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is he cheating again??


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I just called my husband on his cell phone and a girl said hello, the firt time I look at the number I called I saw his name second Hello I said Hello back, but she hang up.

I called again he picked up and said hi love sorry I missed your first call, I was trying to pick up the phone, but you hang up.

he said I am crazy and there was no girl on his phone

does any one know if cell phone lines can get messed up in this cold weather.


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I just called my husband on his cell phone and a girl said hello, the firt time I look at the number I called I saw his name second Hello I said Hello back, but she hang up.

I called again he picked up and said hi love sorry I missed your first call, I was trying to pick up the phone, but you hang up.

he said I am crazy and there was no girl on his phone

does any one know if cell phone lines can get messed up in this cold weather.



It's possible about the phone line thing - but can a guy be stupid enough to let his mistress answer the phone? Unfortunately the answer is probably yes ... talk it over with him, but be on the alert for anything else abnormal.

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Your thread asks, "is he cheating again?" If he cheated before, then yes, it's possible. I agree that nobody should be dumb enough to let their "girl on the side" pick up the phone but if he's gotten away with cheating before....?? I've heard that cheaters will often make you feel like you're the one who's crazy (ex: "What girl? I picked up the phone and you hung up...there's no girl here")

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Umm...I would not buy what he is saying. That's just me though. I'm too suspicious. Might be my downfall, but oh well. If a guy cheated on me once and then a woman answered his phone, I would be very suspicious and would not be ready to buy his excuse/explanation.

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i have been in your shoes -- my husband's i phone called me because it had a glitch where it would redial the last number called and he wouldn't know it had called anyone. his phone would be in his pocket but you could still hear what was going on.


so, one day when he said he had to spend sunday working overtime, his phone called me by mistake and i heard him with another woman.


yes, cheating men can be stupid. i learned the hard way that if you smell smoke, there's more than often a fire.


i'm sorry this happened to you. discovering infidelity is incredibly painful. take care.

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i have been in your shoes -- my husband's i phone called me because it had a glitch where it would redial the last number called and he wouldn't know it had called anyone. his phone would be in his pocket but you could still hear what was going on.


so, one day when he said he had to spend sunday working overtime, his phone called me by mistake and i heard him with another woman.


yes, cheating men can be stupid. i learned the hard way that if you smell smoke, there's more than often a fire.


i'm sorry this happened to you. discovering infidelity is incredibly painful. take care.




They all "trip up", and fall flat on their face, eventually.


Sad...but so true.

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it seems incredibly unlikely that the lines would get crossed at the point when someone has to answer the phone. generally lines get crossed at some point after the call is connected - like static/partial conversations appearing over your convo. your subject line says "again" -- that makes it look like this is happened before. if you don't trust him and you have found evidence, watch out. cheating SOs hurt a lot... i'm sorry you found out this way.

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Hmmm I dunno. Maybe she grabbed it and answered it and he grabbed in and hung it up. Where was he supposedly when all this was going on? I remember a long time ago getting the lines crossed, but I can't remember if I was on my cell phone or my land line. I ended up getting some guy, and the person he was trying to talk to got the person I was trying to talk to I think. We ended up cussing each other out because we both the other was messing around on the phone. It can happen. But has he given you any other reason to think he's cheating?

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