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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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Hahaha you missed out on a trip to rome and the £50k I just inheritated. Bad luck. Still having money woes? Ahh shame (not). I do not require the money you owe me back anymore. I don't need my things back, I'll buy new things. As for not returning my late Nan's cookbook as I requested, that is just the lowest of the low and shows what kind of a man you really are. Not a very good one.

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I feel everyday is battle, with myself, keeping NC, and functioning properly in my job.


Why is being strong so hard? Why can't I be weak, and break NC and tell him, that every single day I think about him, and cry.

Why can't I have him back?

Why must i struggle to do normal things?

I did have a life before him, but I don't remember having such a heavy load on my chest to do things i used to love...


Blah. Three weeks of NC. Three weeks broken up from a six month relationship.

I can't stop missing him. damn.

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Happy Easter ? Nah , last Easter we were wandering around Paris, it's your mums birthday on the 20th if that doesn't remind you of me, nothing will Sad to say last 2 weeks had some bad news , first thing I thought of was letting you know.. Cat and dog both had to be put down, you remember Edward the ginger cat stealing your ham early every morning all last year... and Pansy just went totaly blind, they had good lives and didn't suffer..


unlike me

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I don't mean to sound bitter, but I was thinking today about how self-centered you are. You have been through a lot, no doubt, and it has caused you to become emotionally callous to loss. Your mother abandoned you at a young age, your father died recently- 2 or 3 years ago. Then the only guardian figure you had left, your grandmother, passed away a few months ago. I was there through it. I saw the way you dealt with it. You were sad but you didn't let it consume you. I thought it was admirable that you could "bounce back" so quickly after totally breaking down and sobbing in my arms. Admirable yet very strange.


You know what loss feels like. You've experienced it on a great level. Me on the other hand, well I'm fortunate to have two parents who are supportive in my life. I only know what abandonment feels like because of you.


So when I think to myself...how is he not feeling bad for doing this to me? I think it has a lot to do with a few things- your natural selfish tendencies, your experience with loss, and the fact that you never really were attached to me as much as I was to you. This wasn't your "first time at the rodeo", a saying you often used...


If I want to wonder all day and night if you're grieving me like I am for you, I am simply wasting my time. You do it in your own quiet way, it is short and intense but you get it all out and you move forward. You never look back and you're on your merry way. You don't waste time being stuck in the past. It's not that you're a jerk or whatever other choice words I have for you, you just have a better way of coping with people leaving your life.

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I was testing out this inotify kernel feature - which basically lets you do whatever you want when a file is being written with the use of incrond - so i was testing it out. Because I'm too lazy to do manual tedious job and if I could be *not* lazy this one time, and write that script, deploy it to central server, and I don't have to unzip bz2 file, extract data out and display it out MANUALLY.


Which I had been doing all my life. Time to put a stop to this, of course. Anything to let me be legitimately lazy is good.


So, I wrote a file in /tmp directory as a root. It works. But the content of that file was written at a low point in my life.


if i could have gone back to the past, i wish for only 1 thing:


i wish i had never known you.


i don't care if i felt the feeling i've been longing to feel all my life.

i don't care if i felt the connection i've been looking for in my life.


i don't care.


i don't want to know anything about you.

i don't want to feel the happiness i felt when i was with you and knowing it would never happen again.


It goes on and on begging to God to erase the memory. I wish it would come true someday. When people have either invented time machine OR memory-erasure device, that would be possible. I think it's the latter.


Oh. The automation thing is working. I guess I just needed that vent-out, clear out my head part, and have a go at solving life-mystery-of-legit-laziness.


This is the 3rd year we knew each other, 2 years since we last met. You're still few thousand kilometres away from me. Nothing has changed. You and your hyperthreading-dating mode. Me, I've been single for the past 6 months. Doing everything possible to keep you away from my thoughts. It works sometimes. But at times, it will rear its ugly head and bite me. I will stay single for few more months. Mom's fixing me up with this Plane engineer dude.




I think I will give in to the idea of spending the rest of my life with someone other than you. I feel like I'm stuck right now, afraid to move on. I want to move on. I will move on. Maybe the secret to this is NOT how to erase/forget you. But it's about making new memories with someone else. Better memories with a better man. And give in to the fact (and fate) that we were not meant for each other. We never were.


I give up. I'll let you go now. Be free, find love, be good. I'll make new memories and my brain will pop our memories off the stack.

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I have this feeling that you're out on a date tonight. I don't know why but its there. And even if you aren't right at this moment, you will be eventually...if you haven't already. And I know it really is none of my concern anymore but I hate thinking about you with another girl. You being all charming and putting on an act, flirting and kissing her. Thinking about it just tears me apart. Meanwhile I have someone so why am I so worried about what you're doing?


One part of me wants to tell myself in a month or so she will see your true colors anyway. Another part thinks she will be so much better than I was and you will fall head over heels for her, treat her amazingly well and want to be faithful to her. And she will make you feel the way I felt about you.....the way I wanted you to feel about me but you never did.

