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Gun Ownership: Intimidating?


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If you dated a guy that owned a gun, would you feel intimidated?


I will be moving into my grandparents old house which has been vacant for 3 years. Me and my parents have fixed it up, refurnished, landscaped, etc. and I'm basically going to be the housemaster for some time - probably for the rest of college. It'll be much better for me as I'll have more independence, freedom, and privacy.


There's been problems, though, including an attempted break just a few months ago. I would feel quite secure with bringing my rifle along with me. It'd be hidden away, locked up, ammo unloaded and separately stored and locked up.


I place my security over what others think but I'm interested in other people's opinions.

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oh gosh, memories. on my second date with a guy, we went back to his place to see a DVD. his closet door was open and i saw 3 guns in there. it freaked me out a little, thinking, 'why does this guy have all these guns and is he going to hurt me??!" yikes. he told me he goes hunting and has all the proper permits and all.


i'm not into hunting. i know people who have been killed with guns in their own homes. (an intruder shot them with their own gun). i think if you are going to have a gun in your place, you need to be very careful, lock it up carefully, etc... make sure you have the proper licenses, etc.....

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I think in terms of home protection and gun safety, it's not a big deal. But if it's a guy who goes huntin' (minus the g) or brags about his gun or shoots beer cans with it, thinks it's a cool toy, then I'm not interested.

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My bf has an extensive gun collection worth many thousands of dollars. I never knew he had any guns untl I helped him move 5 years ago, he keeps them unloaded and locked away, well almost. Now I know he keeps a loaded gun in the nightstand and I feel safer than I ever have. Too many people are killed by intruders and this would be one time the intruder would be blown away. I personally hate guns, but I do have to admit, I feel safer sleeping in my bf's house than I do my own. Would I date a man who didn't own a gun is a better question.

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lol no way!! I'd be more like "YES! When are we goin huntin, baby?!"


Haha, I'm sure my neighbors would love that. Though there is a deer problem around here....


i'm not into hunting. i know people who have been killed with guns in their own homes. (an intruder shot them with their own gun). i think if you are going to have a gun in your place, you need to be very careful, lock it up carefully, etc... make sure you have the proper licenses, etc.....


Trust me, I've replayed scenarios like that in my mind so many times. That's why I would keep it locked up and hidden, and the ammo stored separately.

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If you dated a guy that owned a gun, would you feel intimidated?


I will be moving into my grandparents old house which has been vacant for 3 years. Me and my parents have fixed it up, refurnished, landscaped, etc. and I'm basically going to be the housemaster for some time - probably for the rest of college. It'll be much better for me as I'll have more independence, freedom, and privacy.


There's been problems, though, including an attempted break just a few months ago. I would feel quite secure with bringing my rifle along with me. It'd be hidden away, locked up, ammo unloaded and separately stored and locked up.


I place my security over what others think but I'm interested in other people's opinions.



What good does a gun do for you if it's unloaded and someone breaks in? Are you gonna say "Hey wait before you attack me so I can find my gun, unlock it, load it, and aim." Hell no your not, keep that thing where you can get to it. I have several guns, all loaded. I am not intimated by someone owning a gun, it's preferred. I would be awkward around someone who doesn't own one. Better to have one and not need it then need one and not have it.

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I am fine with guns as long as you're a responsible owner and trained on how to use it. But this?


I have several guns, all loaded.


This would make me run for the hills. Trigger happy people seem paranoid, and paranoid people make me nervous.


One loaded gun in the nightstand with no kids around is tolerable, but several? I won't be sticking around long enough to witness an "accident".

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I have a somewhat confused relationship with firearms. Personally, I disapprove of them; many countries get on without having to concern themselves with invasion or gun ownership. That said, this is my home: AMERICA. People own guns and perform defense or aggression with these tools.


I have never fired a gun. There are distinct stories that I have been told which relate to gun use and ownership. My father was once ordered by his guardian to finish off a wounded deer, using a .44 kept in the glove compartment of the truck that had injured the animal. He was six at the time. Is it right to expect a child to mercy kill another mammal?


I have traveled the world and seen many POVs on this subject. People in Europe think we're crazy, to have so many guns. In England, policemen carry batons rather than handguns. Still, in Iran, women are shot in the chest and left to bleed to death on the streets. Were the populace armed, that kind of thing could never happen.


Yes, I find gun-ownership to be intimidating. That is the entire purpose of having a gun. If you do not intimidate someone by having the weapon, then what is that point? To murder?

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Ok so I thought about this one, and I really think it varies from girl to girl. As for myself, I would not be bothered at all. Just as long as it's not handguns. Those intimidate me a little. But I hunt, so I've been around guns a lot. Some girls are not used to them. Hell, some girls have never even shot a gun before--ever. I also have dated two marines and a soldier. Two of them would take me target shooting with their weapons for fun. And I always would help them clean their weapons cuz I know how much of a pain it can be to do by yourself. But there are a lot of girls (and guys) out there that want nothing to do with a gun. So just kinda feel out what type of girl she is and if you think it would scare her, just keep it locked up. No need to bring it up in the first place.

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Guns make me feel safer, so yes I would and have dated many guys that have guns. I have guns. I would not want to date a guy that didn't know how to properly handle one though, or just had one because he thought it made him cool.


Not making you angry anytime soon........

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If you dated a guy that owned a gun, would you feel intimidated?


I will be moving into my grandparents old house which has been vacant for 3 years. Me and my parents have fixed it up, refurnished, landscaped, etc. and I'm basically going to be the housemaster for some time - probably for the rest of college. It'll be much better for me as I'll have more independence, freedom, and privacy.


There's been problems, though, including an attempted break just a few months ago. I would feel quite secure with bringing my rifle along with me. It'd be hidden away, locked up, ammo unloaded and separately stored and locked up.


I place my security over what others think but I'm interested in other people's opinions.


On the plus side, there's about a 0% chance of an in-home accident happening there.


On the negative side, if someone is attempting to bust into your home in the middle of the night, it seems like a lot of searching, unlocking and loading which would take a lot of valuable time. Not that I'd advocate a loaded gun laying around free as a bird and in plain sight.

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