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Day 9..


Pretty proud of myself for making it this long. The longest ive ever made it was 13 days and that was when she broke NC. I do hope for a break in NC since I do miss her, but I will not be the one to break it. She was the one that didnt want me around anymore after all.

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Not gonna lie that is a little rough, its cool though hopefully the next 50 times you check out the site it will be someone else!!!! I have the same problem to My ex works out at the same place as me and I have yet to see her but im dreading it, just have to be sure to act really happy like I just won the lotto!! HAha. I think she has been avoiding goin to the gym, we have the same hours for work and we used to hit the gym together, eh whatever no big deal life goes on!!!


i actually joined a diffrent gym..


i think im going to avoid link removed nnow..


ill order supplements from somewhere else.. i cant buy Muscular development either because she is going to be in an ad in it..

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day 8. broke NC.



we work together and she has been visibly upset at work all week (crying at times.) I was concerned but wanted to make it none of my business. we went out to eat today and she told me: she visited "friends" this past weekend and proceeded to get extremely drunk, and they basically let a guy take her home, and they slept together. the part that bothers me is she was so drunk she blacked out (he basically raped her). the other part that upsets me is she is on a self-destructive downward spiral of drinking that i have been engaged in myself on and off for months. i feel used, because I broke NC and gave her a ton of support, helped her at least keep her sanity. but im really upset, because I need support too and I know in just a matter of weeks ill be the one sleeping with someone for no freaking reason other than to feed my ego. god this sucks

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Taking the No Contact Challenge

... starting when I submit this post.


I just spent hours scrolling through pictures of the ex, his ex, and wall posts.

I worked hard earlier today to not think about him (was doing quite well, I might add) and I feel that all went to waste when I cracked and went through the pictures. I contacted him for another chance and he said no. There's no turning back. It's time to let go.


ConfusedSP NCChallenge Commences

Day 1 - June 6th

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DAY 60


today has been officially 2 months since I went NC. I have not heard a single peep from her nor am I expecting one. I still miss our life together and I still hold feelings for her in my heart. The pain is far lss worse then it was but it still comes and goes as it pleases. yesterday for example I balled my eyes out randomly. Nothing triggered it I just felt a loss and began to cry.

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Day 5


She decided to add herself to a Facebook group my buddy started 2 weeks ago. The group was a incident related issue and is no longer timely, so Im guessing this was to get herself noticed. She is no longer on my friend list, but is still on his. I know she has been on FB since the group started cause i see her comments on shared friends pics, so she could have joined weeks ago. I guess for her any attention is good attention...LOL. My buddy and I found it pretty funny. Oh well.

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ugh.. so i just go on link removed to order some supplements.. and she is in a freaking ad on there.. what the crap.. i cant avoid her stupid self.. she is such an idiot and i HATE her.. now i cant even enjoy bodybuilding because of her..


hulk...i wish you luck. This is hard, especially seeing her on a place that you go to often. Just avoid it until you feel better and stay STRONG! You can't backslide or feel awful again if you keep strong and stay away from the person who has hurt you so.


As for me, it is Day 11.


It's easier today. I'm leaving to go on vacation for a week tomorrow...and will be gone until the next Sunday. My best friend since first grade is going with me and she's going to make sure I keep away from that phone and all urges to call him! By the time I get back, it's surreal to think about, I will be on Day 19. My car will be over here at my family's house, so it won't be at my apartment. So just in case my ex decides to do drive by's (which he had in breakups past) or decides to try and find me, I won't be there. Part of me fantasizes that he'll be calling me and then just decide to drop by and I won't be there. LOL...


Good thing is, I still am thinking about him, of course I still have feelings for him, I still care and I still miss him terribly at times....but I have to let go and I am working on that. However, my ex has proven in his past ambivalence to be a runner, and they say the runner types always come back when they feel safe enough from commitment and have time to miss you...I wont be there this week if he does. lol.


His loss, not mine. I'm finally beginning to see that. Slowly, but surely. What matters is I get there.

