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Oldest living virgin


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well its true. when beliefs or whatever may or may not be wrong with her get in the way of human nature to procreate with members of the opposite sex its not a natural thing at all.

we have pheromones, hormones, and puberty for a reason. we ovulate and have sex for a reason. its not about society or religion.


im not looking down on her for her decision but i dont think anyone should look up to her either.


Procreation means having children...last I saw there are lots of couples out there who never had children because they didn't want to procreate. Does that make them abnormal? Is it normal to want to shag everything in sight? Is it normal to not be able to function because you haven't had sex in 3 weeks? Is worrying about pregnancy and STDs something to aspire to? Why the judgements that someone who never had sex is abnormal in a negative way and that the gene pool was better off without her? There are lots and lots of totally messed up people who shagged the world and had many babies...are they worthy of contributing to the gene pool by virtue of the fact that they "normal" sex lives? Does having sex determine whether someone is normal or not? Does that mean 10 years olds who haven't had sex (I am sure some still exist) are abnormal because they haven't had sex and are not interested in sex? Does there have to be crass jokes about having sex with someone who is over 100 and how gross that would be? Does there have to be jokes about how she must be eager for it (yes, Ghost that was you).

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your post has nothing to do with the 105 year old virigin who never had sex...and said she was never interested.


10 year olds have nothing to do with it. Yes, I do think it is abnormal for an ADULT to say they have no desire to have sex.


Sex is great, it's fun, it's what keeps as going as human beings.


Couples who don't want to have children still have sex.


yes there are a lot of messed up people who have had a lot of sex and a lot of partners, but there are equally a lot of bitter, messed up virgins as well. In fact, I'd say that it causes a lot more problems to be a lifelong virgin than someone who's had a lot of partners (if you even think this is a bad thing...which I don't, which you clearly do)

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your post has nothing to do with the 105 year old virigin who never had sex...and said she was never interested.


10 year olds have nothing to do with it. Yes, I do think it is abnormal for an ADULT to say they have no desire to have sex.


Sex is great, it's fun, it's what keeps as going as human beings.


Couples who don't want to have children still have sex.


yes there are a lot of messed up people who have had a lot of sex and a lot of partners, but there are equally a lot of bitter, messed up virgins as well. In fact, I'd say that it causes a lot more problems to be a lifelong virgin than someone who's had a lot of partners (if you even think this is a bad thing...which I don't, which you clearly do)



its not normal to be 12 and say 'i never want to get married and thereforee never have sex'

and then stick to it for 93 years

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Sex is great, it's fun, it's what keeps as going as human beings.


Couples who don't want to have children still have sex.


yes there are a lot of messed up people who have had a lot of sex and a lot of partners, but there are equally a lot of bitter, messed up virgins as well.


I hope you're not serious about sex keeping people going as human beings, wow, that's sad if you are serious.


It's just astounding of some of you guys making fun of this lady. She probably had plenty of opportunity to have sex, but chose not to for whatever reasons, so what?


The hypocrisy of some of you who are so judgemental of this lady when I've seen you guys call people to the mat for beng judgemental of your ways in regards to sex.


You guys are all so close minded, unbelieveable!

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okay. lets hang it this way.

it is very abnormal for a healthy human being to go 105 years and not desire sex, not aspire for a relationship, and also to go so far as deny relationships and sex.


and that is a FACT.

and i think thats all anyone is saying here. its really foolish to dispute the point because its so undeniable its amazing.

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In this woman's defense, she may very well be asexual. And yes, many people who are asexual still masturbate (according to my human sexuality textbook). Being asexual is more to do with not experiencing sexual attraction. However, it is considered abnormal because it is on the extreme end of a continuum, whether you like it or not.


I doubt this has anything to do with "not finding the right person." I think this woman has just never been into sex.

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In this woman's defense, she may very well be asexual. And yes, many people who are asexual still masturbate (according to my human sexuality textbook). Being asexual is more to do with not experiencing sexual attraction. However, it is considered abnormal because it is on the extreme end of a continuum, whether you like it or not.


I doubt this has anything to do with "not finding the right person." I think this woman has just never been into sex.


Thanks for being one of the cooler heads here. There is such a thing as asexuality or at the very least, there are people whose sex drives are low enough that it doesn't bother them in the least not to have sex.

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Thanks for being one of the cooler heads here. There is such a thing as asexuality or at the very least, there are people whose sex drives are low enough that it doesn't bother them in the least not to have sex.


How do u prove someone is asexual? How do you know they haven't found anything that gets them in the mood?

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How do u prove someone is asexual? How do you know they haven't found anything that gets them in the mood?


Studies on asexuality involved self-reports. One comprehensive of almost 19000 people indicated that about 1% of the population are asexual. This is "never feeling sexually attracted to anyone at all."

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your post has nothing to do with the 105 year old virigin who never had sex...and said she was never interested.


10 year olds have nothing to do with it. Yes, I do think it is abnormal for an ADULT to say they have no desire to have sex.


Sex is great, it's fun, it's what keeps as going as human beings.


Couples who don't want to have children still have sex.


yes there are a lot of messed up people who have had a lot of sex and a lot of partners, but there are equally a lot of bitter, messed up virgins as well. In fact, I'd say that it causes a lot more problems to be a lifelong virgin than someone who's had a lot of partners (if you even think this is a bad thing...which I don't, which you clearly do)


Yep, I would definitely say the being a virgin causes a lot more problems than having Herpes and other STDs, an unwanted pregnancy, sexual liaisons where feelings grow but are only one-sided, drunken shags etc, worrying if the number is too high, worrying if having only 3 partners is too low, worrying if the penis is too small, worrying if you will match up to your partner's ex's prowess etc etc. I must have imagined all the dysfunction and angst about sex on this forum and how it has messed up people very badly that they can't function well in subsequent relationships.

