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  1. They say hindsight in 20/20, and in the past couple days I have certainly had time to reflect upon our relationship. When you initially broke up with me I was in shock at the sudden timing of it. Upon reflection I now realize the signs were all too obvious. We had grown to resent one another. Resentment breeds contempt, contempt breeds hate, hate replaces love. Unfortunately neither of us realized how severe our problems had become until it was too late. I believe any relationship strong enough to survive as long as ours did cannot easily be torn apart by the actions of one person. Both of us are at fault to some degree. This is an important point as it means that I am at fault. I want to recognize and apologize for some of the things that I clearly contributed to our decline, in no particular order. I provided you little emotional support during the two deaths you recently had to bear. Often I was quite mean to you, especially as I felt you emotionally withdrawing from me. Instead of realizing this as a problem, I simply got angry and resorted to name calling. I lacked confidence in my ability to succeed around here. You desperately tried to help but I shunned your attempts, and demanded more, causing you to resent me. I demanded too much of your free time. Although I encouraged you to see your friends more often, one is not able to if I insist you stay with me. This list is not exhaustive but these are the four things I have recognized in the past two days as being major contributing factors. These are things that I am primarily at fault for and I am very sorry. I am sorry both for causing these issues, and for not realizing before it was too late. I want to tell you why I am, and why I am not writing this e-mail. Firstly I am not writing this e-mail in hopes of reconciliation. Unfortunately I believe you ruined what little chance of that was still left yesterday. I am writing this e-mail because it is the right thing to do. It is the right thing to realize how I wronged you, and to apologize for that. I thought about telling you these things yesterday, but I believe it is better to write it. Writing gives me the opportunity to collect my thoughts, and say exactly what I want to say. I am very sorry for all the pain I have caused you. It was never my intention to cause you pain. I hope to remember our relationship with fondness and happiness that defined the majority or our relationship, not with the negativity and pain that defined the bad times, and the end. I hope you will too. The Alpha and Omega. Everything that starts must come to an end. It is a regrettable part of life. I am so happy to have spent some of my life with you.
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