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Okay I have been doing the no contact for about two weeks. Before this calling and begging and pleading all that stuff. He has called me twice in these two weeks since I started no contact to see how I was doing??? He calls yesterday asking if I want to stop by and tells me that he misses me and that he misses me sexually. By the way he is seeing someone else. I ask how that is going and he says okay tells me she is pissed off becasue he still has a picture of me up. H e keeps telling me how much he misses sex with me and all this stuff so I ask what should we do. He says that he is taking this time to get closer to his family and that I should do that and that for now we should live our separate lives. I am so scared that I will never have a second chance with him. That he will find someone else and fall in love with her and that's it. He wants to remain friends something that he has not done with any other ex and still hasn't picked up his stuff from my house. Do you think that there is any chance. we broke up becasue of arguing and he said I was making his lif eto stressful. we have only been apart for a month .

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I think you need to be very careful here. He is still seeing soemone else. Please don't become part of this guy's harem. I think it's great that he's called to see how you are BUT I am very suspicious of the whole missing you sexually thing. He wants you to drop by? And he misses you sexually? BEWARE.


Just focus on being friends and don't try to force yourself to be his friend. If you get too involved with him right now - you'll be competing with some other woman. And you don't need that. You are fine just as you are. Don't call him. If you are afraid of what you might say - just don't answer the phone when it rings. Let the answering machine get it. You can call your friends back. Don't play his game.


Good luck!

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