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There is no such thing as asexual.


Yes, there very much is.


I know at least one person who has told me that he never desires to have sex. He masturbates every day to keep himself from having sex dreams.


His girlfriend of a year broke up with him because he didn't like kissing or any means of affection. He just never desired another person.

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Studies on asexuality involved self-reports. One comprehensive of almost 19000 people indicated that about 1% of the population are asexual. This is "never feeling sexually attracted to anyone at all."


That isn't proof, thats someone thinking they are not attracted to anyone, could be from depression, stress, or anything.

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I work with a young woman, she's 25, who says she had never wanted a relationship or sex. She love her job, has oodles of friends, and is very physically attractive. She just doesn't want it, period. Yes, there are people like that out there and they are completely normal. She volunteers for Habitat for Humanity, has lots of friends, is going to school to get her final teaching credential, and is in every way, shape, and form, normal. She is happy, not bitter. She loves going to the beach, Disneyland, and going out with her friends, she just doesn't want a relationship or sex. I'm the opposite, but I do respect her. We're all different and someone is not "weird" or lying because they want something different from you. That is how a lot of bad stuff starts, nonacceptance of somebody who is different than you.

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Yes, there very much is.


I know at least one person who has told me that he never desires to have sex. He masturbates every day to keep himself from having sex dreams.


His girlfriend of a year broke up with him because he didn't like kissing or any means of affection. He just never desired another person.


Maybe he is gay or wasn't sexually attracted to his girl friend.

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I work with a young woman, she's 25, who says she had never wanted a relationship or sex. She love her job, has oodles of friends, and is very physically attractive. She just doesn't want it, period. Yes, there are people like that out there and they are completely normal. She volunteers for Habitat for Humanity, has lots of friends, is going to school to get her final teaching credential, and is in every way, shape, and form, normal. She is happy, not bitter. She loves going to the beach, Disneyland, and going out with her friends, she just doesn't want a relationship or sex. I'm the opposite, but I do respect her. We're all different and someone is not "weird" or lying because they want something different from you. That is how a lot of bad stuff starts, nonacceptance of somebody who is different than you.


The boy I know is a straight A student. He studies mathematics, loves music and playing guitar, and is very good looking.


This little pack of blonde girls used to follow him around high school swooning after him and he found it so annoying.


He is very normal and comes from a very functional and well off family. But, he just has no desires for sexual intimacy. Or any intimacy.

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He is attracted to something he just hasn't told you.


Is it so hard for you to believe that someone could be asexual?


Sexual attraction is programmed for the most part.


We are attracted to others because our bodies tell us to in order to survive as a species. But, it is not something the individual "needs" to survive.


I'd count it as one of my needs because my body craves it. But, it's not surprising that there are people out there who do not have that attraction to others. Evolutionary dead ends. They lack the chemicals, the activators of these chemicals, or the gene pattern to produce these chemicals. Or, a combination of those factors.

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Is it so hard for you to believe that someone could be asexual?


Sexual attraction is programmed for the most part.


We are attracted to others because our bodies tell us to in order to survive as a species. But, it is not something the individual "needs" to survive.


I'd count it as one of my needs because my body craves it. But, it's not surprising that there are people out there who do not have that attraction to others. Evolutionary dead ends. They lack the chemicals, the activators of these chemicals, and the gene pattern to produce these chemicals. Or, one of these things.


No I don't believe it exists. I think that people have a lack of a sex drive from depression, stress, or whatever else. It is hard for anyone to believe that they were born this way.

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Yep, I would definitely say the being a virgin causes a lot more problems than having Herpes and other STDs, an unwanted pregnancy, sexual liaisons where feelings grow but are only one-sided, drunken shags etc, worrying if the number is too high, worrying if having only 3 partners is too low, worrying if the penis is too small, worrying if you will match up to your partner's ex's prowess etc etc. I must have imagined all the dysfunction and angst about sex on this forum and how it has messed up people very badly that they can't function well in subsequent relationships.


wow.. what a way to put down people who enjoy sex.


why are you going to teh extreme... I notice you do that in a lot posts.. the opposite of virgin does not mean rampant std filled orgies.

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That isn't proof, thats someone thinking they are not attracted to anyone, could be from depression, stress, or anything.


Well then how do you prove anything? How do you prove depression or stress? Or homosexuality? These studies are not just rubbish. They're certainly accepted within the scientific community. Until it can be disproved, it stands to be a legitimate human state.

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I work with a young woman, she's 25, who says she had never wanted a relationship or sex. She love her job, has oodles of friends, and is very physically attractive. She just doesn't want it, period. Yes, there are people like that out there and they are completely normal. She volunteers for Habitat for Humanity, has lots of friends, is going to school to get her final teaching credential, and is in every way, shape, and form, normal. She is happy, not bitter. She loves going to the beach, Disneyland, and going out with her friends, she just doesn't want a relationship or sex. I'm the opposite, but I do respect her. We're all different and someone is not "weird" or lying because they want something different from you. That is how a lot of bad stuff starts, nonacceptance of somebody who is different than you.


I think she is pretty abnormal though.. despite her saying she is happy about her life.


just like the 105 year old virgin, of course you can have fulfilling careers, holidays friends etc... but it is NOT NORMAL to have no desire for intimacy.

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