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OK I broke down today. Over something stupid. In One Tree Hill, Hayleys mum said she won Hayleys dad with a note left in his jean pocket. Thats it, I lost it and cried and cried. Remember our notes, every day we leave one for each other on the side, in our coats, in your lunch, on your car, everywhere. Then little I love yous everyone, in the stones outside my house, in the sweets on the side, in the snow on my car. Remember always leaving my mug out with a tea bag and a choc biscuit for when I came home from work. Or putting my teddy on my bed in your t-shirt. Or leaving a note on my laptop screen, or in my book. Remember all those things. I do, so clearly.


I love you beb.

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Oh well it was my bday yesterday and for the first time in my life I spent it alone. No big deal. Part of the growing up process I guess. If anything this year had thought me to accept life as a grown up, which it also means that sometimes - most of the time - life can be lonely, tough, unfair, but I must keep going and not dwell in self pity. But also that we receive what we give, that we shape our own future with our decisions and actions, and that it's hard to break from our past habits. 5 1/2 months and am still confused, emotions up and down, not sure what future am shaping for myself right now. Most of the time I feel I have no future, like my time is up, I had my shot...and I just wish you were still here, it would all be much more simple...

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Two weeks of mutual silence... Is there anything positive that you are thinking/feeling about our relationship? Have you given up completely? Do you miss me at all?


I'm doing such crazy things moving on with my life you even wouldn't believe... But I still love you. No doubt about it.

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I dreamt of you last night. I woke up with a familiar feeling but you are obviously not here anymore. The dream was somewhat sexual and I thought of how difficult it will be to find someone that looks so nice. The weeks are going by..it's been 5 months since I saw you and I find it unbelievable you haven't tried to meet up with me. We didn't even meet to breakup, to discuss things. I get attention from guys. I know you hardly care, I am not your woman anymore. It is strange without you..I know we're done forever. I am surprised at it but at the same time the overriding feeling is resignation.


I miss you more when it's sunny. I was thinking of the ice cream van yesterday and how much I loved it, how I jumbed barefoot to go and get an ice cream when I'd hear the ice cream van tune. I wonder if you think about all that. I guess you staying NC is the main way you showing me that you care for me, that you want me to be happy.

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I never thought I'd get to the point of being able to remember and be happy. Today I did. But maybe I was influenced by the guy who's newly interested in me... I am not interested at all... but he won't leave me alone. I did compare, forgive me. But I remember relaxing straight into our relationship. It felt right.

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You said you would read the letter I left for you yesterday as you didn't want to get upset when your son was there. I don't know if you read it or not, I haven't heard from you. Probably a good thing as otherwise I'd break NC. I wonder if you read it at all or whether you stuck it in a drawer somewhere.


I just want you and only you.

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They say hindsight in 20/20, and in the past couple days I have certainly had time to reflect upon our relationship. When you initially broke up with me I was in shock at the sudden timing of it. Upon reflection I now realize the signs were all too obvious. We had grown to resent one another. Resentment breeds contempt, contempt breeds hate, hate replaces love. Unfortunately neither of us realized how severe our problems had become until it was too late.


I believe any relationship strong enough to survive as long as ours did cannot easily be torn apart by the actions of one person. Both of us are at fault to some degree. This is an important point as it means that I am at fault. I want to recognize and apologize for some of the things that I clearly contributed to our decline, in no particular order. I provided you little emotional support during the two deaths you recently had to bear. Often I was quite mean to you, especially as I felt you emotionally withdrawing from me. Instead of realizing this as a problem, I simply got angry and resorted to name calling. I lacked confidence in my ability to succeed around here. You desperately tried to help but I shunned your attempts, and demanded more, causing you to resent me. I demanded too much of your free time. Although I encouraged you to see your friends more often, one is not able to if I insist you stay with me. This list is not exhaustive but these are the four things I have recognized in the past two days as being major contributing factors. These are things that I am primarily at fault for and I am very sorry. I am sorry both for causing these issues, and for not realizing before it was too late.


