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NC really heals everything, whether you want it to or not. This NC was never my choice. You forced me to be independent and stand on my own. It helped me to lean on my friends, make new ones, and get out there and do something with my life. It still does make me sad to see how two people who used to be so close, grew so far apart, but I still haven't gotten to the point of forgiveness. I'm happy that you're lonely, that you can't find anyone to hang out with, or activities to fill your time. You had everything you wanted with me, and now you don't have sh*t. I have everything I could possibly want in my life, and knowing that you're alone right now makes me smile.

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Dear R,

I understand the innate need. I believe that this will only make us stronger in the long run when you come back to find me. You will go on to discover a foreign land for a year and come back better then ever. I will be here bettering myself and working on being the best me I can attain. For now, we keep our love buried deep for we can't do anything without heart and we could easily become more attached and fall even deeper in love to a point where you will not be able to go. Thank you for the most loving, intimate gift you could give...took you 26yrs to find the right person to give it to and I know full well how special it truly is. This connection we have we felt from the moment we laid eyes on each other. I have no doubt in my mind that when we come together again all that energy will be reignited. Chemistry on all levels, knowing each other too well, challenging one another where we need it...how could we not see this through?! Although it was a year and 2 months and I had been in a 10yr relationship before you, what we have is something else...its so unique and we should feel so lucky to have found it. This is just a chapter in our book and we have yet to see how it goes. I let go any anger or resentment for you having to do this. I trust that we are exactly where we need to be and things are happening in the correct sequence. Its all good and everything will be alright. We thought we were happy these past months...that is nothing compared to what we will share in the future.

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Hey you,


I'm getting over you now. That in itself makes me sad. Memories are fading. I don't think I will ever see or speak to you again, and every day I wake up and think of you less. But some things will always remain. You held me as we slow danced in that burning room, said "I love you forever." You held me and sang to me in the middle of the night, in the water-cradled me and made me feel like I was your queen. You ran to me at every turn, except for the last one. You loved me, while you could-incredibly. Buried deep, under all my fading images of you, remains a love that continues on for the rest of my life. I am thankful I had you, you imperfect mess of a boy. Please hear these words:




Goodbye AF

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Hello... 2nd day of not hearing anything from you, our common friend was trying to contact you, 3 calls and text but nothing... nada! you didnt reply to her or return her call. I want to hear something from you, i want to know how you are doing...


I"m still in pain, cried a little today... missing you SO much.


You told me not to be scared to lose you... but look at us.


I'm missing you terribly.


Ya ochen tebya lublu still my Russian man...

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LOL. Someone at work woke me as I'm on-call today (2 hours past midnight). Now it's 5am and I can't go back to sleep. I played poker on facebook.


I remembered the time when I "started you" on poker, I showed you how to buy beer for everyone. And then, you started buying beer for everyone too Rather, too compulsively (save your chips!!!) Then, you got addicted to it because it's fun. Hahahaha.


Remember that one time someone told me that I look fat and you went to the table and give a tissue to that woman? LOL. You'd always asked me if anyone needs a punch in the face if they ever call me fat again (WHICH I AM NOT!!! Hahaha), you'd be there to help me.


I know the distance that we had is way too far between us. We spent a lot of time on facebook games, you teaching me how to play MW etc because that's the only thing that we could do together until we see each other again.


But the thing is, now, we'd never see each other again. You were right.. 5 weeks being together real life in the span of 6 months, those don't mean anything in real life.


I've been in real life with this rebound guy for more 5weeks, why does it feel like I remember about our memories more than I did with this guy?


If it doesn't mean anything to you that much, I hope by now, you'd have found your happiness. Because you deserve to be happy.



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Dear ex,

While I still dont regret breaking up with you. I miss you...maybe more than you, I miss US. I miss the feeling of having someone with me, someone with whom I could dream, with whom I could fantasize spendin my life with. But you were and are the wrong person for me.

I know all of this, yet I miss you....Today I was thinking, I am over you, I feel better, I can move on with my life.

But no, I am still sad, grieving the end...My eyes get misty and I feel like crying. I feel alone, I feel lost. I feel scared if I will ever find someone.

