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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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You're going into your last semester at Uni. Soon you will graduate. I was always very proud of you for that. Congrats.


I read a lot of stories where people occasionally hear from their ex's, but considering your rebound actually worked out, I wanna thank you for never contacting me*


I'll see you in dreams anyway where we still laugh with each other and dance on the sand in the sun*


Hope all is well.

Carus* 8-)


Stop holding a candle for her man, she disrespected you and rebounded. You don't have to hate her... but stop wishing her well.

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Hey buddy. No not yet dude tho I did unblock her on FB.


How are you doing?


Unblocking her is a bad idea, trust me if she has anything to hide she won't be posting it on a public facebook.



I'm doing well man actually. I thought i'd be a mess. I came home from my final ever exam on Friday (which i aced) and i was deeply depressed and angry. You just ride it like a wave. I didn't do something stupid.


I pretty much dream pt about her all night and than woke up on Saturday morning to a facebook status update from the guy shes seeing saying "Thankyou Universe!!". At that point it kind of clicked... he's an absolute fool.


I got up and worked on my website and started browsing for jobs, went out with my friends and watched the Formula Renault race. And I feel ok... Despite the fact it hurts, I think that her seeing this guy has given me closure. I'm no longer a wreck wondering what she is or isn't doing and looking for clues. I know she's rebounded, I don't know how long it will last and it doesn't really matter. I would never take her back even if she came begging and I can honestly say that.


I'm still really lonely but I look forward to meeting someone in the future, be it 6 months or a year. I still get that emotional feelings attachment thing, but I just think, shes not worth it.


I thought I was dating down when we met and she sucked all my life force and dumped me for someone far inferior. Built up your self esteem, you can do better than those immature selfish b's

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I feel like I'm on cloud 9 J____..but I fear it's only temporary so I am keeping my guard up while keeping up some hope. I'm happy you want to hang out with me again, we have hung out every day this past week and a half just about, you even freaked out on me admitting you don't want to be just friends, that whole conversation was just so full of emotion even though it wasn't as well. I didn't know you want things to get complicated, all that there is between us, I love you...I am crying here again out of sorrow and knowing that this could possibly be temporary and you may not be completely honest about what you said the other night but I have no reason to distrust what you are telling me because I never had any reason to before. I am also crying because I'm so happy to be able to be around you again, to look at you, to see you smile, laugh, conversate with you. So happy to be able to kiss you again, hug you, all that, I missed it so much you don't even know, I wish you did, I want to tell you but I know you don't deal with emotional things well and I've accepted that a long time ago. I accepted that you would show me what you feel rather than just tell me in words that way I know what you convey is truth rather than say nice things with no meaning or actions to back them up. All I see when I look at you is this amazing man, that I'm in love with and have no idea how I fell in love with you, but I did and this is just a crazy rollercoaster, I'll go to hell and back, go thru a ton of pain and more just have you in my life, that's how much I care about you. You claimed that I don't want complicated with you, when I do I don't know where you came to that conclusion, but I want that so much. I don't want anybody else but you, GOD all these emotions I don't know what to do about them, how to act with them, it's just so much mental stimulation I can't gather it all up. It's like trying to hold more water than a bucket will hold. I suck at communication I'm working on that I often say things that are confusing to everybody else but myself and I'm trying to work on that. J___..I don't know what to do except to be. I just hope this happiness I'm feeling right now doesn't end, that we reconcile, so much I want to tell you, I want to tell you all this I'm posting but it's not the best way to go about things with you because it'll just push you away because I know how you are. I want to say more, but I don't as well. I feel better now that I've vented some more getting it all out instead of using you to vent which means I wasn't keeping a clear head and letting my thoughts all come out like some flood and freak you out. I'm not keeping all my hopes up with you getting back with me, but everything seems to be headed in that direction as far as things look right now, but I'm taking it a day at a time J___. I don't want to keep my hopes up blindingly and get blindsided with another we can't do this anymore from you because I don't know what that would do to me, so I'm keeping some guard up while letting everything fall away, and just going with the flow. I think I will let everything go more than I did the first time around. Not worrying anymore about what could be instead of worrying about whats going on now and how to work with it. Focusing on the importance of living instead of what if. I love you and I need to just let go of what's holding me back each time. Just letting all the worry, and stressing fall away and letting things happen. I think you sensed a bit of my hesistance the first time and it might be why you actually broke up with me because I couldn't just let go and exist with you so I'm willing to do that now while keeping a straight head about things....


