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DAY 8 - I did a bit of meditation last night to help me sleep and it was so effective I think I must have gone out like a light and I was in such a deep sleep I missed my alarm this morning! Oh well, I was worried I wouldn't get enough to write some of my essay today but yay I have although my eyes are sore from too much reading...anyway as for the ex...I'm feeling a feeling of genuine 'I hope he's happy' it must be the spring air or something, but i honestly hope he's doing well and not feeling too much stress (we are both in third year)

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Day 11.


I think I was around this day when I went to the pub and you were there. I was doing so much better that first time, I kinda regret breaking NC because of the progress I had made... But none the less, I'm up and down and wondering whether i do want to be with you... Do I really want someone who can walk away when * * * * gets tough? NO! I can only hope you grow up, realise what you threw away, be happier and bigger in your next relationship. I sure have grown, I won't make the same mistakes twice.

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Day 7... (Because you broke it 2 days after I've announced NC for the first time.) I feel squashed, hoping for you to reach out, hoping you'll miss me and realize it's lonely without me by your side... Nothing happened... You went for two days to our mutual friend, you had fun and posted all those pics on FB. It hurts so much. I was the one with whom you always went there and, for the first time, I wasn't invited. I'm no one in your life now, I mean nothing to you and them... The very thought of it makes me devastated.

Your breadcrumbs (few FB likes which I don't see as a NC breaking) are no longer what I want and can accept... Nor I can be the first one to initiate anything because you left me. If you want something from me, I'm guessing you'll say it loud and clear. You still have some of my stuff by your side... You can find any excuse for contacting me but still... You're silent. It seems like these 7 years don't mean anything to you and it's breaking me. I'm falling apart every day more and more, and it's supposed to be easier?! I'm still hoping for you to tell me you were making the worst mistake of your life... The way you did in the past. Still hoping and making it harder for myself...


It hurts so much.

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Day 8

He's been lying! All this time I thought my friends (our mutual friends) were keeping quiet about him and his new girlfriend and they didn't even know about her! Funny thing is, one of my friends is friends with her and she didn't tell him either. All this time they thought he broke up with me because he needed time to himself to figure things out with his son (the initial LIE he told me as well). I told them what has REALLY happened, and now they all know what a liar he really is. I don't know if it will get back to him that I knew the truth all along but I really don't care anymore. I'm not the one in the wrong.

(SN: I'm NEVER dating a guy with a kid again)


Today has been a little better than yesterday. I haven't cried. I haven't had any urges to view their page; probably because I have them blocked now.

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Day 7

I woke up this morning missing my ex, but okay. Yesterday was another good day, although I did talk to his brother by chance, who said that my ex is doing well. That hurt! But I'm looking forward to today.

Yesterday I couldn't stop thinking about having sex (hormones!), but for the first time I imagined sleeping with someone else than my ex and enjoying it. Time really does heal...

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Day 20

Another day without contact! In a way it's good like this, because I'm not ready yet to communicate with her on an equal level, still dumper and dumped. I would like to give it another try at some point, but ideally that should come from her and right now I don't see that happening. In any case she would have to see me in a different light, not like the week guy I was when she got rid of me. I will give it a go when the time is right, don't want to have any regrets when my time's up in 50 odd years.

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DAY 9 - Spring is now giving me horrible reminders of all our good times together, I think it's the air and the way everything smells, it's just bringing me back to those times when you were extra specially sweet to me. I guess you weren't as happy as I was at this time back then.


Well done flatplane! Big milestone tomorrow I can't even remember how many times I've been on day 7 of my nc! I'm getting all excited about the upcoming two week mark

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Dumped 8 days back because SHE didnt feel 'I' considered HER close to me anymore, no fighting no arguing. Day 7 of NC today. Cried first two days. Now much better, had extreme urges to text day before, so deleted her number although I have it perfectly memorised. Also unlinked our FB, Gchat accounts. I got 4 calls from blocked number yesterday, not sure if it was her, they cut it 2 times and didnt leave voicemail 2 times. Cherished more our times in the winter, and spring is here so it reminds me less of her. Damn it hurts like a knife in the gut, and not knowing how she is doing because no matter what i care for her, and she said she cares for me as well.

*May the force be with you*

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Day 12!


Two weeks ago I paid to have a clairvoyant reading done, not BECAUSE of our break up as this was something I've wanted to do for evvvvver but because I decided I'm going to stop putting things on hold and just do it... Anyway! TODAY a lady, who I find out is a clairvoyant and WORKED for the lady i did see told me to stop stressing but I have to let go of whatever is bothering me... Asked if it was a boy I was worried about, and of course I said yes... Said I need to let go without thinking he doesn't care or that I pushed him away because it wasn't from me... She believes his family and friends have something to do with him settling down and he ran terrified!


VERY SCEPTICAL but it was amusing that I didn't pay for that haha... Still sticking to my plan of getting out and getting back to where I was... And if he's meant to be in my life, he will be. Must stop controlling and rushing! Best things come to those who wait, and whether that's someone better or my ex bettering himself... TIME will tell!

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Day 14


The more time we don't talk, the more I feel better and see the situation for what it is. I feel like I was blinded by love and couldn't see reality. You are trash, seriously. You would think that you would get your life together but apparently taking a step back and seeing what low people you chose to surround yourself with is not in the cards. How can you not see the consequences of the choices you make? The more I think about it, the less attracted I am to you and the less I can see you as a GOOD husband and a GOOD father. I'm pretty sure you will spend the rest of your life in your college party state. I just don't even look at you the same way.

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Keep on thinking about the amazing times we had and how much I miss that, then think about the break up and how distant she was all of a sudden, and how incongruent these two memories are. Why are people so complicated??!!



It's just human nature. After the breakup you may hardly recognize this person if you were very emotionally invested in the relationship. It's not complicated, it's just the way things are.

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Day 9

Today was a good day. Kept to myself mostly, which was what I needed after being pestered my my friends yesterday. They wanted me to show me their FB accounts but I can't bare to look at it anymore and don't intend to ever again. No tears were shed today. I didn't really even feel bad at all I've been pretty content.

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21 days, three weeks

Got a personal trainer today coz lost a lot of weight. Have to gain back 13 kg! Now that's a problem most people don't have. So, happy eating! And from Monday punishing gym schedule. Well, putting into practise making positive changes for myself, will look better in the long run, and it will keep my mind of my ex. Or that's the theory!

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DAY 10- having big urges to break nc today as for both of us it is our last day of lectures ever. I know I won't, but it frustrates me that even on moments like this you are the first person I want to share it with when for you I am the last person you think of. I'm angry with you today, angry with myself for caring and feeling hurt that you rejected me. I shouldn't care anymore.

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