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I got attached to this image of you---the 1950s era loving pilot. I thnk about how hot you are, B, in your Air Force uniform and I feel extremely guilty for missing you for your looks. What is crazy is that when I first met you, you wore smelly, holey t-shirts and your face was all greasy, hands all dirty. I could barely kiss you because you needed to brush your teeth. But then you cleaned yourself up so nice and even got abs and muscles. I know that sounds super shallow, but it made a difference. You let me style and cut your hair and you wore shirts and ties to church, looking gorgeous. Is that why I'm tripping so bad now? Because of your looks? I hope not, because what does that say about me? I loved my ex fiance, I thought, because of who he was but he was very good looking. You are also very good looking and a lot of the ladies know it (obviously). It makes me scared that I won't get someone hot again. I know that sounds bad. I think on a scale of 1 to 10, I am a 6 or 7 and you are an 8 when you're all spiffed up. My ex fiance was probably a 9. But for some reason, you are even cuter to me now. Your eyelashes, the way your hair is growing out and curls around your ears, the way you look with your shirt off...those broad shoulders with the slender waist. It is very hot.


What have I become to be obsessing over your sex appeal?! Thinking I won't be able to hold your hand at church anymore or ask about how your communication classes are going (you probably dropped out now). Will you still take care of your health? Will you go to therapy? Where will you go? Even if you gained back your weight and became a slob again, would I want you back? I think I would because I got invested. I got attached. You became my best friend. Argh! Even your dad said to give you encouragement because he knows I'm involved. He said to be there for you. But you have become a stone. You don't care about anyone but yourself. You started out chasing me and now you have had your fun (even though we never actually had sex). So you're done and it's time for some young little thing. This hurts so much.

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Why do i miss u so much when u are so obviously not thinking of me at all? you were the one who asked if we can stay in touch but you havent even botherd to keep in touch. Its ok i get it your over me now and dont want to have to talk to me anymore,you didnt even give me your new number and even laughed when i said about it. All i want to say now is YOUR LOSS MATE. I hope you find happiness.

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It's been 5 months since you left me on Valentine's Day and I'm still feeling hurt and crying. I don't know what actions to take to minimise the effect of these emotions. I write write write... all the time with inconhesive words and smudge the pages with ink or rip through paper with a pen. I'm on my fifth book since January.


I don't know who to talk about it. I left my old therapist because she thought I was doing 'better'. I'm seeing a new one now who is getting to know me. My doctor has doubled my dosage.


I think about you all the time. Going back and forth. Especially to that fatal falling out. I now realised then that you didn't had the same feelings anymore in the last few months. Oh the signs that I failed to interpret.


Anger phase:

I don't miss you. Sometimes I think abut vengeance for you not being honest about your needs in the beginning. Was I some kind of experiment for you? 'I was young and in a different time. I wanted to pursue dating you because i never had a serious relationship'. - I want to break NC and tell you how much you ruin my life. My parents are wary of any man that would enter in my life and you know, I rather be isolated and confined in my room to remain a virgin. Sometimes, I should be grateful that you left me now than six years later - I would be agonizing over if you want to be with me for life in your country. I pity our LDR because the effort, time, energy and money - yet with no goals and LT plans on your behalf mostly. You only selfishly cared about graduate course to pursue your life long dream when you only could outlined sleeping arrangements with me. What was I to do in a new country with the possibility to be banished by my parents? I'm not the same now, but this my own self responsibility. It's no use blaming on someone, you, that I intentionally cast off from my life.


I can't seem to past the past. I still don't understand the closure you tried to give me: 'it's too hard' and 'our relationship didn't get any better because of commitment'. I feel things for a few seconds and can't go back to the autonomy of life. I'm trying now... more than before by distracting myself with 'stuff'that I lost interest in a few months ago.

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feb 4th. 6 months now. i think about you all the time. i am mad at you. i am thinking now i really screwed up. i wish i could have you back but that won't ever happen i don't think.


i wonder what your thinking. i wish i could chat with you and find out.