I know I will end up posting more of what I want to say to you here again, some of the things I wish you knew but can't because not enough time passing yet...

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Its been a year - what else is there to say that I haven't already poured out over the past 12 months. I was cold, and you were spineless. We both made mistakes, though I still blame myself. I am tired of thinking of you though - I admit, you are always just under the surface of every romantic thought that comes to mind. Everything comes and goes back to you. I have a propensity for cliches, so I will try to be as honest as I can: I loved you, but wasnt able to commit; I lost you, and could not deal, so I went off the deep end; I still dont have much of a sense of direction, but I'm living my life the best I can; I have hope that maybe one day you will come back, but its the kind of hope a pageant-girl has for world peace; you have been the greatest catalyst I have ever known, but some of the things i have become I am not proud of; I have forgotten so much about you and I, and it pains me to forget, though it hurts so bad to remember; I cant remember your voice, only your smile - i wont call your phone just to listen to your voicemail; I still love you, or at least how I felt when I was with you - I havent felt that way about anything since; I still cant be attracted to women, as their attraction to the person ive become disgusts who I really am inside (pretty messed up, and even more lonely); I'm quite sure I will always love you in some way, but I cannot hold on to you forever; I intend to bury myself in my work, and become a lonely, sad, pessimistic little man for a while, since the emotional side of me has taken a year-long beating; I realize you have moved on, and do not care, but the feeling of worthlessness you have left me with beseeches me to continue writing to you every once in a while - it helps me understand that not everything about you and I was so worthless as it seems.


I dont wish you well right now, or hope that you are happy - I just hope that your mind jumps to me every once in a while, and you have not forgotten as much as I have of you.

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I miss us so much baby. Im so hurt by everything that's happened between us. I keep thinking about howbhappy we were before all the fighting and I want that back. I know that can't happen. I found the pictures we took when I came and stayed for the week. The picture of us kissing really got to me. I miss us babe. Idk how I can get through this I don't know how you find it so easy to walk away. No one I love ever loves me in return. Its just not fair.. I loved you deeper than anyone I have ever known. I wanted to marry you and to eventually make you a father..

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Ahhh day 18 of NC. Re-blocked you and that's where it's staying. Noticed your "zany" posts on FB, blatently an attempt to wind me up as you were never like that before.


The good feeling/bad feeling balance is about 80/20 now, and getting more by the day. I do truly feel like I am healing and would actually have to seriously think about replying if you did get in touch.


See ya!

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Well this is Day 4 of NC, and it is only so because you changed your number and forced this on me....I really miss you and having you in my life....I am having the hardest time getting over you and wonder how long it is going to take to feel better and become the woman I know I can be....God I love you so much and thought you were the one that I was going to grow old with and be with....

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Screw you. Not only did you break my heart, but you also had to do it disrespectfully. I know you were far away, but you could have broken up with me beforehand. Instead, you made me spend finals week, when I needed to be studying, spending time with you and your parents who don't even speak English! Then a week after I left, you tell me you don't love me anymore? Two days before that, you said you loved me and missed me! You dirty liar!


And a phone call? A gentleman would have Skyped, and he also would not have told the entire freaking world that he was going to break up with his girlfriend. You don't ever, ever, tell someone else before you tell the person you're in a relationship with.


Or you could have waited until the end of the summer. There's an idea. What, was I really bothering you that much from 500 miles away?


Then you have the audacity to suggest we should be friends. Why would I ever be friends with you? Can you really just forget all the nights we spent together? Our vacation? All the times you said you'd always be there for me, that you were saving up for an engagement ring? Don't you remember the day you nearly convinced me to drive to a courthouse to get married on a whim? Did that mean absolutely nothing to you?


