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You know what? I think I'm finally nearly over you.

I hope.

It's been very nearly a year since the breakup.

My heart still tinges when I think about everything that happened. Wonder when I'll be able to get over that betrayal?

I still think about you daily. But not as persistently.



Will always love you and keep you close in my memories and heart.

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i keep seeing u in my dreams again and again... i dont know why i cant let go...im going through the motions and i dont know how to move forward....i just want to see ur face one more time...its an addiction. .sigh it really is.... i cant let go...i wish...but seeing u means feeling pain. i dont want to feel it. your stronger than u know. be happy. its the honest truth, im not lying. i wanna see u, i wanna see how well u went...i cut u away from my life so quickly. i needed to..i had to...u and only u could hurt me...................what does it feel like to be on the other side.....

what do u see, when u see me?

...do u feel shame?

do u feel anger?


what do u feel?...what does it matter how u feel....

thats true..its all true...what do i get out of it? what answers could i possibly get from him.its over...his moved on why cant i?


his moved on, his found her...again....


why cant i just move on>?....


i look like an idiot. ....his moved on and i haven't. i dont think i will get over him...until i see his with somebody else.

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I miss him a lot, and at the same time I feel pain. I don't want to know anything about him, but at the same time i wonder, I have anxiety attacks wondering if he's with someone else... I check his facebook page because im curios, but at the same time i would like to errase him from my friends and never see him again, it's too painfull!!

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I'm exhausted of thinking of you, I erased you from fbook, I feel better, I want minimum contact with you!! I know you are busy but It hurts me that you didn't find the time to ask about your kids, it's been 2 days...!! and today you don't go to school?? so what the * * * * are you doing?? I bet you're hanging out with your friends and having the time of your life!! single and without any responsibility and with my kids link card to feed you!!!! while you dont send a penny, i have to provide to this kids, find a job and take care of them!!! and get you out of my !@#!@$ mind!!! It's very exhausting to be thinking of you, I been dreaming of you every single night!! I AM TIRED!! I WANT YOU ARE OF MY HEAD, OF MY HEART OF MY MINDDDDDD!!!! I CANT GET YOU OUT OF MY LIFE BECAUSE OF THIS BABIES, but who knows, you might forget about them soon, and as much as that would hurt me, or hurt them, i I kind of would like that for a while!!!!!


I don't want to have new from you, and I sincerely hope you have a screwed up life!! before I used to wish the best for you for my kids, but right now I dont give a * * * * !! because you don't do anything for them anyway!!! so what's the point??? well I want you to suffer like I am, at least for a while, then you can be fine!! I'm not a mean person and I don't desire bad to people normaly!! but right now the rage, the pain is consuming me!!!! I'm tired of you!! of this disfuncional relationship!! I have the feeling that I want to be with you, but really when I remember how you were, how you treat me, how you act!! I dnot want that anymore, I dont know if you are gonna change!! but you are not a nice person to be with!!! you are a good person, but you and I are not compatible at all!! you don't know how to balance your life, you don't know how to treat a wife or a family!!! you are selfcentered, all you think is how to solve your dam problems!!! and yes! everyone has problems but them are not the center of life!! there's stll joy!! there's llife!!

there are good times!!! but you couldnt do it!! you only can be happy when everything is perfect!! when you are rich!! well good luck with that!!!! nobody can live a life like that! not even you!! that's why you are full of pains and what knows what diseases you mmight have!!! because not even you can stand your own life!!!!

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I just really miss the days when we first met when we were so open and honest with each other we told one another everything about us and our past. They didn't last long enough. I wish so much we could do the same about us now and go back to that. I wish I knew what really happened when you went back home. I wish to know that you respected me while you were gone and still respected me ever since. I know I did. I also wish you loved me back. I wish you could be open, honest and sincere and share your feelings with me as I did with you. I wish you wouldn't ask me to overlook what happened and simply give you my friendship. You ask me something you know I can not do. The first few days we talked I felt we would be best friends. I needed that so much in my life. You told me you did too. I know there was a time when you told me you could only see yourself with someone like me. I wish that future was as important to you as it was to me to work together so we could make it true. I wish I knew why you decided to go your separate way, and kept me strung along for months until you reached the moment when you could no longer see a future with me. This entire time all I could think about and focus was on how to make things good about us, and could not focus on myself at all. Then after you left, it just got even worse. I'm sorry that I hurt you and I'm sorry you did too. I hope you understand. I hope you feel the same. I couldn't bear the pain, I never learned to lose, because to me at least, it never was a game.

