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Ignoring you is the hardest part of getting over you. I'm so confident when I'm with myself and I know that it is best for me but when a situation arises and you're trying to get through to me, all these feelings come up and I feel vulnerable/weak. But it is for the best.

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Today has been very sad...


I was doing well and you were pretty much out of my mind until today. I miss you and the quarrel with my father is making me rather depressed.


With every week gone by, that's one more week nearer til we don't see each other every Saturday. I'm looking forwards to that time, but it's a scary thought (although it wouldn't be so scary when it actually happens) that you will actually be out of my life. I feel pathetic as I write this because you've moved on long ago. I can't believe I haven't completely gotten over you yet.


I wish you happiness with your boyfriend, and myself to move on with haste.

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I miss you, I have kept in contact and told you everything I feel. I want to love you how you want to be loved, BUT must stop the emails and texting now, I must be strong, you have moved on and are on your so called journey, well I am getting a train the other way now!! I will always love you but I have to do this for my own sanity!! Hope in years to come you will understand that I did this for all the right reasons and for ME. I have changed so much and actually like me at the moment, the only time I get down is after I have contacted you. I was there for you recently as you called me in your darkest hour (yes me, not your mum or dad or your friends ME!!) When I needed you (or so I thought!) you didn't afford me the same affection as I did to you, I have to be sooo strong and not reply to you. I will only be there for the children and they are grown up now and know where I am. Take care and try not to make the same mistake you made recently, cos I won't be there next time!

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Hey, I just wanted you to know. I've been thinking a lot lately, and I know for now we can't be together. You have to come to peace with yourself/wants/desires/emotions and honestly I do too. However I know deep down that will be back together.. I can't explain why, but that's what the heart and gut say and they have yet to be wrong. (Although since I'm slimming the gut down, hes not as loud about it lately, but the heart makes up for that plenty )


Anyways I know you miss the friendship as badly as I do, but we both know we just cant be friends right now. It sounds so silly saying this, because I want you back so badly, but i know if we started hanging out as friends again we would get back together... Ironic the one thing I want is you back, and I know exactly how to do that, simply be your friend, which Is one of my favorite things, let me tell you.... But, i'm going to stay strong because when/if we get back together I want it to last and I know you do too.


I hope your not hurting too bad, and even though it would hurt me a little, if you ever need me, you know I am always here. I love you, my teacher, my student, my friend and my lover.



PS Say hi to your family and our kitty.. I miss them all and its honestly one of the hardest parts about this.

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Im sorry for what I have done to us, I know I am not always the easiest person to be with and my insercurities can sometimes get the better of me.

However you have to admit that when we were good, we were really good!

I miss you so much and it has only been a day. I wonder if you feel the same?.. I guess not.


I know that we cant see or speak to each other for a while until some things have settled down, and it will be the hardest couple of months of my life, to try and stay away from you but I know I need to. For my own sake as much as the hope of one day getting us back.


I believe our issues are solvable and time apart may be just what we need.. but maybe I'm just kidding myself?


I want to tell you I am not angry at you at all and I completely understand why you would want to break up, but you strang me along and thats not fair.

I hope that your thinking of me, as I can't stop thinking about you.

Minus the last month and the odd argument we spent a lovely three years together and I will miss you more than you will know.


I know that if we never get back together, you will make somebody very happy.. I just wish that it could be me?

I think I loved you from that first night three years ago. I think I will always love you.


I miss you.

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You have been on my mind a lot today. Weekends are so tough. I miss being able to have a lie in with you, going to do the food shopping, housework, and the security of knowing that I could spend the nights cuddled up with you and feeling safe, and like everything was settled.


I have been wondering lately though, whether you were really truly happy, even though you were always telling me how much you loved me... I wonder if you secretly resented that I'd moved in with you, and you couldn't just go off and do your own things all the time like you used to before you met me. I have been wondering this.

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I do miss you. I say to myself all the time that I don't. I tell everyone else that I don't miss you either. But I do.


When I look back, the longer we are apart, the more I realise how selfish you were. How little you considered my feelings, or what I wanted. I look at how I was so easy-going about doing what you wanted to do. I slotted into your life for so long, enjoying the ride, never realising how much I was missing out on, but not really looking at what I wanted. I thought we both wanted the same things. I was wrong. I didn't know this for a very long time, until I realised that we'd never really talked about where we were going. Then I thought about that. And that seemed wrong.


I know this isn't the reason it ended. it's just a recent realisation. it's just one of the many things that were wrong with us. And I have to think about those.


I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. This night 5 years ago, we met. 5 years to the day, Saturday June 23rd 2007. A date that was so important to me. And one you never thought of. maybe that's just a guy thing. guys don't always remember the little things like that. or maybe that's just one of the many excuses I made for you. So that I'd be ok with it.


We went out this night last year to our favourite restaurant. it was such a wonderful night. I loved you and I laughed and smiled so much. then we went to Italy for a week, and it was the most amazing romantic holiday. I hate that I have so many good memories when I know how wrong we were.


It hurts to say I love you. It doesn't feel the way it used to. I used to mean it more. It hursts to even write it here. Because it's admitting that I still care. I don't want to care anymore.


I'd give anything for us to be right together. I really would. I'm sorry I had to hurt you. But you were never sorry when you hurt me.


