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Its been 12 days now since we spoke and I have wanted to text you an say I miss you 100 times, but I haven't done it because I don't think I want to be with you anymore anyway. There is just to much hurt around the issues we have been dealing with lately. You would text and call me daily, but never made the effort to see me. You stopped trying and it felt like you gave up. When I mentioned that, you just told me to go find someone else.


But, I'm very shocked that you have not tried to reach out to me yet. I guess that tells me that you were lying to me when you said you loved and missed me every day. You called and texted me constantly each day to say hi. It would annoy me sometimes because you never really talked, you just wanted to touch base and ask me what I was doing, more like checking on me to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong.


I still can't seem to understand why you made such a big deal about my daughters graduation if you were just going to give up on us again. You didn't trust me to be with my X husband on the day my daughter graduated college, you made such a BIG DEAL over it even though I told you hundreds of times I had no desire to ever go back to him. I know you have trust issues, but I never ever would of cheated on you. You didn't believe me even though I proved that to you everyday. But you left me anyway.


I feel that you are a coward. You run away at any discord, even the smallest of confrontations make you run like a child. We had a very few disagreements, but you would tell your son that we fought a lot about my X. You fought with yourself because I don't recall ever having arguments about that, only you telling me how much it bothered you and me telling you that I would never do that and to trust me. But you lied all the time to me, so I lost trust in you over time. You tell me how your son lies, you are just like him. I hate to know how many lies you have told your kids about me. I didn't even get to know your son because you wouldn't want to hang out with him much. Now I wonder if you were worried about what he might tell me.


I remember you telling me that you own a nice car, that was a lie. I remember you telling me that you were the supervisor of your company, that was a lie. You told me you separated from your wife for a year, that was a lie. You are so insecure about yourself that you feel you have to lie to make yourself look better. Sad really.


You lost me now and I will never go back to you. You need help to work on this insecurity since both your wife's cheated on you. I feel that you sabotaged our relationship so that you wouldn't have to be cheated on again, but you finally found the gal who wouldn't do that to you, and now I'm out of here.

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I hate you, and I hate myself even more because I miss you terribly and want you back in my life. I'm in so much pain and all I want to do is talk to you again and tell you how much I love you.


It's been 8 days since we last spoke, and I'm just wondering about you. Do you miss me like I do? Are you hurting like I am? Do you want me back like how I want you back? Is there already a new girl in your life? Is she pretty and sexy?


I'm truly sorry for all my insecurities, and all my behavior. And I wish you can apologize to me too because you also made a lot of mistakes. I wish we can heal, talk about all our problems, come up with solutions and compromise about things, and of course get back together, stronger than ever.


I still love you with all my heart, and I miss you.

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You texted me yesterday, not to say Hi, how are you. I miss you or love you, no, just to be sure I sent your tickets back to you. The tickets that were for my birthday. I was shocked that was all you cared about. I sent them to you two days before, so I sure you have them by now. Go have fun at the game, really and don't think about me once because it seems you won't anyway.


I asked you to stop contacting me now that you have everything that you need, you said No Problem. Nice, so nice of you to say such a nice thing. Of course it's No Problem, cause you dumped me. Now that I think about it though. You texted me about your tickets just to see if I would respond, Well I did and now I know its really over.


Take your bald head, sorry lying, stealing self and go. I cannot wait till this hurt is over, I am hoping I laugh at this one day and say what was I thinking?

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thetwist - i read these posts from time to time and I know all too well what you're going through, I'm going through exact same excruciating pain. Wanting to tell the man who betrayed me how much I love(d) him. While nothing I can say can remove or even lesson your pain, I want you to know the words I read from you don't make me believe you are weak or insecure. I think you know who you are and should embrace it. Don't ever underestimate knowing who you are. It's a very powerful thing. Your limitations are only the time you spend compare yourself to the "societal norms" (you know the ones - that the magazines promote or your facebook friends over-publicize). Believe in your own norms. Never apologize for what you think are your insecurities.