I want to tell you why I am, and why I am not writing this e-mail. Firstly I am not writing this e-mail in hopes of reconciliation. Unfortunately I believe you ruined what little chance of that was still left yesterday. I am writing this e-mail because it is the right thing to do. It is the right thing to realize how I wronged you, and to apologize for that.


I thought about telling you these things yesterday, but I believe it is better to write it. Writing gives me the opportunity to collect my thoughts, and say exactly what I want to say. I am very sorry for all the pain I have caused you. It was never my intention to cause you pain. I hope to remember our relationship with fondness and happiness that defined the majority or our relationship, not with the negativity and pain that defined the bad times, and the end. I hope you will too. The Alpha and Omega. Everything that starts must come to an end. It is a regrettable part of life. I am so happy to have spent some of my life with you.

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We were best friends for years before we started dating. I loved you with all my heart and I know you did too. I thought it was a mistake when we broke up because I saw in your eyes that you still loved me. But you needed to find yourself again and I respected that. All I've ever wanted was for you to be happy.


Over the course of this past year I've watched you bounce and not stand still for one second. You have no idea what you are doing, but I know you can if you just took the time to stop for a minute. I would have always been there for you even when you would play your "power" game. Every time you mentioned that you had done this or that, that you knew perfectly well would hurt me, I never gave you the satisfaction. I just kept on smiling because I could see in your eyes you still loved me. I don't understand why you would do it though? was it because I never proposed? Is it the fact that I was the one guy that you couldn't completely control? Is that why you want me to hurt? In some bizarre way, was it because you knew underneath it all that I was your equal? I have so many questions about this, but I know I'll never have the answers.


But this time you've gone too far love. You played your ultimate trump card when you said "yes" to him. It didn't hurt nearly as much as I thought would, but you were right when you said, "I've never seen you so strong". I am strong now. Probably stronger than most. I know you're not going to marry him. I doubt it will even get to the ceremony. You're doing it for all the wrong reasons. And you wouldn't have broken down in tears when I told you that your decision was putting a permanent end on us. You got engaged a week ago? Then why are you balling your eyes out and telling me how much you still love me? Why are you continually telling me that you wish it were me? You broke up with me, remember? You've made all the decision to get yourself here.


And to answer your question, no. We can't make it work in another life. We could have made it work in this life, but you have no idea what you are doing. I honestly feel bad for you now because when you're over this one, I know you'll want to come back. I know you need me in your life. And I know I will always own your heart. But I can't this time. As much as I still care, I'm tired of you trying to continually break my heart. I know you don't know any better. And I would have waited for you to learn. But you've made a commitment now that can never be taken back. And its not the engagement itself, from what you told me your reasons for saying yes, I know its not going to last. I know I'll hear from you in a few months. It's because you put me in second place. And you know I'll never settle for that. Even if it was a mistake.


I could be wrong, but lets be honest, I know you better than you know yourself. I do hope you can find the happiness you are looking for someday. I hope you don't let this go too far to not be able to get out of it. You and I both know you'll end up regretting it. But I was serious when I said our story is over. Even when you do contact me, I can' be there for you anymore. This time I have to do what's best for me and not for us. this time I have to be the one that is selfish. And as much as it is hurts, I know this is the right thing to do. Goodbye my love. You'll always be my girl with the baby blues.

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Two weeks of mutual silence... Is there anything positive that you are thinking/feeling about our relationship? Have you given up completely? Do you miss me at all?


I'm doing such crazy things moving on with my life you even wouldn't believe... But I still love you. No doubt about it.


Haha... this is me....

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To go from being best friends, the most important people in each others lives, talking all day everyday, and to having so many good times and memories, to not even talking at all for almost 3 months. Did I really mean nothing to you? I don't know how you can't understand why I had to leave. I was so deeply in love with you, and you just wanted the attention and an ego boost. You told me about every guy you had a "fling" with, then when you got bored or "hurt" you came running to me because you knew I'd always be there. That's what someone who cares about you does. But you took advantage of me and hurt me beyond belief. I tried so hard to remain friends and went through 10 agonizing months of it before I finally gave in and couldn't take it anymore. If you respected me at all you would have let me go yourself rather than use me.