I grieve for what could have been...if things were different.

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Last night sucked.... I didn't want it to go that way. I wish we could have been friendly and at least acknowledged each others presence at the last night. It was just to painful for me to even fake smile when I saw you. my stomach hurt really bad. I'm so sorry I looked back when we were leaving and I saw that expression on your face like you wanted to cry... and I felt the same way but forced my self to put a smug look on my face and walk away from you. I really miss you a lot and NC kills me, but every day I get a little better, a little stronger. This isn't how I wanted it to work out, you're my best friend and now I have nobody to talk to. Last night really hurt. I wish things had gone differently and I regret ignoring you completely even though it was probably the best thing for both of us.

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I don't understand how you could have changed so much. I think of who you used to be compared to who you are now and it's appalling. All you could say was "I'm not that person anymore." You used to be your own person. You used to have your own morals and values. You used to be confident about who you were and what you wanted out of life. YOU are ruining yourself. There aren't any excuses anymore. YOU are doing this to yourself. Then you have the audacity to tell me you love me? Yeah, right. Words don't mean a damn thing. Your actions say it all. I'm not falling for your BS. I don't like the person you've become at all. You don't have a chance with me. Hope you get your act together soon before you screw your life up anymore.

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Well, I guess the inevitable has happened yet again.... but this time it's for good.


You have changed into a person I no longer know and it's hard for me to remember who you were. I've also changed into a person I no longer recognize.


NYE changed everything in our relationship. It sealed our fate. I stopped loving you the instant I found out you cheated on me and heard from your own mouth the two other incidents involving her and you. Since that day, I've felt betrayed, embarrassed, and deeply hurt.


I've tried over and over again to fall back in love with you, to let the protective walls down that I put up in January.... to get those feelings back that I once had for you. The trust that I once had in you. I've been unhappy since January. I've been seeing my therapist weekly for a long time now.... trying to learn how to trust you again. The feelings of love and trust were slowly coming back to me. Those walls were coming down again. At least I was trying with therapy. I didn't give up on it like you did.


Once I was contacted by that chic, alerting me of your contact with her and the flirtaciousness/intentions of those contacts, that was my breaking point. She obviously felt it was wrong too for her to contact me.... I'm not dealing with this bull * * * * anymore. You want to play games go play them with someone else. You act like it's no big deal what you do. You always think of yourself and not the person beside you. It's ALWAYS all about you. ALL I wanted to do, was spend some quality one on one time with you and you just blew it/me off time and time again. Everything we did was with your friends. You always made them a priority.... Not me, your girl.


I actually do feel relief in a way. Like a weight's been lifted off of my shoulders. I can now finally let go of what happened in January and free myself from that pain. It takes two people to make a relationship work. Not one doing all of the fighting for it and struggling to keep it alive.


I did love you. With all that I had to give.... plus more. Actually, I know deep down I do still love you. I wouldn't have invested four years of my life with you if I didn't. I gave you my heart and now there is nothing left to give. Honest to God, I'm empty. I can't be in any type of relationship with you. I'm sorry. I just can't. I hurt too much... I will always question your "love" and loyalty for me. I will always remember the good times we did share. Although lately it seems like the bad times overshadow the good times.


I'm sure you'll be with someone new within a week or two because that's how you roll. You'll forget about me in a heartbeat. I actually feel like you already have. I just hope you treat her with respect and actually love her. She deserves nothing less. You are not the easiest person to love.


It is goodbye for good. I'm not looking back, just moving forward to better things and new beginnings.... Healing and moving on with my life. I DESERVE happiness and love.

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I still miss you......even if we are better off apart.


I also secretly hope your boyfriend gets screwed over by you. I hate feeling like I was the best thing that happened to you but you are going to get help and be better with someone else.


I wish I had meant something to you................

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This has been one eventful weekend, and I wish I could talk to you about it like we did in old times. Instead I get so many jealous pains whenever I see your name or a text from you. I'm working loads next week, really not looking forward to it, but it will keep me away you.


I really wish I never let it come to this. I thought I was doing the right thing but I feel insane. You're the only one who is acting with any sense right now, not giving into me. I tried moving all your photos off my computer but my damn CD drive isn't working so now that folder's within one easy click. This is gonna take a long time.