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I am really upset that you haven't even taken the time to call and see if i am OK after we went out the other day and i had been drinking. I am tired of not knowing where we stand after everything we have been through... I am tired of you disappearing and saying things are out of your control and that you cant contact me because of that. Stay where you are right now because obviously that is where you really want to be... I am to the point that even after the time is done you will go back to where you are now and I will have let almost 4 yrs be wasted of my time waiting for you to get things back together, (if you really know what that even means). It is time for me to realize that we are probably never going to be back together and that I have been here hoping for something that I would never have. I do hope things work out for you and that you have a happy life. Know that I have never loved another like I loved you.

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Can't believe you did not even look my way today, or even acknowledge my presence, or even have our son say goodbye when you left. So strange... I just don't understand how you can be so unattached after 22 years together... It does not seem as if you miss me one tiny bit. I just cannot understand it.


But day by day I am healing, and eventually I will be focusing on a new and healthier more respectful relationship with someone who is much more honest with himself and who has his life together and who will not blame his unhappiness all on me...

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Well, after today we will no longer be working in the same office. It is a very bittersweet day for me. I know this will be a good thing for me and my healing/strength. But I still have sadness that the only girl I've every been completely open hearted with, will most likely never talk to me or see me again. I wish you the best, and I hope you find what your looking for. No ill will towards your new man.. but we love and we lose sometimes. I will never forget you. I still think of your daughter and her bright personality. I miss her. I still miss you.


Do you realize that the 4th was 8 months since you called it off? The 2nd was 7 months since our second breakup after I poured my heart out, and the 14th will be six months since we acted broken up. The time since has been hell. Not a day has gone by I don't think of you and your daughter. I wish I could have seen her grow up, but in the same light I hope she has forgotten about me. She may be the clostest thing I'll ever have to a daughter. Take care of her.


In one week it would have been our two year anniversary... I doubt you will remember this, but I don't think I'll ever think of that day the same again.


Good luck in your job, and best wishes to the rest of your life. Even though we don't communicate anymore.. I still have love for you, and because of that I know it is best to completely disconnect and let you live your life away from me.





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Why is it still so hard? I know you still care, I know we will move on and forget all this... I almost don't want that to happen...


Why'd you try so hard to get me just to close up once we were finally together? Big question! Why'd you contact me for the first time in over a month the same day I saw pictures of you sucking face with some new guy? I wish I could understand anything about you... So long crazy.

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i've learned to be happy without you. i've learned to be happy with my life, my friends, my family, and myself...but i am scared to death of the unknown.


i hate missing you and i hate that i still love you. get out of my head so i can heal fully.

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I am so sorry about last night. I just had too much to drink. to be honest I don't even remember most of the night at the club. I really wish i could have the night back. We were doing so well. I love you and am so sad now that I want cry cuz I blew my chance to get you back

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45 days no contact and I am still hurting like hell.


Why does it take me so much longer to get over things than other people?


Why didn't you ever forgive me after everything I did?


I don't know why you had to make things this way.


Ah well, I don't even know what to say to you anymore. I just want to stop hurting.


See ya.

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It's been pretty much 4 months since the break-up, and I am not the least bit over you. I am moving on in that I haven't reached out to you in 2 months, I have a new job, new plans, etc.


But I am just not over you. At all.


I am scared that I will never be. I know that's a lot to say, but to this day I can't stop beating myself up for the way I carried the relationship. I drove you away. Simple as that.


I miss you so much it's unbelievable. I wish you would reach out to me...

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i miss you so much right now..where are you? it hurts not knowing what youre up to, who youre with..and i know youre hurting too, you even told me you were..it hurts seeing those pics..but i think you are trying to making me jealous..you are surprised i havent initiated any form of contact in 4 weeks tomorrow..why do you keep randomly contacting me about nothing? is it to check to make sure im still around? to test the waters? make sure you still have your safety net? you were actually shocked i was going to the lake without you. i hope you have realized that i am not your safety net, you dont have one. hope you realize that real quick..

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i'm gonna look so damn hot. next time you see or hear from me your jaw will drop. you are not even in my leaugue. you are immature, conceited... false.... calculating and self righteous... and i feel sorry for you....


i cant wait to look my best again... re invent myself and blow everyone away. i'm about to start uni.. make new friends... reconnect with old ones..... and your stupid show or whatever you do... whatever money or fame you encounter bares nothing on me... whoever you date or whatever im exposed to about your life only will remind me of the person i know you really are..


the next man that is going to get me will be one lucky son of a !%&*#.... cos you have just fueled my fire to reach my potential.

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