I feel your pain, I really do! (As to many people on here). Continue to love with all your heart where ever and when ever you can. It's the highest energy frequency. And can help you move past this indescribable (unless you're a poet) pain Remember to love yourself first.

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It's amazing how you can feel a range of emotions within a span of two days. Yesterday, I missed you terribly, and was even willing to beg so you can come back to me.


Today, I'm angry again.


I don't care if your intentions were 'innocent'! You clearly implied that acne, among other things (which I suffer with) were unattractive and a total turn off, and let me tell you, it hurt like a ! Even if your comment wasn't directed at me personally, it still was extremely painful to realize that you are SHALLOW, who desires a woman with a perfect body.


Just a reminder, you are not so hot and sexy either!!!!!


Yes, I will admit my insecurities took over and I lost control. For that I will apologize, but don't you dare think you are the 'victim' in all this. I know you have insecurities too and the reason why they never came up between us, because I was always extra careful not mentioning anything to your face. And over time, I started adoring all your 'imperfections' because they made you unique and exciting in my eyes. Sadly you couldn't do the same for me.


You are SHALLOW... and right now, I feel glad that I hurt your ego because you deserve it fully. I don't care if it caused the breakup.

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Since the first time we met, I told you how important I thought love was. That I wasn't expecting to toy with anyone. I liked you. You made me fall hard for you. You didn't feel the same at the beginning. You didn't stop me. You didn't speak up. You loved me at a time, but if it was real, your love wouldn't have faded away within a few months. I feel as though you used me and I cry myself to sleep every night thinking that you really loved me and that you're a good person. What are you doing with your life? Partying all the time, you don't even go to college. No one will ever love you as I did. No one will ever be so eager to accept your flaws as I did. I feel so bad that you didn't value my love. It has hurt my pride, my dignity, clinging to you. You don't care. I'm suffering greatly and you probably forgot about me.... You never cared about me. I loved you.

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I really wish I had more to post here but I literally got nothing more to say... The girl I loved and the girl that loved me back unconditionally died a long time ago, she died that day of the BU.


I guess this is part of the healing?

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We knew. We were both trouble for each other. Yet we tried anyway. That pull was just too strong. I love your honesty, but geez can you be harsh. Our differences arent that great you know. We got along just fine, until we got too close. It was fine for you to tell me your feelings..but when I did...I was being emotional? Just following your lead my dear. my my

We had craploads of fun together too. We havent completed our list!

You love my emotions, but that's what you hate about me too.


I think you cant handle our passion. I know I will forever be in your heart. When you get out of this fear, you are going to wonder what mistake you made. And I'm betting you miss me as much as I miss you. xo

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What are you doing? Why you keep leaving me breadcrumbs, why did you email me your passwords?


Are you as confused as me? I know you so well, I know you ain't okay with this, snap out of it, I know you are just forcing this break up, I know you still want to see me and be with me...


Or maybe this is just all in my head...



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Dear PearlHarbor, I am completely indebted to you for your kind and encouraging words. What you said moved me tears and tugged at my heartstrings in a truly positive way. I know I can start healing now, not just from the break up, but also from my insecurities and embrace myself. It's amazing how words from a complete stranger can be so affecting and inspiring. Thank you so much.


I'm extremely sorry to hear you are in excruciating pain as well. Why do people hurt the ones they love, and why does it affect us so much? Don't you wish sometimes, that you can just fast forward to a time where you are completely over him, and all the negative feelings, stress and pain have disappeared. But I suppose pain is part of life and it helps us to grow as people and become stronger than ever. It's not easy to deal with it though, but I have absolute faith and hope that we can get through this.

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It really hasn't been that long. The drive home has raised you to the surface, teaching me that you still exist. Have you become part of my dna?


I miss you.


I am glad I don't I don't have you. I am still healing from before you. You were like a drug, making me seem healed for moments but then exposing the pain in between doses. The pain is nearly gone.


I want to be loved like you did. So completely, even if your own actions were hurtful and chaotic. So intoxicating.


I want to be intoxicated. How can that be healthy?


Recovering from addiction is, wow, an extended process.