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You tell me one week that you never want to be apart, then you seem to forget about me completely. I should hate you for treating me like this but I still just think about all the good times outweighing the bad times. The good times were great and the bad times were nothing. But the truth is that I tried and you didn't. You weren't willing to let go of your childish habits and in the end, you chose your friends over me. I just wish you wouldn't have denied it so much; we both knew it would always be them. But still I miss you more every day. But you know what? You're okay. I will be too. I just wish I knew how you could stop loving me over night. It hurts, baby.

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It's been one week, and I was doing very well without you, better than I ever have from any other BU (as the dumper even). Then it hit me, out of the blue (sort of, uh, like your break up speech?), that you're still gone.


I miss you.


edit: I had a serious temptation to break NC tonight but...thank you thread!

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You frustrate me to no end. You are the most immature person I have ever met which is sad considering you are a 43 year old man. What makes you think you can treat people the way you do? Why do you lie about EVERYTHING? it is so easy for you to just run away from everything instead of dealing with reality.


You know I really thought I loved you. I don't know if it was but I wonder how I could care about someone who himself is so heartless. I didn't screw anything up. You did. You didn't put anything Into our relationship. I tried so hard to be everything to you but it backfired. Look what it got me, nothing.


I'm angry, bitter and sad. I'm confused. I don't understand why you used to say all those things to me. It feels now that you it was a bit misleading and it is probably what you say to everybody.


Deep down, I think you know the type of person I am. I think you know I am a great person and you couldn't handle me. You even said I treated you better than anybody else ever has, and you know what who probably ever will.


I truly believe in karma. You have spurned a lot of women. You broke my heart and messed up a lot of peoples lives. It will catch up you one day. Have fun drinking your life away.

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I can't stop thinking of you lately and I hate this so much. It's like my thoughts are consumed with you, with the past and us. I keep waiting to like snap out of it but it hasn't happened. I just feel so empty. And I still feel so crappy about making an idiot of myself with that chat we had. I wish it never happened. I wish I never answered that stupid text you sent me and just went NC. This whole month I feel like I've just been going through the motions- not really living, been sp hurt. I hate this feeling.


You confused me a lot- you should have just left me alone, not said anything to me- especially when you had a girlfriend. That still really cuts deep. I feel hurt, betrayed, lied to, replaced, pushed aside- I could keep going. Some of these feelings are irrational I know. But I still ache very badly. I wish I was like you and could just move onto the next so fast. You were always THAT guy weren't you? I've had a lot of guys want to take me out, even just hook up, have some hot sex. I wish I could do that!!! But it takes me a very long time to move on. I have never been the type of person to have lots and lots of guys in their life- while you were the guy with tooooons of girls right? I should have realized that from the beginning. It really hurts me. I wish I went with my gut instict from the beginning- that you were a PLAYER! UGH! I wish I could be like you in that respect- I really do.


I can't stop crying today for some reason. I listened to 'Like we never loved at all' a few times and just LOST it. That song reminds me of memorial day weekend- seeing you. That exactly how I felt after that. My heart hurts. And I keep having nightmares of you. Of us. I wish I could turn my dreams off...my feelings off. And here I am, 4th of July weekend- I remember how upset I was last year at this time because of our first break up....how that holiday was just ruined. Here I am a year later still crying over you. I hate 4th of July! I wish it would go away!!


The top 3 holidays I hate most- New Years Eve, because that was OUR day. Our anniversary. I will NEVER be able to celebrate that holiday the same way again and I hate it. Valentines Day.....hate it. We had such a happy one last year. But I bet now you think of that holiday and you think of your rebound don't you?? Because that was the day you got together- that's what you told me. GOD I hate you!!!! And then 4th of July because it ma me think of our break up last year. Come to think of it I hate ALL holidays. You loved Christmas also.....I remembered how we exchanged Christmas gifts the first time we were together- even though it was a week after Christmas, but we sat by the tree and had our own Christmas. Easter- you came and saw me last Easter, spent it with me and my mom. Thanksgiving, I remember how upsetting the holiday was last year....we were fighting, not really speaking- but you called me to tell me you loved me no matter what. I remember how upset I was. Back then you still loved me....now- not so much. UGH! I bet I could make any holiday remind me of you!! Oh and then there is Halloween! My fav holiday in the WORLD. That was the first time I ever laid eyes on you- in person anyway. The start of it ALL. I wish I could go back top October 31st 2009 and have NEVER saw you!! My life would have been SO different the last almost 2 years!


I hate you. I really do. I keep day dreaming of us....like playing scenarios out in my mind of what could happen- down the road, if you contacted me, if we bumped into each other- which I know will never happen since we live in different states. I wish I could knock it off! UGH GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!!!!

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Heard from sb that you were using a new chick to try to get over me. Don't freakin use people. They have a heart and EMOTIONS too. Try for SOME empathy why don't ya? I guess only a very small part of me of glad you're still hung up over me, a bigger part feels pity. When are you going to grow up??

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