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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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I don't know where you are or what you're doing. But I do know that your mind, if not consciously, at least subconsciously is a chaotic mess, thanks to your crazy nasty parents, your abusive ex and his abusive mother, your kids whose own brains are scrambled by all this, Walter your two-bit lawyer, your job which you hate, and even though it was your choice, the loss of the one who led you through the storms, loving you, holding you, wanting all good things for you - me. I love you baby. I can let you go since that's what you say you need. This is one of the worst decisions you've ever made, but it's important that it's your decision, because only you can get a hold of your life. I couldn't do it for you, and shouldn't have tried. I'm well aware I should have been there to help you move into your apartment, but I don't understand why you continually had to harp on it. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you that time. I hope you saw the 10,000 times I was there for you. Good night sweetheart. I want healing for you too.

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How are you? It's been so long since we've had any real talk of any import, and I hope you and little "H" are doing great. I loved you and part of me still does. I've been trying to come to terms with why I still care this far out after you moved on to a better guy... literally and figuratively... a month or so after we broke up.


Lately I've been dreaming about you.

A lot.

I wish I havent' been.


I'm sure that I'm nothing but a bug on the road of life to you, but I will never ever forget you.


Take care of you and your beautiful daughter.. I loved you and I loved her as my own.


Oh, and drive safe..



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I just spent a night at the park with this girl. We were hitting it off. She was totally into me. I never made the move though. The whole time, I kept wishing that it was you next to me. I was thinking to myself that she will never be as good as you. Its hard to move on from someone as beautiful as you, M. I have my pride too, and I will never downgrade, but it seems impossible to find someone who's better than you.


I always said I will never settle for anything less than perfect, M, but somehow, I fell in love with you. Not a lot of people can make me feel that way, M. I always thought you were the one. It crushed my heart to hear that you dont want to be with me, M.


I miss you. I hope you miss me too.

Take care.

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Well....I barely thought of you today....thats a good thing. Matter of fact, the only reason I am posting is that I JUST remembered its your birthday tomorrow.


I hope you have a sh***y day.....and you wont hear squat from me. I have to plan what I am going to do for Montreal since her Bday is on friday. Ya, shes a Leo too - only much saner then you could ever be.......



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I hung out with another girl the other day... i thought of you the whole time...

D*** you, Get the F*** out of my head.

I want to forget you. I STILL LOVE YOU.

I bet you're out with your fake friends and living your fake life.


I couldnt kiss this girl i couldnt actually laugh and smile its as if i had to force myself to.


Still hope to be happy soon, whether it be with or without you.

Ive been looking for strength in god and he has been providing, but i have my moments of weakness.


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I am sad now. N told me that you never cheated on me. That's what you say. Even if I wanted to believe that, you still emotionally cheated on me! You were seeing this girl I didn't know behind my back, she left you comments, you broke a date with me to hang out with her (when I hadn't seen you all week because of the church trip!), you got her number and kicked it with her on Sunday night in the city instead of coming and welcoming me home and seeing our slideshow. And you think that is fine? You don't get why I broke up with you? Oh, you think it doesn't count because it wasn't physical, but for crying out loud, you got with her as soon as I broke up with you! So you were obviously moving on emotionally behind my back without telling me! You were not faithful. You should have dumped me instead of disappearing with her. Your sister and ex wife even told me stuff. How am I supposed to believe you were all innocent? Look, if you were so innocent, wouldn't you have said something before? You said "Oh, I don't like Anna. She's just cute." So why did you get with her immediately, then? You lied. Don't try to tell me you would have been devoted to me if I hadn't broken it off. I doubt it because you were already interested in her if you defended her over me when she was talking smack and I didn't even KNOW her! Is that the way you treat the woman you want to marry? My mom told me today how you said you were gonna marry me next year. Funny how I find things out behind my back. Why did you do this? I was just starting to get over you and forgive you. I was having a pretty dry week. Then I saw you at church and you were all vulnerable and we held each other and you said you didn't put God first so that's why your life turned out bad.


