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Day 2 Broke NC


Went out last night and got very drunk. Usually I would send you a drunk message, so not having a phone for a while is going to really help. I went out with two guys who I sometimes use for a good time. Thy spent the whole night following and making out with my best friend, yet when home time came around and she was not there, they both decided they wanted ME to choose which one of them to take home. Of course when they had spent the night chasing my friend, but wanted to use me I was angry and in my drunken state, wrote a FB status about it.

The ex thought it was about him, so asked if it was so. Still drunk in the morning, I generally forgot about my NC challenge and I messaged him back. GOD DAMMIT. I feel so disappointed with myself. I really wanted to do it this time.


So I start again, fresh mind, fresh state.


09/08/2014 is where I start to get back to myself, to what I was before you broke and destroyed me.



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I believe its day 27, I love, I miss her, but I dont need her. That feeling that you get in your gut from missing her and waking up randomly in the night and realizing that shes gone has all gone away. I realized that our relationship was good its just that she chose to listen to 3rd parties that were telling her that I have been unfaithful to her and she believed them (this is all bull, I have never cheated on her. to this day im just doing my own thing and not looking for anyone atm)

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Day 15... damn today he must be partying his ass off at some music festival... where people just pick up drugs and have sex with whoever they want. lol... well Im here doing my math homework... I will be the best engineer and you will only get stuck in your studies because you dont even know what you want... sucker.

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Day 2


Thinking about what he was doing last night. Did he go out? Did he meet someone? Did they go home together? ... would usually message him to plan to meet up this week while trying to find out if my thoughts were right.


Trying to keep myself busy but the thoughts keep getting in! I'm logging out of FB, just in case.

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Day 3


I have broken the no contact agreement once after a week, but this time I'm really determined not to contact her. But I think about her all the time. I can't bring myself to block her on facebook yet, but it has also been three days since I checked it. It's like what they say about when you're quitting cigarettes, to carry a pack on you so that you're making a conscious choice not to smoke them. I'm making the conscious choice not to look at her Facebook. I don't need to see how good a time she is having on her travels while I sit around here working and waiting for the semester to start back up again. Plus, I really deserve a lot better than she ever gave me. I just need to hold on to that..

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Hi guys.... I got to 19 days last time I did this. Life got crazy and I didn't update that I did in fact give in and stay in contact with my ex. We talked last night for an hour, and when I asked him if he wanted to even pursue a relationship, he could not even have me a straight answer. I just think he believes Im so in love with him I'll wait for him forever. Wrong!!! Yes I love him but I have to get him out of my system. So.......here goes.


Day 1.

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Day 19


Went with the boys to the beach and had an AMAZING time, love it, got a bit buzzed but I kept my distance from my cellphone, no drunk dialing this time


Really enjoying the last few days of summer vacation, then off to uni and hitting the gym 5x as hard!

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Day 19


Went with the boys to the beach and had an AMAZING time, love it, got a bit buzzed but I kept my distance from my cellphone, no drunk dialing this time


Really enjoying the last few days of summer vacation, then off to uni and hitting the gym 5x as hard!


This is awesome... I made it to 19 days last time I did this challenge. This time I plan on going the distance. Crazy how it takes us a few times of stumbling before we 'get it'. Sigh......and yes I think working out helps ...a LOT!! Keep going!! You're gonna make it!!!

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This is awesome... I made it to 19 days last time I did this challenge. This time I plan on going the distance. Crazy how it takes us a few times of stumbling before we 'get it'. Sigh......and yes I think working out helps ...a LOT!! Keep going!! You're gonna make it!!!


I made it to day 22 last time I went NC and I thought to myself, hey, maybe she changed her mind by now... NOPE.


Its not worth breaking NC and reaching out to an ex... its BEST for them to contact you with something meaningful for us to even THINK about responding.

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its BEST for them to contact you with something meaningful for us to even THINK about responding.


This exactly mate, my ex did contact me and asked if we could be friends 34 days ago now, of course I said no because that just wasn't something I was looking for from her at the time. Now we're just moving on from each other, there is no going back to what we had nor will there be a chance in **** that I'll just be friends with her. You guys just have to be strong and stick to your convictions, whether it affects them or not doesn't matter, what matters is getting yourself back together and remembering who you were before your S.O. It's hard to see at first but once you get to that point a light bulb will go off for sure, and working out definitely does help a lot.

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Day 3


The thoughts from yesterday have now quietened down. I find myself thinking 'Oh well' instead of 'Oh no.'

It's only day three and through trying to stop myself from contacting him I just remind myself of all the bad traits he has. I think I will really do it this time, feeling optimistic


I do wonder how long it will take him to realise that I have not contacted him and if he'll reach out to me. Only time will tell I guess.

I do find myself wondering what I'll do if he does reach out ... It will be hard not to reply sometimes, as I agreed we'd continue to be friends - but if I must reply it'll be short, and blunt - just tell him 'sorry, I'm busy washing my hair that day.' \\

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It's early morning....day 2. I know I should wait till the end of the day...but I woke up, worked out. Feeling good...

I've set lots of new goals for myself...within the next few weeks. So I'll be busy. I have learned a key to moving on, is to actually MOVE...literally. Sitting, waiting, counting the days is not ever going to work. Been there...done that. A this point, I don't think I even want to reconcile. Ever. Im ready to reinvent myself. I guess that's progress

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Day 20


Started missing her today, out of nowhere, it just hit me like a brick wall, but I tried my best to shake it off and went out to get my mind off her...


What in the world... how could another human being have such effect on another like this, I sometimes just start laughing out of nowhere just thinking to myself "relationships/love are for crazy people" "How could anyone get so close to someone then just break it off like this and move on to the next"



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Day 4


I think I am going to have to look at this as semi no contact as of the 'friend' situation.


I replied to his dumb message, it was a blunt reply, and then he ignored it. I swear he just hates the fact that I have recently just been leaving him with the last word. Mad at myself for not following my instinct and just ignoring his pathetic attempts to try and keep me on the hook. Tired of the games now.

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Day 3:


Feeling good. Working out definetely helps. Again, I'm trying to meet a few personal goals, so my mind is more on that right now. I am just wanting to surpass my recent 19 days..... that will definetely make me happy!!

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Day 21


Just one more day till I hit the longest streak I went NC last time before I broke it... not like it matters. I have noticed that I still have anxiety and I hate being idle around the house it makes me think about her badly and it drives me insane. I trained today but that was about it, nothing else to do. I'm going tomorrow to uni to pay the tuition, then off to my doctor's appointment. The semester is starting next week, kinda excited for that since I'll be able to start hitting the gym and not just workout at home (hate not being to lift HEAVY!)


Ugh... I hate loving someone that doesn't care about me, I wish I could just turn off my feelings for her like a switch, just like she did.

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Day 18 I think... it's the little things... you know... a few years ago I used to feed stray cats in the streets, and there was one man who was the caretaker of some place that was nearby. That was 3 years ago. Today he recognized me as I was crossing the street, smiled at me, said: Hey! I replied: Hey! ... and that was it. It made me happy. Apart from receiving compliments/looks in the street Like I look good and my ex is missing out big time. I dont have a low self esteem. I know Im such a great person, I have a lot of good qualities. At class, my mind was wandering, thinking about him... the heartache (literally) always hits me. Im starting to feel a lot better though. I mean there's always that heavy burden that I feel on my chest that indicates that I'm not over him, but it's good to feel I'm getting a little bit better with every day that passes. Today as Im writing this I feel awful... anxious. I'll see if I go out for a walk with a friend tonight, so I can feel better.

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