When I ended it, the most effort you made to contact me was text and email. I know you wanted to talk, and I shot you down. I asked not to talk, because it hurt me too much. But if it was me, I would have been breaking down your door to let you know I cared. We're different that way. even the simplest of gestures were an effort for you. funny that a simple gesture in my weakness would probably have been enough. That was why I knew I couldn't see you. I was too weak and vulnerable, and you always knew how to push my buttons. The easiest thing for me was just to walk away and cut all ties. It was hard for you I know. I'm sorry but I had to protect myself.


I want so much to be over you. I don't want to feel this way anymore. I hate it.

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I had therapy today. I talked about buying a house and about something surprising that has happened at work. I was happy and excited. But, at the end of the session, I mentioned that it would be ironic if you contacted me now, just as I'm starting to let go. I told my therapist it wouldn't surprise me. She looked at me and said bluntly that she didn't think you would. She doesn't think you'll contact me, even if you somehow find out about me buying a house. She doesn't think you'll contact me ever again.


I told her that I have this feeling - this visceral, gut feeling - that you'll contact me someday, even if it's years from now. I told her that I knew you, and the you I know would contact me someday. She just kind of looked at me, sympathetically.


Having not heard from you at all bugs me for lots of different reasons. It hurts immensely. But what hurts the most is that I really, really thought at some point you'd reach out. I thought I knew you. I thought I understood you. And, as days go by and I hear nothing, I just start to believe more and more that I didn't know you at all.


I wonder who you really are. I wonder how you were so good at hiding it for six years.

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so for the first time since i met you, i had sex with someone else. it was good - he is good at what he does. but immediately after i thought of you and the amazing electric chemistry we had. that whenever you touched me - i felt shivers. the slightest touch was electricity. how we could kiss for hours. uggggh. have to remember that you performed oral on me once. that you reactivated your dating profile two days after we slept together. that you were uber vanilla. that whenever i asked u to have sex, half the time u shot me down and i felt rejected. i hope for the day i can find our chemistry with someone i am actually more sexually compatible with. and who will make me feel wanted.


and i hope u have sex with the new girl. i really do. i want u to remember what u said - that sex with me was the best you ever had. and you know this new girl will not be as open or experimental in bed as i was. i want you to remember that i was someone you had great chemistry with, someone who was great in bed (your words), someone who was also a great friend. and u threw that away. *******. you make me so mad. and sad.

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ugggggh this day last year was the time we had make up sex after our big fight and period of no contact - starting of a good/terrible summer of us being together and i guess i broke that anniversary with sb else. wth dude - why are you soo emotionally unavailable?

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How I wish you would call me, text me or email me! I just want to know that you care. We had over 20 Years together and went through some tough tough times, your affair (which I never got over!) and my gambling (which you never got over!) I would so much wish for us just to spend a little time together now as we are as people right now, because we both have changed and I feel that we are missing out on the real us. What am I doing ? I am killing myself and just want to be in love and be loved back, but I so want it to be with you. Am I mental? Very probably!!

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**** you I miss you so much and I love you after everything that happened.... I want you to just say you're sorry and that you want us to get back together. Please just contact my mother ****er

I want to have fun with you... I miss that...

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I hate that I still love you so much. You treated me so poorly and I hate that I let you do that to me. I should have walked away a long time ago, but I was too weak and I loved you too much. Now, all I want is for you to tell me how much you love me and want to be with me. But even if you did, I don't think I could trust you. I'm so sad.

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I hate that I still love you so much. You treated me so poorly and I hate that I let you do that to me. I should have walked away a long time ago, but I was too weak and I loved you too much. Now, all I want is for you to tell me how much you love me and want to be with me. But even if you did, I don't think I could trust you. I'm so sad.


...same for me...

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Another day, still hoping that you will text me or call me! Someone else loves me now and would do anything for me but it is unfair as I still love you so I keep her at arms length. I miss your moods, I miss making you laugh and I miss you sooo much it hurts!! I so want to have some good times with you and to see you smile and laugh with ME, I so want us to enjoy some quality time after all the sadness we put eachother through. I hate that I hid my love and emotions from you, now I have so much to give you are gone forever!! I love you more than ever, not because you are gone, but because I have changed into the man I always knew I could be. I have to be more mentally strong than ever. It hurts!!

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We just started talking again, and I realized how much I miss having you in my life. Even though we've been broken up for almost four months now (really?), we're still on the same wavelength about almost everything. We still have the same sense of humor, the same interests, heck, we even had the same exact response to that ninja card in 1000 Blank Cards. But I know that I'll always want more than friendship from you, so for as long as you can't give that to me, I have to stay away. I hope you're happy with your life right now. I'm having a good time too, but I still want you around--things were just more fun with you. And I miss how safe I felt with you. I know our relationship wasn't perfect, and you got scared because the butterflies went away before you were ready to commit. But our relationship was good. With a few tweaks (mostly just both of us being ready for each other) it could have been great.


I'm glad we're talking a little bit; I hope it turns into more. Whenever I see you, there's still that weird connection--you still watch me at parties and hear everything I say, no matter how quietly. And you still take care of me however I'll let you, and help me with whatever I ask you to.


I'm sorry I didn't fall in love with you until after the break-up; you knew I couldn't until circumstances changed, but the change took too long for you, I guess. And I'm sorry for falling in love with you now. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help it. So for now I'll just keep my distance until you're ready for me.


I wish so much I could tell you this. I miss you. I love you. But I'll just tell you that work is going well, and I just read a book that you would like. I hope you stopped worrying.

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