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knowing your league?


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Because I don't go after mr. supermodel hot stuff I'm automatically selling myself short? And so you suggest that I leave my amazing non-supermodel bf and go search for mr. hot thang who would neeever settle on little miss not supermodel (such as myself).


Let's be real here, you think a man like that is going to fetch a gal like me? No thanks, I'm not prepared to be rejected in the face of OBVIOUS.

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Beautiful people hold more social value in a lot of cases. Ugly pasty white boys don't hold much social value. I like who I am and what I do, but I know a lot of women perceive me as unworthy.


It doesn't matter what I perceive myself to be, or what actually is, what does matter is what they think about me.


I don't know why people want to believe that if they want something really badly they'll get it. I want to believe I have a check for $1 Million in my wallet, but that doesn't mean there is.


Just because I want to believe there are no leagues doesn't mean there aren't.


Actually it's quite the opposite. You shouldn't let others views on you affect you. If one woman turns you down, oh well? They didn't really know you and rejected what you gave them, they didn't know you well enough to reject YOU.


This is what believing in leagues does. It makes people believe that others are inheriently better or worse than them. It decreases everyone's value as a human being.

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Actually it's quite the opposite. You shouldn't let others views on you affect you. If one woman turns you down, oh well? They didn't really know you and rejected what you gave them, they didn't know you well enough to reject YOU.


This is what believing in leagues does. It makes people believe that others are inheriently better or worse than them. It decreases everyone's value as a human being.


I never said that they make me feel less of myself. I just said I know that they think they're better than me.

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Why can't I be happy, I know what I can get and don't set myself goals I know I can't get. I know what I am "average" an I'm happy to be average.


wasn't directed at you.


Why does happiness always have to revolve around relationships?


some people do. i don't.

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so you will never be fully happy. gotcha.


No offense ghost69, but I seen your picture before. You have a kick-ass build that the ladies go crazy for. You don't have to work as hard as the other average joe in terms of attracting women on visual sight. Your perceptions of Leagues is jaded because of all the success you have had.


Ghost, say you gained 75lbs of fat. All the women that would have said 'Yes' to you would significantly drop.

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Beautiful people hold more social value in a lot of cases. Ugly pasty white boys don't hold much social value. I like who I am and what I do, but I know a lot of women perceive me as unworthy.


It doesn't matter what I perceive myself to be, or what actually is, what does matter is what they think about me.


I don't know why people want to believe that if they want something really badly they'll get it. I want to believe I have a check for $1 Million in my wallet, but that doesn't mean there is.


Just because I want to believe there are no leagues doesn't mean there aren't.



there ya go, thats the attitude to have..... *sigh*

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No offense ghost69, but I seen your picture before. You have a kick-ass build that the ladies go crazy for. You don't have to work as hard as the other average joe in terms of attracting women on visual sight. Your perceptions of Leagues is jaded because of all the success you have had.


Ghost, say you gained 75lbs of fat. All the women that would have said 'Yes' to you would significantly drop.


Ghost didn't use to be that way. He worked hard for it.


In that sense, any body can get anybody, because everybody is capable of changing into any person.

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No offense ghost69, but I seen your picture before. You have a kick-ass build that the ladies go crazy for. You don't have to work as hard as the other average joe in terms of attracting women on visual sight. Your perceptions of Leagues is jaded because of all the success you have had.


Ghost, say you gained 75lbs of fat. All the women that would have said 'Yes' to you would significantly drop.


really? i used to be my height and weigh 50 lbs less. know how skinny that looks? i didn't want to look like that anymore so i changed that about myself.


i will never gain 75lbs of fat anytime soon. i watch out for that to make sure it doesn't happen. and if it did, i can guarantee the girls that say yes probably would drop. it is less desirable in what people prefer. has nothing to do with leagues.

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The answer to this question is so obvious in my opinion. As some others said as well, if you have been constantly rejected by some specefic type of people maybe you should change the type of people you hit on. That's it! If you are ugly and beautiful people still accept you or if you are poor but rich people still wanna date you, you are in their league, as simple as that.


However there is always risk if you date people who are way different from you, not impossible to date but risky. Because most people tend to date people that are somehow the same as them(lookwise, agewise, educationwise and etc).

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And by obeying leagues, you think the same way they do. You think that they are too good of a catch for you. That's not true.


Again, I never said that I think they're too good for me. They perceive themselves as out of my league, that's all that matter when it comes to dating.


Pretending that I can change their attitude about me doesn't change the fact that I can't.

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Again, I never said that I think they're too good for me. They perceive themselves as out of my league, that's all that matter when it comes to dating.


Pretending that I can change their attitude about me doesn't change the fact that I can't.


Not everyone has that attitude.


Ghost and Armjet (sorry, tried to spell.... failed) are two of the most good looking people, imho, on these boards. They say leagues are null and void. No, you can't change the way people think. But you can date people who think the same things as you and you can prove people, including yourself, wrong.

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Not everyone has that attitude.


Ghost and Armjet (sorry, tried to spell.... failed) are two of the most good looking people on these boards. They say leagues are null and void.


it's because we can get whoever we want DW, right? wrong. i've been rejected plenty of times. why? i wasn't their type, something i said was off to them, i farted on approach, etc. something, something didn't make the person want anything with me. so what? those girls better than me? heck no. me better than them? heck no again.

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