And I asked you, on our one year anniversary, if you still loved me after your friend Caitlyn, that skank you made out with before we dated, told you that you just loved me as a friend and were too loyal to leave. And you promised me that you still loved me, that you wanted to be with me.


So either you lied to me, or you fell out of love in two days, and I don't think it was the last one.


And I hope your friends aren't babying you the way they always do, telling you it wasn't your fault and that you're an amazing person. Because it was and you aren't. I hope they tell you to suck it up and deal with the consequences of your actions for once in your life.


I hope you burn with jealousy when I find a new man. I hope the pain keeps you up at night. And I hope you get deported. Not like you were trying that hard to get a job anyways. What, you expected employers to beg to have you? You aren't that great.


Also, I'm keeping your can opener. I need one anyways, and I consider it the birthday present you never gave me. Remember how I bought you a laptop for your birthday? Yeah, that was expensive. Thanks a lot.

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Dear J-


Thank you for dumping me via email May 20th. I guess 4 years of a close and intimate relationship doesn't warrant an in person kicking to the curb.


If you needed to move on, you should have done what any respectable 60 year old man would do. Come talk to me.


And then you had the audacity to employ a no contact treaty via email on June 9th. And, you are sticking with it I see. No response to my many emails I sent.


You got what you wanted. I hope you feel like a swell fella dumping me via email and cutting off contact.


I'm hoping your heart gets flung around and you can feel the utter pain of heartache.


No longers YOURS!

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Here I am posting again to you J____ -- saying things I wish I could say. I had such a great time with you these past 2 weeks since you've said you wanted to hangout with me again.


Here's what I can't wrap my head around and by venting here I know that I won't be judged, hopefully..


After dumping me on Easter morning and then 2 weeks ago you suddenly want to start hanging out, is pretty out of the blue. Do you miss me or what is it?

You keep asking for me to come over, claiming at first it's because you have no other friends who can come over and hangout with you, that I don't believe, nobody is that busy that they can't hang out with you.

You say how you're not looking to be dating and how much you enjoy being single, yet you continue to invite me over daily to spend time with me. I think you're deflecting and trying to make yourself believe something that isn't true.

After about a week almost, you start to become affectionate again, if I am just a friend to you, you wouldn't be hugging up to me, kissing my forehead, watching me fall asleep next to you when I was too tired to drive home, for fear I would wreck my car -- I had so much fun that night with you

You bring up being intimate again a few days later, which was only a few days ago, maybe 4. I tell you that I don't want our friendship to be ruined because we are having sex, you say we have already been with each other and nothing wrong with two consenting adults being intimate -- I tell you I don't want something that could be temporary based on this, and I am having conflicting feelings because I don't care what happens, because I want to be with you again -- things get misconstrued and you become upset though you claim otherwise. You claim that we can just be friends only, that I don't want things to be complicated and you will make sure they won't be -- you admit to caring for me more than just friends, and putting words in my mouth when I had no idea that's how you felt because I thought you didn't want things to be complicated -- yadda yadda, but we're ok now apparently.


I am told that you wouldn't be putting all this effort into seeing me almost every day these past 2 weeks unless you saw us as more than friends, and I'm inclined to believe that, I hope the answer comes soon. I am not holding my breath though I keep hope that things will workout again, but I refuse to blindly believe that I will win you back for sure and set myself up for disappointment. I'm stronger than that..


God I love you, and I miss being yours. Loving you is making me do this dance and it scares me but I welcome it at the same time. I just hope that I'm lucky enough to actually luck out for once rather than have another relationship I have to write off for good. I do my best to be myself, I don't play games, I be the best person I can be and normally it's not enough or I've had to break off relationships because they were not working. I can't win for losing can I? I just wonder when I'm going to reach the point that I will be with somebody who isn't gonna dig out 6 months of less or me having to breakup because it just wasn't working. What we have together J___, is something special, we can talk for hours, everything about us together is perfect, but I don't know if you really see it. Maybe you see it now? Maybe you are just looking for fun to past the time, but I am stronger now, and if you were to just leave the picture again I won't be as hurt because I didn't let my guard down all the way again. The chemistry is there on every level, we click on every level, everything is great, I don't see the problem.


