decides I think that they are looking out for their own interests but when people want to make statements that are applicable to other people concerning sexual behavior, then I just stop listening to them.

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Sex can be very emotionally fulfilling, or it can be a physical release. Or both. It depends on the people having it to assign a meaning to it.


One thing I have noticed is that people who have NOT had sex are usually the ones using these larger than life euphemisms for what is one of the most basic of human behaviors.

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I'll start off by saying that I view sex as a very deep emotional, physical, and spiritual bond shared between two partners. So, for religious and personal reasons, I consider the human body to be sacred. And for me, I find promiscuous debauchery completely repulsive.



This is a bit like saying "I don't eat hamburgers -I find smashed-up dead cow revoltingly disgusting". When you put it like that...


What do you mean by "promiscuous debauchery"? If by it you mean, "anyone having more sex than me", then we are all completely repulsive and you are dogmatic, bitter and judgemental If you mean "orgies" then... hey, to each their own.


As for your question, virginity meant zilch to me, and it still does. It's hard to find qualitative changes in someone's personhood judging by whether their genitals have ever been wrapped around someone else's or not. You see what I mean? I didn't feel more of a "precious flower" before I had sex than I do now.


And I was brought up ultra-Catholic.

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For us guys, of course we try to lose it as soon as possible.
You see that in the American Pie movie where a couple of guys want to lose theirs before graduating from high school, right before prom right. They tried to find any hooker to get it done faster. Talk about desperation............. Plus you can easily catch an STD that way. It sure is an easy way to put your life in danger.....

That being said, it's much better to lose it to someone you cared about.
Yup... I can imagine if one in the end still stays with that person, even marries them. Few cases.. but that would be kool..Then off course if it doesn't work out, then oh well at least you try. Just means it wasn't meant to be that way....
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I'll start off by saying that I view sex as a very deep emotional, physical, and spiritual bond shared between two partners. So, for religious and personal reasons, I consider the human body to be sacred. And for me, I find promiscuous debauchery completely repulsive.


So my question is how do you view ones virginity? And why do you feel that way?

I completely feel the same about sex as you do. I was a virgin until married at 25 and glad I waited. Then I heard that only 10% of women who get married are virgins! that was so sad to me. It has lost all it's meaning, and society is a huge cause of this. we're basically just like the animals now.

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I was christian for a long time. I thought i would do the "no sex before marriage" thing. Then as my faith grew less and less, my opinion on waiting did too. Then it went to, "i don't need a piece of paper to tell me i'm in love, but i will wait until i'm in love", then "it is a sign of commitment, i will share it only with someone i have been in a commited relationship with for a while", now, i believe that it is part of a normal relationship. It is an important part too. And while i am still a virgin by choice, i am not savouring it. I don't want to regret my first time. But at the same time i don't need a big deal to be made of it.


I simply want it to be with someone i am comfortable with and care about. Not a one night stand, but not on the night of my wedding either. Just in a normal relationship.

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This is a bit like saying "I don't eat hamburgers -I find smashed-up dead cow revoltingly disgusting". When you put it like that...


What do you mean by "promiscuous debauchery"? If by it you mean, "anyone having more sex than me", then we are all completely repulsive and you are dogmatic, bitter and judgemental If you mean "orgies" then... hey, to each their own.


As for your question, virginity meant zilch to me, and it still does. It's hard to find qualitative changes in someone's personhood judging by whether their genitals have ever been wrapped around someone else's or not. You see what I mean? I didn't feel more of a "precious flower" before I had sex than I do now.


And I was brought up ultra-Catholic.


I'm talking about having casual sex without much emotional attachment, or involving extreme sexual acts (Orgies, beastiality, Swinging). Just because you have sex with someone you truly love, doesn't make you a horrible person. Not in any way at all.


And I'm glad that you disagree with me, the purpose here is to explain our beliefs and to share the reasoning behind it. In other words, virginity means a lot to me, but in no way, shape, or form would I think less of someone for just "not being one". I hope that helps clear things up.

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I'm talking about having casual sex without much emotional attachment, or involving extreme sexual acts (Orgies, beastiality, Swinging). Just because you have sex with someone you truly love, doesn't make you a horrible person. Not in any way at all.


And I'm glad that you disagree with me, the purpose here is to explain our beliefs and to share the reasoning behind it. In other words, virginity means a lot to me, but in no way, shape, or form would I think less of someone for just "not being one". I hope that helps clear things up.


People here know my story already, so I won't repeat it. Needless to say, I'm still a virgin at 26.


I feel the same way as you, but I think the reason that people are so offended is the way you put it. 17 year olds in relationships can be in love and have sex with their girlfriends/boyfriends. I don't believe in casual sex, but I also don't believe that sex is something that should be kept or sustained from. It should be with only one person - the person you're in love with. That's it.


The reason why I'm a virgin isn't because I believe that there's only one person out there for me, and that's why I'm waiting. It's because I haven't found the right person yet, a girlfriend, who I would want to have sex with and she would want to also have sex with me.

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It's interesting that the OP has grouped swinging and orgies with doing an animal.


I don't see the value of it. It's just sex. I didn't need to wait. I wish I would have till I was older so I could handle any consequences that come with sex (frankly, at 14 I wasn't ready for all of that). But otherwise I don't regret it b/c I lost it. It wasn't the greatest treasure in all the land that needed a key. It was just a piece of vaginal skin.

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It's interesting that the OP has grouped swinging and orgies with doing an animal.


I don't see the value of it. It's just sex. I didn't need to wait. I wish I would have till I was older so I could handle any consequences that come with sex (frankly, at 14 I wasn't ready for all of that). But otherwise I don't regret it b/c I lost it. It wasn't the greatest treasure in all the land that needed a key. It was just a piece of vaginal skin.[/QUOTE]





really? it wasn't an emotional/mental experience for you at all?

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