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Sexually confused

Strong emotion attraction to females

torn emotionally from what i dont know

Ok fine.....i can deal with my sexual problems...at least ive got me

my skin starts expediting the aging process when im 20

i blame it on alcohol, quit......good problem addressed

obession on my skin, it gets worse and worse and consumes all my energy

i have a skin disorder and im aging fast

23....its gets worse all the time, i cant function,

why cant i have a relationship, alot of people do, but why am i not allowed

dont feel love, happniess, dont feel any energy, except the feeling of sinking

thats my only momentum, downward, thats the only energy i feel

i cant even concentrate during the day, i can talk to anyone, i cant connect with anyone

my grandfather commited suicide and was an alcoholic,

it makes tense that i would,

but how did it get perfectly set up

i just so happen to get this mysterious skin disorder, and it puts me over the edge, with the lack of everything else in my life making me feel pleasure

My pleasure and pain scale is and had been way to the negative, the only pleasure i feel throughout the day is masturbation, resting from work or any other activity, eating food, going to the restroom, and forgetting about life, hiding , staying hidden, i dont know what pleasure really is

i dont feel it

im dieing

thinking about pills or anything

i dont feel pleasure from anything in my life, family is a joke, no one listens or knows anyone else, so thats out, i am very dysnfuctional in a relationship, and my skin is horrible so its makes me have no confidence, girls dont like that, i cant have the life the was right around the corner, but i can constantly see it from my window looking into the world, and not seeing a thing.

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Can you seek counseling in anyway? You're only 23!! You're still young and you have a lot to live for! I know things look rough but the things you are going through can change and improve. You can always see a derm about your skin and I'm sure that can be fixed if you're really bothered by it. We all go through things to make us stronger people! You have a lot to live for believe that, why take your life over one rough patch in your life. You have a future, make goals to improve, if you hate something about yourself, work hard to improve it but for god's sake! Don't give up!! Do something that you love,do something different to make yourself feel better! But please seek counseling, I don't know you but I love you and I care about what you have to say!


THIS IS THE BEGINNING! Not the end! So dust yourself off and keep moving forward. Fight those battles!

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