I wish I knew all the answers..I wish so many things, I want so many things, why are so many of us so unlucky in love? I don't get it...

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I am so mad that you made me kick you out....you did all that on purpose so I could be the bad person and you could feel better about it because I was the one that made it final....you are no man...you don't give a crap about anyone but yourself....two out your three kids don't like you, the last one will be there in time....karma is going to get u in the end.............


I will be happy one day and even though I will still wonder about you I will push on and be the best I can be.....


Even with all this said..I will always love you and want you back.... "sigh"

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I leave for Europe tomorrow - I cant believe it...I'm actually doing what we always talked about. I'm going away, to get away from this life I have been leading since you left. I still cant believe its been a year. On one hand, the wound still feels so fresh, and you dont seem that far away; on the other, you seem like you are a million miles away, and everything we had was just a dream. Was I ever really happy? Was there ever any other feeling than a sense of loss between you and I? I'm still so messed up over you. Its like ive been living on autopilot, and now this pergutory has become comfortable, and I dont want to move. It hurts to miss you, but I'm afraid to let you go. That is why I have to get away - go, and do things I never thought I would. I hope you know how sorry I am, and how much I regret what happened to us, but I cannot ruin my life forever. I have to breathe the air that comes to me, and let go of what eats away the peace I find in the good memories between us. I'm not sure what I intend to find on the other side of the world, but I hope that I can learn to recognize a good thing when I have it, and appreciate what's in front of me for once. I know you cannot read these words, but I do hope that can feel the gravity of what you meant to me all along. I'm going halfway around the world because of you - my only lasting regret is that I didnt go all the way far sooner. I guess timing truly is everything.

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wow i could of typed this all myself almost word for word. eept my ex was a girl. it sucks to have some one treat u like xrap


Glad to know I'm not alone! I kid you not, my grandmother asked me the day before he broke up with me when we were getting married. No one (except apparently him and all the people he told) expected it.


We deserve better. We deserve to be with people who are honest and respectful.

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You are the biggest piece of garbage I have ever had the unfortunate pleasure of knowing in my entire life! You are a 32 yr old pathetic excuse for a human being that decided to control, manipulate and abuse a sweet-hearted girl that is almost 8 years younger than you!


I should have known better judging by the way you treat your family, your ex-wife and your son. Stupid me.


I hate you. I hate that I still love you. I hate you for cheating on me multiple times. I hate you for getting me pregnant and destroying my trust and sanity to the point where I got an abortion that to this day I still think about. And then to use that against me to cheat on a regular basis and manipulate me to that extent when you know I have a big heart and you know how much I love you... YOU'RE SICK. Disgusting pathetic pig.


You have done some horrible things to me that only a narcissistic monster like you is capable of... but the worst has got to be leaving me in the hospital fighting for my life after a serious car accident while you're out gallivanting with * * * * #673. That I will never ever forget! She looks like a transvestite! And I am the woman you supposedly wanted to marry this summer! Disgusting. I hate that we have matching tattoos.. wouldn't be surprised if you changed yours by now already!


I'm glad you jumped into a new relationship just 2 weeks after I dumped your sorry ass once and for all! You know why?? Because you never got over me.. and while I'm healing you're pushing yourself to move forward and will remain the sad miserable loser you have always been. And one day (sooner than later) you will wake up next to her and that sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach is going to return like it used to after every time you cheated..but this time I won't be around to make you feel better!


Keep asking my friends about me all you want.. because that's the closest you will ever get to me again! Oh and getting a facebook profile all of a sudden now when you hated facebook before? bwahahaha what a pathetic way to get my attention, make me jealous and try to hurt me again... have you no soul? No conscience? No remorse? Clearly not. I don't even know who you are anymore.