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I wish you hadn't texted me "Happy Fathers Day" and "I do miss you" yesterday.


Five days NC. OK, i have been looking at your Facebook page. So maybe that is not really NC.


I do miss you. (i just listed the reasons why. then erased them. i just want to forget them)


i dont' miss the lies, my paranoia and snooping. Your behavior that warranted this.


It was simply not meant to be. I will meet someone, someday, that wants to be with me as much as I want to be with them.


I want you to miss me. I really think you do. I really do believe that you and I had some important "connection". I do want you to be happy.


But i want me to be happy more. I NEED to find some happiness, NEED to smile again. For myself and for my kids.

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I'm going to be great, just you watch. You will realize when it's too late on what a great thing you threw away in the trash behind some sorry niggas and a few dollars. But I hope you have fun getting played. Getting bust down. And going nowhere with your life because that's the path you chose and this seems to be what you so desperately want.


If you do manage to perform a miracle and turn your life around you'll find yourself in a search for a partner that has EXACTLY what you already had in me you idiot. But hey it's your life and I gotta learn to just say eff it and stop being so concerned with what you're doing, like I had been doing for years.


I don't understand what you're getting out of this new strip club/prostitution life that you're involved in.....but I hope it's worth it. I wish your father would've been in your life and that your mom had a few slivers of common sense and better parenting skills because maybe then you would've been able to appreciate yourself more and have a higher sense of self worth than to auction off your body for the highest drunk bidder, who will then go home to his wife and kids and leave you with a few shots of tequila in your system, latex in your pu ssy (i hope) and a false sense of self worth that will wear off faster than the lipstick you put on when you go to work.


I felt like you and I had it all but apparently something was more appealing to you about a strip club and strange men than someone who actually had your back, gave a damn and would've done anything in the world to see you smile.

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Frig sakes. I'm so torn. Part of me thinks you were one of those people who 'came into my life for a reason', but that other part of me really thinks if we were in better places, then we could so easily make this work. We wanted it to work so bad despite all that, and despite our differences. A minor disagreement? Geez..... remember you told me to speak up, or you would walk all over me? Well that's what that was. Then again, it wasn't even a battle worth arguing. Just stating my feelings yet again.


We have more in common than you think. Look at all those memories we made over the last year. We had craploads of fun. We've got some wicked chemistry my fine sir. I think we'd work it all out.


I shudder thinking about your new house and you moving on.....I was finally, maybe too late, but finally coming to terms with all that, but guess it was too late. I finally believed we could do it...... I was finally living in the moment........


I will probably never tell you this, but you brought so much life back into me....You have no idea..absolutely no idea.... You are so full of life, despite how down and confused and hurt you are....I will never forget you for that....but now I need to keep reminding myself that its possible to find it again...... I found you after all... you are my sunshine For someone who didn't want a relationship, you could have fooled me, this was the best relationship that I have ever had. That probably sounds sad. But unlike you, I don't give up. To my detriment though, obviously.


You were really good for me. Maybe thats my attachment to you. Who knows. But everyone loved, loved, loved you. My friends all commented on multiple occasions how i was back, how happy i was.......how i changed for the better...you never knew that though. I was myself again...that one Ive been missing for a long long time


I miss you lots. I know you're up home and thinking bout me too, maybe you will give into those feelings you admitted you were denying. Here's to hoping I have the strength to stay away. You know I panic, and it kind of scares me knowing you're gone soon. I know its not far, but still.


Still have the pet stuff here, I have a few weeks yet to decide if I can see you to give it back, or if I will take the wussy way out and drop it off when you arent around....


I still havent come to terms...........Ugh!


I was really falling for you, you know. I cant say that L word, but boy if you talk to a few of our friends, they think we are both in denial and feel that word. As much as I push, and and emotional....I wasnt there yet...even though I think you think I was.........


xoxo thinking of you (and I need to stop). Miss you lots.

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I dreamed about you again, and as soon as I woke up I got greeted by more heartache, when will this stop? Why am I suffering so much. I just want it to be over, you're never coming back.


Same question keeps circulating around in my head... what happened to us???

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