S, if you ever EVER change your mind, do not hesitate to contact me.

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Dear ex, I've been having a really hard time. I'm depressed...I've lost interest in doing things I enjoy (as well as things I should do). I'm pulling away from my friends. I've been crying a lot. The 16th, in particular, was very difficult...it would've been our 1 1/2 year anniversary.


I realized a few nights ago that I'm still IN love with you. How problematic that is...but I'm trying to be kind and gentle to myself. At least I've acknowledged that I still love you, instead of pushing it away. I miss you terribly. I miss you as my boyfriend and as my best friend. I wish you would write like you said you would...I wish you would care, even as a friend, like you said you did. But you don't. You're out having a blast and I'm here still shedding tears. It's good that I blocked you on Facebook. And it's good that I haven't contacted you. The pain is so great that it's almost as though the breakup happened yesterday. I don't know how much more I can take. But tomorrow I'll schedule an appt. with my doctor...maybe he can help.


I love you, and I always will. I pray for healing for us both.

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i hate you so much for breaking my heart. i hope the new girl ur with breaks ur heart just like ur doing with me. All those lies u said to me are hurting me. Why did u leave me? why did u decide to leave me? why couldnt i be good enuff for you? What goes around comes around and i hope u get ur share of * * * * .

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I'm still not used to referring you as my "ex-boyfriend" I'm feeling sad... today I went to Border's Bookstore, the place where we last hangout together to study... I remember where we were seated... that bookstore was also the first time you picked me up when we first had dinner together.. "Pavlov, ring a bell?" ahhh... memories... I'm still aching, my heart feels like its being squished when I think about the times we were together, the words and promises you told me...


ya ochen tebya lublu... still...


I miss you... I want to call you right now I am sad...

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I no longer know how I feel. I love you, I miss you, I want you, and I hate you...

I was willing to forgive you regardless of how much hurt you caused to me...

I waited for you for so long... And still waiting...

But you can't seem to hear my call...


Your words will neither stop racing through my mind, nor cut me like a knife...

You made me feel worthless...

I wish I could know if this makes you feel better...


I pray you miss me desperately...

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I don't miss you anymore but I still remember some of our nice moments. I wish they could come back. Are we done forever? I thought we had connection but maybe I was wrong. I guess time will tell. I love the moments you pay attention to me... I miss them. Why is it so hard to look at me or talk to me? Do you already realize what you did? If you are scared that I will pursue you, don't be. I am letting you go... And I will, I promised, just give me some time!

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Sent you an early birthday wish via email. I read in the forum posts whether or not to tell the ex a Happy birthday or not. I went ahead and did it anyway. You know I am not the kind of person who would hold back to societal opinions (it's cyber-society, still a society!


R and I are doing great now. He lets me into his heart. We've gone out for almost 2 months now. I hold back from saying the L word to him. I think I kinda love him but I am guessing I should hold back from saying it because I want to be sure before I say it.


When I said the L word to you, it forced you a time-frame to say it back. I don't want to do that again. I ran too fast, I dived in too deep and I got stuck. I felt like your response were forced, your happiness weren't real with me. I made the mistake of loving you too soon.


I don't want to do the same with R. I want to let it flow nicely. We went to see some jeweleries because he knows I have a thing for butterfly. He just bought a bed sheet with butterfly print on it. I didn't realized why he chose the bed sheet until I saw it again. I squealed and laughed and he looked at me and smiled.


This is the guy that tries really hard to make me happy. It's not hard to make me happy, really. These little things that missed my sight really makes me wonder if you had ever shown these little hints here and there that I missed. I tried to look back and I couldn't see any.


WYSIWYG. There really isn't any good side remains unseen. You are who you are. When you do all the nice things to your friends that's because you are nice to them. You've always been nice to them.


I'm just that person who didn't deserve anything good from you.


So Mark.. this is the first and the last birthday that I'd wish to you. For years to come, there will be no more birthday wishes from me. This is it.


Happy 30th Birthday, Mark. Victory is yours. Congratulations.

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