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Well, you are treating me to be some weird creeper now? You block me on facebook even after I give you your birthday card and you still block me like I'm some creep? We've been together for a year and a few months. We did so much together in that time frame. We were happy...And now you're probably tainting my efforts as me being some obsessed and uninteresting ex? I'm hurt by you. I feel betrayed. I dont believe this. Any of it. But I have to accept what it is now. I will one day...one day, find someone who appreciates me. Someone who appreciates the guy who once made you cry with happiness. God, everything is so distorted and twisted into this ugly image of what you think I am. So wrong.

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Old, angry e-mail that I will never send.


You feel free? That's great! I'm happy for you, I'm truly happy for you. But it's an insult to me in such a great degree because what was I? A prison? Were you my prisoner? Is that how it is? I never made you happy?


You know, the only time I felt free was when I was with you. So how do you think I feel now? I feel broken, I don't feel free. I feel trapped because of you, because of the false promises you gave me. The past is the past, I agree. But you promised me a lot of things in the past for the future as well and now, they're gone too. They're as broken as I feel. And you were the one that made such a big deal about promises and yet, you're the one who broke them.


You're enjoying yourself? I'm glad for you and whoever the girl or girls you're enjoying yourself with, they're lucky, I envy them. But I hope that one day, some girl will inflict as much pain as you have given me so you can feel how much I am hurting right now, so you can get a taste of what it's like not being able to go to sleep because all I can do is think about how the person I love doesn't love me anymore and dreading waking up in the morning because of how much it hurts. It's a cycle I go through every day.


We were worth trying? You THINK that we were just worth trying?! That's all? We were just worth trying, were we not worth fighting for?! Did I mean that little to you? I guess I meant that little to you. It was all in vain and the only person hurting is me. The only person who's heart is broken is mine. I was never important to you and this just proves it. You are the most selfish person I have ever met and I regret meeting you, I really do.


I want to forget you, _____, can't you understand? I'm in pain. I am in so much pain. You want me to be happy? You're such a liar. If you wanted me to be happy, then why can't you help me move on and forget you? Better yet, why did you leave me? My sole happiness wasn't based on you, but a big part of it was.


I can never talk to you the way you want me to because I will always have feelings for you, maybe not love, but most likely hate and a lot of anger.


We forced something that just wasn't meant to be? That is complete bull * * * * . Nothing is ever meant to be in this world, a relationship does not work like that. You just chose to give it up so please treat the truth as it is. You didn't think we were worth it and that's why you gave up. You gave up on me. A relationship requires work, it's never just "meant to be." You gave up because you wanted to for purely selfish reasons. What those reasons were, I hope you did the right thing.


You understand that it's not easy to move on? Then why aren't you helping me by saying goodbye?! Don't you understand that I hate feeling like this? I can't even enjoy my trip because I am hurting so much. It pains me to see how little you cared for me.


All we had was a really good time? That's it? A really good time.... that's all I meant to you? A really good time is an insult because to me, our relationship was so special and it meant the world to me. You meant the world to me.


This break-up taught me that I should never let myself get close to anyone ever again. I should never love someone this much because the pain is too much to endure when I'm always being left behind. I should never make promises I can't keep and I should never ask someone to make promises when they never wanted to keep them in the first place.


This break-up taught me to be MORE selfish and that I should be less insecure and be more independent of who I am because in the end, all I have left is myself. So starting now, I'm going to act like you: selfish. I'm only ever going to think about me from now on and I will just use people (like you used me) until I don't need anymore (like you didn't need me anymore because you found your niche with your brothers and friends and your freedom because it's all about YOU, YOU, YOU). I'll throw them away like you threw me away.

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Well done ILH, get it all out!


Am on day 20 of NC though am starting to not bother counting. Am definatley gettin over you, and don't feel the need to even think of you 3/4 of the day. When I do, it's a mixture of disdain, apathy and nostalgia, in that order. Not that I think you will, but I would have serious serious reservations about you getting in touch now, and even more trouble getting back to you unless you made some SERIOUS concessions.


Adios (you hated me saying that, lol)

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