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We all know that breaking NC too early on when we are still healing is a bad idea. Yet we always feel like reaching out to them, to check if they are okay, to hear their voices again, to feel like they are in our lives again. But every time NC is broken you feel worse after, empty and alone again.


Lets resist the urge to contact them and focus on getting back on our feet so that when our paths cross with our loved ones again, we can safely say that we can engage them from a place of strength and confidence, not a place of weakness and neediness because this is not our best self, we are better than that!

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kind of a hard day today, gloomy weather and having to study for finals. Every now and then you would flit into my mind and I would wonder if its the right thing to do given our circumstances. But logically I know I can't be in a relationship where I don't feel loved or appreciated like you used to. We both know you don't want to live a life without me, you just haven't figured out what you want.

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I resent the fact that because I was the only one actually in love when it all ended, that this somehow made me seem irrational to you. The truth is you never cared, maybe you did once and just never knew how to show it, but in those four last months you were already thinking about other things. It’s abundantly clear that we will never talk again and that is in reality for the better. What could I possibly say to you after what I know now. I get it now, I truly get why your one co-worker feels the way she does about me, and always will. I look forward to the day when I have to remind myself you ever existed at all. Its been a month and I haven’t been able to say anything, I am writing this down so that I may get this off of my back and let the last of it go for good.

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You text last night with your new number. I didn't reply.


I don't know what you are playing at. Calling me twice the other day and texting me three times. When I eventually think I am being a bit bad and text you back and call me about swapping over the name on the dog insurance? Was that really urgent that you needed to call? Couldn't that have been done over a text or e-mail?


Wish I never spoke to you as I just realised that we really are over and felt like a kick in the teeth all over again. You had the cheek to ask if I was dating someone else! It stopped being your business when you left me.

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I guess being on this board is doing damage to me.

I had a dream you was with another woman, and I beat you down.

I guess reading so many post of exes leaving for another person, or ex finding somebody quickly.

I never really thought of you moving on so quickly,but it could be possible. I mean... why not? You're a man. You have needs.

Oh that thought... it makes me so sad.. I hate this so much.

Well I am off to clean my room, and keep busy before I break NC. I can't break NC.... I need to be strong.

God, i want to hear your voice.... I want you again.

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Ugh. Today has been bit of a waste of a day. Just sat and thought of you. Probably because I saw you. But I was thinking of all the crap you gave me and the nasty things you would say. Why is it I love you, when you were so cruel and hurtful? I remember times crying at work when receiving your txts, shocked at what I was reading, thinking what have I done? Why are you doing this? I remember that awful feeling of hurt when you called me those names and accused me of vile stuff, that feeling like someone was squeezing my heart so much it physically hurt. If my friends or family were to do those things, I wouldnt stand for it. But you. I adored you. Still do.


The good thing is I know what you are like now and I can see how messed up you are. I know I treated you well, was the best I could have been. You took advantage of that.


I bet I wont hear from you now which is good. I know it is. Just wish things could have been different. Wish the version of you I fell in love with stayed.

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I'm off to work. Thank god.

Today all i been doing is watching movies, but thinking of you.

I hate missing you this much.

Why must you always be on my mind? I try to suppress you, but then you come back.

I keep thinking about the last talk we talk... I was so clingy and needy of you...


If I break nc all this will show you... how right you was. How I lack self-control.

Well buddy, I am IN control of my life.

And even though you're always on my mind, and I MISS You like CRAZY.


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If I break nc all this will show you... how right you was. How I lack self-control.

Well buddy, I am IN control of my life.

And even though you're always on my mind, and I MISS You like CRAZY.



Love this

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I was proud of myself today. I turned you down for the first time in 5 years

You thought your lame letters would bring me back, You weren't even that kind in them you were blaming me

But I won't forget how you humiliated me a week ago in front of your co workers

I wont forget you calling me psycho, head case, and awful names....

I won't forget how youre a total womanizer, you can never be with just one girl, no one girl is enough for you, you're a monger through and through and abusive

I wont forget how you never spent any money on me

Ill never forget how you USED me

How when I Was sick you would curse me out because I inconvenienced your day!!!!

How you would just say "girls are too emotional" when i had needs

How you never wanted to right the wrongs that you did

How you never put effort into our relationship

You always wanted an easy pass


You loved to talk about how your girl roomates wanted to screw you and how you just "used your ex gds for sex"

You loved to tell me how GREAT your ex wife was and how you did EVERYTHING for her

Apparently you weren't good enough, because she left your sorry ....for a better man!


i made you dinner every night and served you

you never made me dinner...ever


i bought you gifts, you destroyed everything


when i met you i was just a young single mom working crazy hours. you took away my life. you took away my soul. you destroyed my heart and crushed me

I lost my home and furniture my clothes and all my belongings because of you


were you worth it?

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