Darn it, Brian! Why did this crap have to happen? Why don't you talk to me and be a man? Don't tell N that you're gonna talk to me and then not follow through. Don't jerk me around. At least I was straight up with you, but I guess you don't believe me. You didn't think I loved you. WTH. YOU DIDN'T LOVE ME.. Bottom line. I broke up with you because I didn't feel like you loved me. How could you when you cancelled our date to be with her? And now you're with her, flying her around and sleeping with her? Just tell the friggen truth for once, why can't ya?

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I feel like I`m slowly dying inside. You promised me you`ll always love me and be there for me, promised me I`m the most important thing in your life and your best friend and you will never allow me to run away... till the day you ran away. Now I`m just the only person in the world who you don't talk to, the only one you don't care about! All I have done was to love you and try to make you happy each day, be near you every second you needed me to... You are the one who lied and cheated, who took the heart from my chest and stepped on it on your way out to your new found love. You don't deserve my love, the place you have in my heart. I wish so much I could just make you disappear from my thoughts and dreams. Why are some people happy as a reward for destroying someone else? Why do I get punished for loving you so much? I can`t hate you, I love you too much for that. I wish you just at least give me a call and say you`re sorry.

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I feel so guilty right now. I woke up in a panic, with my heart pounding. I have not been able to get antidepressants. No one will give them to me unless I check in to the hospital. I may just have to do that. I don't know what else to do anymore.


I am sorry that I accused you of cheating on me when I didn't see it with my own eyes. I'm pretty sure you didn't. Still, you were with that girl when we were together and you immediately got with her. Can you blame me for feeling betrayed that you were with her and blew off our plans, after I was coming back from a week trip? It seems you set me up, but you deny that.


Well, then, if I'm wrong, tell me the truth. Were you really not moving on with her? How do you feel about me now? Did you and do you love me? Are you just with her because you thought I was going to leave you anyway? It seems like an excuse. Can you see that? I know I was hard on you. I am sorry about that. I push people away. I know it's too late and I regret how I make men into projects. I feel terrible about it, really.


Is there something I could have done, though, or would you have found a way to sabotage it? Seems you really liked and like this girl. I don't know why. Your sister said she's mean. It's your choice. It's just sad. I thought you wanted to get married in the church and have a family.


Well, thanks for teaching me how to laugh. You brought many smiles to my face. You were also the most sensual partner I've ever had...very tender and affectionate. Remember how I used to say you were my sunshine? You were. I miss you.

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What a great thread! I want to tell my husband that I've been asked out by another guy, but I'm not interested in seeing anyone else. There are 'plenty more fish in the sea' as people keep telling me, but there's only one father of my daughter, and that's who I want to spend my life with.

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What a great thread! I want to tell my husband that I've been asked out by another guy, but I'm not interested in seeing anyone else. There are 'plenty more fish in the sea' as people keep telling me, but there's only one father of my daughter, and that's who I want to spend my life with.
That is something you should tell him.
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That is something you should tell him.


How do I tell him, though? We're at the stage where we can spend a little time together (e.g. when he's picking our daughter up) with no uneasiness, but the second I mention anything to do with our relationship, no matter how loosely connected it is, he gets a look of panic on his face and clams up. Then he acts weird with me for a couple of days.


So do I wait and say it to his face? Text him, email, tell him on the phone?

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I want to, but I won't. I have to get strong....lots of things coming down the pipe that I'm gonna need strength for...and dignity. Hold on dude, don't call or text....leave her the hell alone. She doesn't deserve you or anything you have to offer. You've spent a YEAR working on yourself, your marriage, and your relationship just so that she could LEAVE anyway....and so suddenly, no warning. Don't let her take away your power. Don't let her.



Great thread, thanks!

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I guess it's completely over. I wish you could see how much pain I'm in but I know you never cared or loved me. You got what you wanted and just left without even giving me a chance or even saying thank you. Right now, anything I do or say won't matter...You made up your mind a long time ago that I wasn't worth it...

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