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Day 7 and I'm still alive. Keeping busy helps. I'm so tired by the end of the day that I'm actually sleeping pretty well. Now all I have are pockets of despondency instead of feeling that way 24/7. I don't know how those of you who have to see your ex all the time do it.

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Day 4


No contact since 6am Thursday(broke up on wednesday)


We may have to sell our house, so that may involve limited contact. I want to delay the sale til after I get back from Europe (3.5 months) so that I'm not stressed more over the next few weeks before I leave. If he agrees to that my goal is NC til i get back


Meanwhile, today I'm ok. I strongly believe we cannot work it out unless he changes and matures, and that won't happen overnight. By the same token I do still love him and miss him heaps. I am also looking forward to Europe and doing stuff for myself, but at the same time a bit apprehensive and scared of the really alone times.

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"no contact" isn't even a challenge anymore. I feel no overbearing need to call or text you...i just wish you would at least try to contact me.


2.5 months in and i don't feel any better you said it'd take me less then a month...it didn't. maybe that's how long it took you.


love you still xo


time doesn't heal anything

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Heading into day eight and I actually feel pretty good right now. Hope she isn't into work today as it will make things much easier.


Just a random thought: "I hate Breadcrumbs!"


hahah i love you avatar! everytime i see my ex sign in (it isn't very often but still) my stomach turns

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hahah i love you avatar! everytime i see my ex sign in (it isn't very often but still) my stomach turns


Yeah I had a good laugh when I saw it! So true though right?


If it were not for work related reasons, she'd be gone from my MSN.. but alas that is not the case. Pretty much how I feel every time I see her name sign in. Ughh. I'll stop now!



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Day ???


You were amazing for 2 years, then it took one moment of weakness for you to revert to a confused child in a grown-up's world. The girl I knew was better than this. I suppose I never truly knew you - oh well, we all make mistakes. Mine was believing in you.

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Day 21


yesterday was good, today is worse. Woke up at 3am and could not fall asleep, millions of thoughts running through my head. I am trying to let it go, let her be, heal myself, but sometimes it's so damn hard. Perhaps if she wasn't with someone that would've made it a bit easier...can't get over the fact of being replaced in a blink of an eye.



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Starting over from Day 1 again...


I hate you, you made me feel terrible about myself. You ruined my life and continue to screw around inside my head. I am angry that you left me and hopefully by the end of this thing it won't be anger that I'm feeling, but rather something positive. Maybe relief. Relief that I don't need to be with someone who doesn't care about me and for the last 2 years told me lies to my face about how much you really loved and cared about me. You told me you loved so many things about me and now since we've broken up, you are using the same things you "loved" as excuses for why we weren't meant to be. I hate you and you put so much hate inside of me. I am a nice guy and you really turned me around. I can honestly say that when I'm writing this I genuinely hate you. I hate what you did to me and what you did to yourself. You are not the one I fell in love with. You used to be head over heels for me. Now you are nothing but a memory. Goodbye.

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Day ??? +2 (gotta be near 30)


Poor girl. I know how poorly you manage your emotions. Even if you were months past me when you broke up, which I don't think you were, you are a slow healer and cling to your past with your mind. You left me for an old crush, and I bet when you're with him, it's going to feel like you're on top of the world... but how often are you driving home, feeling distant from him and can't cling, and your world comes crashing down? Are you riding that rollercoaster, too? Constantly getting up, up, up from buzz of a new relationship only to hit so low you want to die, only to turn and do it again?


Or is it really perfect, you don't regret any of it, and you are over and done? I don't think so. I wish I could tell you how much your world is going to crash when your honeymoon phase ends with this one. Unless you find yet another guy to hop to, you're going to face all of your demons at one, and it's going to hurt more than I care to think about. And if you find a new guy, you're just going to build a structure of wandering emotions on a broken foundation, and we all know you can only jump from one thing to another for so long before it all falls down, there's nowhere left to jump, you're in a corner, it's dark, and you simply know there's only one way out - pain. I empathize a lot with that pain right now, and I wish I could stop you but I can't. It's painful for me and a few of your friends to just watch you hurt yourself and not be able to do anything.

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Day 1:


I have been through everything today: tears, anger, pleading, knowing, missing you and sheer pain. I hope that you have experienced at least the missing me part.


I love you still and want nothing more than for you to come back to me. I am not ready to lose you. I grieve everything about you. I wish I could have had the opportunity to make things right. I wish you will turn around and let us try again.


I am not sure I even believe in what I am doing right now, because I know through communication we could work this all out. I am doing this for you because I love you and I hate the fact that every time we talk, I hurt you by making you hurt me.


I hate seeing you cry but loved feeling your kiss, hug and touch last time I saw you. I don't know if I can do this...

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Day 30


Well guys, I made it. I actually saw him today at the gym. He looked so great, I just wanted to run over and grab him. But I didn't. I went the other way before he saw me and left through the back door. Do I get a medal now?


I'd give you two! One for making it 30 days and one for sticking to it at the gym. I haven't seen mine in two weeks. I have no idea how I'm gonna manage when I finally do. I hope I'll be strong like you.

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You get a medal! I hope to gather that strength like you have gotten.


It's been 30ish days since any physical interaction for me... but 10 since I last communicated so I have a ways to go. It seems tougher when you are actively pursuing No Contact doesn't it? I'm actually feeling pretty ill right now, and I'm wondering if it is my body just catching up with all of the stress from the months of stupid breadcrumbs. I think they cause indigestion.

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It's been a week of NC for me until she texted me out of the blue "Are you doing ok?", I have basically cut all form of contact to her and now she sends me this text message.... What do I do?? I do kind of miss her and hoped for the NC to make her miss me and want to give the relationship another shot. but I don't want to get in contact with her again only to start back at Step 1 and be heartbroken all over again.


Also, we're still friends on Facebook. If I delete her, will that mess anything up or should I just leave it? I'm kind of inactive on FB anyways so no one really writes to me at all. I've been wanting to just up and delete it but I think that's a cowardly thing to do....I didn't even change my default pic which is a picture of us two still. Does this need to be dealt with as well?

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Well, I guess I survived day one. This morning is the start of day two, and I still feel like an absolute wreck.


I really regret going NC right now, because I know that my ex will think twice about calling because she is going to respect my request for space. All I want right now is for her to call and tell me that she wants to work on getting us back and past the problems.


I am waiting for a phonecall that I know if not coming any time soon


I am NOT doing ok...

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