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what to do about meowing cat at night


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My cat's been doing this thing lately where he'll meow nonstop in the middle of the night to be let outside. If I get up and let him out, then outside my window about ten minutes later he'll meow nonstop to be let back in. I've tried wearing earplugs, but his meow's obnoxiously loud and it still wakes me up. And if I ignore him, he'll literally go on for hours. He's pretty persistent.


So what can I do? I'll have to get up and let him back in anywhere from 4-8 times some nights. Most nights, it's at least 2 or 3 times. And if he wakes me up close enough to "morning," I have trouble getting back to sleep. He never used to do this, it's just been the past couple months.

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My cat who is 15 moews constantly, all day. We just deal with it, the vet said that cats get more vocal the older they get. I suggest not giving in, it seems like your cat thinks that because he will meow you will automatically do what he wants, i know its hard but try to ignore him.

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You need to take him to the vet to make sure there isn't some other cause of this, like pain or perhaps he needs a little tranquilizer to help him sleep (or pain killer) if he has arthritis.


He may want out to distract himself because he can't sleep peacefully anymore.


The vet could also give you a tranquilizer to put him to sleep when you go to sleep, so that he will be up during the day when that wears off rather than staying up all night.

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Lavender may be on to something. If he hasn't done this before in all the time you've known him, it could be worth a trip to the vet.


Sometimes I've had one of my girls do this when she is horny, or bored - even after spraying/neutering they still can go through wild spells of activity - but I've also had it happen where one of my older girls was sick.

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