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First time to post in this thread:


Even though i have been in NC ( on my end) since April 25th we have talked a few times so that she could get her mail or move a few things out of my house (the vast majority of it is still here though). Today is day number 15 since we have spoken at all. Last night I was really tempted to call or email her to set up a day for her to move the rest of her stuff out. I somehow got through the temptations by posting a thread in getting back together (since that is what I want).


I refuse to pick up the phone and call her, if she wants her stuff she knows how to get in contact with me.

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Day 10..


I am proud that ive gone this long without breaking. I dont plan on breaking either but the pain in my heart sometimes is just so unbearable. Today is one of those days where I just want to crawl up in a hole. I dont know what it is about today, but this is the first day where I feel like crying

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Had to call her this morning to arrange the return of my car. It had been 22 days since previous contact. Talking to her wrenched in the gut but I think I managed to stay aloof and breezy. She ended the conversation saying "It's so nice to hear you voice," to which I just said "Thanks, see you around."


Gah, but back to day 1 now. Feel like poo.

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Day 6


Last night was a little hard because I talked to a friend and a group of friends were going out and she put the thing together. One of my issues with her was she never wanted to go anywhere, now she is the damn social chairperson. Oh well

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Day 6: I have posted about my days for awhile - funny bc I had not seen this post or I would have started writing them hear instead of on the onl-line journal section...



Here is the one from today:


Well, I made it through Day 5 and I white-knuckled it a few times and was so close to calling or tm'ng - but was able to eventually talk myself out of it and was back in tears on and off - tried to go about my usual business and went to the adoption event I had scheduled with my foster dog. The volunteer work helped, but again I had such a heavy heart - I cried on the way to the event and I cried on the way home - In fact, I did not want to leave bc I did not want to go home to an empty house and feelings. Ugh! but of course, I did go home when it was time - and that is when things got bad and I wanted to call or tm and ended up not doing it... yay!


In any case, it is Day 6 - the end of my first weekend alone... I have managed to stay busy and also, give myself time to heal and make myself feel the pain - only way to move is to go through it... today, I have a few things planned in the afternoon and I know that I have some work I need to finish up before Monday.


Sleep and mornings are a b*tch! It's like I try to sleep to forget, but I wake up and remember and it is painful... mornings are difficult and I never sleep for very long - it seems as though the anxiety somehow gets in there and it is impossible. I wake up to racing thoughts and a heavy heart and I remember immediatley what I've lost. Talk about a horrible way to wake up - I can only pray that this will eventually fade away...


I spent one on one time with a new friend, last night. Turns out, she is going through a mess of her own and we have even more in common than we knew based on the way we handle things and breakups and all that. She is so sweet and I really felt like I had someone who understood me. Funny, bc she is my vet and we hit it off awhile back so we decided to hang out last night. We did sushi and wine and just sat around talking until 2am - just like girls do - LOL - if anything, I could use some new girlfriends so this was very healing and I felt positive.


I'm doing ok this afternoon - not great - but ok - I am sad, but I do have an appointment at 3pm and that will help distract me. At least the sun is shining again today - the gloomy weather was definitely not helping. I am thankful to have the sunshine back.


I don't know about everyone else, but I am freakin' EXHAUSTED - it's as is every part of me is moving in slow motion - I wish I could sleep better... bc I am barely sleeping, at all.


And hear come the tears... running down my face again, but at least I'm not sobbing - they are just falling... so I'm just gonna let 'em fall...

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Day 5 of LC. He emailed a couple days ago and I responded briefly and politely. Still thinking too much. If he emails again in the next few days might try to be strong and ignore it. If it's not a direct question will definitely ignore it. Being out of town is helping- new city, new people to meet and places to walk around,


Stay strong all!!



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day 16 since she last contacted me, like 60 since i contacted her. miss her a lot tonight. saw some new pictures of her and she looked so great. i still really do love her with all my heart.


i really wish shed contact me again. i know i cant initiate anything, as badly as i want to. i mean im in a great place and my life has been awesome these last few weeks, just missing her. would love to be able to show her that and how great im doing, but guess i just have to keep worrying about me and stay nc. id love to know shes thinking about me and misses me and cares about me like i do for her, but i dont see that happening. getting over someone you love with all your heart is just no fun

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