You were my bestest friend, I'm almost sorry I fell in love with you. I don't regret it at all, as it's taught me so much, but I want you back as my best friend. Whether or not that ever happens I have no idea. It can't while I have feelings for you, but I sit here and wonder if you ever think about me, or if you just don't care that I'm gone. I don't know what to believe or think. Did you really mean everything you said? Was I really that important to you? Or did you just say all of that to make sure I didn't leave you and you could get your ego boost? I guess one day I'll find out, deep down I thought you would have made some attempt at contact, but I was wrong. I'm leaving it in Gods hands now, I guess he'll show me one day if you're going to be my best friend again or not. I still love you and miss you like crazy.

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Okay, so another month has passed where we haven't spoken. You're fading away from my memory and its only getting more hazy as time passes. But you know what? The memories aren't going away. They never will. I can still look back on them and smile. Yeah there were some bad times but I was happy. You opened me up to so many new experiences and for that I am grateful. I'm lucky to have experienced it with you.


I wonder what you would do if I contacted you. Probably ignore me. I don't want to reach out for reconciliation anymore, I simply just want to see how you are. I feel like the initial emotions have subsided greatly and I would be able to talk to you in a civil manner. But what would that even accomplish? Its not like you have any reason to be mad at me, you just don't want to talk to me. I'm just another one of those "clingy ex-girlfriends" you so easily threw away, right?


Oh, you no longer have my heart just so you know. I'm taking it back and keeping it with me. It's safer that way.


Things are moving along for me lately. I'm making progress in my life. I know you would have been there supporting me, you always were proud of me and had an amazing way of showing it. That, I knew was real. I'm doing it on my own now though. I'm proud of me. I don't need you to get through life or to give me motivation. I miss it, but I could find it within myself. It was always nice to have you there though.


I will just believe now that you aren't looking for someone better, just someone different. Someone who you can do drugs with? Maybe she will make you happier than I did. I can accept that we weren't right for each other but it doesn't mean I didn't truly love you. Believe I did.


I'm letting go. I hope you are doing well. I hope you are enjoying life and I hope you find what it is you are looking for. Sorry it couldn't be me.

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Ah f**k, I can't stop thinking about you. I ran out of petrol this morning and the first person I thought of saving me was you. Even though you don't drive.....LOL. Ahhhhhhh, sh*t. Why did you have to come into my life, leave, come back and then leave again. I should hate you really but I love you too much. I am now concentrating on my holiday in 12 weeks, I need it.

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Some days are worse than others, I'm okay but for some reason my memories tonight are particuarly vivid and emo twisting.

I'm thinking about the time I took you to the waterfalls and you were scared because the place was wild and had no guard rail. I loved it that you felt comfortable way out there. I've never gone back to the 'falls, I don't think I ever will either.


I am tired of wondering what next? Dating is out of the question as I have no interest. It is fun and interesting but I find myself wanting to take them home and wanting to be alone. Maybe your ghost and maybe it will pass - I just don't know. I thought about texting you and maybe making your day with some contact from me but to what end? Nah. You have your life and I got to keep cutting all these strings that keep you in my heart. Ugh. Love should not be about misery, pain and longing. It should not be or I'm doing something wrong.


Anyway, I can't sleep and I miss you. I miss you alot.



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You cannot blame me for the weakness I am feeling. You heaped way too much rejection on me, for far too long, and it wasn't fair. I know there are other things at work, things you cannot tell me, but there is no excuse for the amount of indecent social behavior you visited upon me.


And don't you dare blame your nerdiness. You're bigger than that.

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I miss you and still think about all the places we traveled to around this time of year. Not having any more dreams about you at night, just day dreams, but you are always there no matter how much I try to block you out of my head. I wonder do you ever still feel connected to me in some way? By looking at old pictures or thinking of all the good times we had? It's okay this time, cause I don't get those painful, nervous feelings anymore like you might have moved on. I don't worry anymore. I can't afford to. So In time, this all will pass, but I will never forget you, you were important person in my life.

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