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Like an acorn


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another one here who sees it as a problem. i had a similar experience as AC143 did with a man about 4 inches, didnt feel a thing, alot of slip outs, frustration to no end and i'm not loose by any means. he made up for it in other ways, oral mostly, but i missed having actual intercourse so that fling was short-lived.


i'm sure there are women who can look past that, just like there are women like myself who can not. just a preference.

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I guess you've never done on-line dating then lol


Maybe you're right, this poor guy with the 3 inch penis should just give up all hope and become a monk.


Haha well put.


To me size isn't too big of a deal. 3 inches hard.. meh we could work with it. I'm more of an oral gal anyways. But sex is fun too of course.

I'm pretty small down there so maybe that's why I feel like my bf's more then enough (and I'm guessing he's 4-5 inches or so. When not hard maybe 2-3.)

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I dunno, 3 inches...workable, but I'd have a less than easy time dealing with that. There's just so much stigma, and not only that, the length would be less versatile.

I like a healthy average, 5 or 6 inches is lovely. The "acorn" idea though...that's unfortunate. This guy would have to be some really, really special stuff otherwise.

like Donald Trump cash

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Why do you say that? I mean, there is more than one way to skin a cat.


Because it would limit some of the positions that I like to have. Sure...you can get a girl off other ways, but I'm not talking about getting off here. It's about different positions, and actual intercourse that wouldn't be pleasing to me.

I'm sure there are tons of woman who wouldn't have an issue with this tho. 5 is great....but 3? not so much.

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i find it funny how many women here say they are looking for 5 and 6 now im starting to feel self conscious that im too big lol...dont lift one side while knocking down the other lol.


too big is uncomfortable..but you can control how much you use too. lol


the guy I'm seeing is 8, and he knows he cant possibly use all that.

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yea women have a preferanace for a decent size. It seems to be more about positions, ease of use, visually a turn on than anything else. If you assume that studies are correct, that orgasms are achieved in the outside layers of the vagina. Linked in the clitoris, minor labia, even the G-spot is apparently the inner nerve endings of the clitoris. So It is interesting how women need more than 4"? other than like i said, for easy of use etc.


Even Ron Jeremy said "i've given more orgasms with my tongue than with my penis" and he's at 10"'s. Interesting, as i'm around the 4" mark. Especially, taht many women would see it as a deal breaker. However, i slept with a girl at the weekend and i gave her 3 orgasms without even using penetration and she seemed satisfyed with the experience. So i'm not ready to become a monk just yet.


I can understand that girth is important for the 'clitoral cuff' and it stimulating a wider area. But past 3-4" in length what use is the penis?> as past 3" the nerve endings in the vagina aren't very responsive to touch.. So itsr interesting that a woman would need +6" to be fully satisfied. But if u do, u do lol.

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you've pretty much answered why some, like myself would want more than a 3 or 4incher, you can read my experience with that size a page back, even though orgasms can be reached without penetration (and in the case of men who are that size, oral is their best bet) we want penetration as well, to actually feel it lol and not have it slip out, not having to limit positions due to a guys size is a factor into why i prefer a bigger size. but thats just me.

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Deep penetration is pleasurable and makes some girls really wet, that is why some needs bigger ones to be satisfied.


That goes against all the stuff i've read..i've never even read anythinga bout deep penetration being uber satisfying. It's a bit llike a guy saying he can't get off with a loose vagina. But as long as he gets to climax in some way, he'll be satisfied. Whether it will be oral or due to vaginal sex. I had that with one girl, she was really loose compared to other girls i've been with. I still had fun and was fully satisfed in the end.


Perhaps some women are super high maintenance and want the full course dinner, with a cherry on top. Btw this is nothing to do with me being bitter abotu being tiny. I agree, that 3-4" is very problematic for intercourse. But to say that women need large tools to be SATISFIED is pushing the boat out. Some women should settle for an orgasm or two. Oh, but i want the feeling of being really full aswell. The man "jeeezzz, no pleasing some women" lol

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I am not saying a man with small penis can not satisfy a woman, offcourse he can with oral and maybe even intercourse but maybe maybe not as good as a guy with larger penis. For some women it is important and I think we should respect their preference. I mean think about it, would you go in a long term with a girl who can only please you with BJ and not by intercourse? I think men that call women shallow for wanting a bigger size should ask this from themselves probably not. Then again, I know many women don't care at all, So don't make a big deal out of it.


many men may not like me due to different preferences, they want a blonde or a skinny woman or whatever else. I better not stress about it and think about the ones that like the way I am.

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Well I know everyone has their preferences, even preferences of physical characteristics they prefer in a partner. Are you saying it is 3-4 inches erect? I don't know but I think that is definitely below average, and depending on sex position, penetration may not even go that deep. I feel sorry for anyone that, well small, but I guess I can understand how it could be a disappointment to a woman.


Perhaps a solution would be for him should try some of those drugs they are always advertising on T.V. that claim to increase size and performance, or see if a doctor can recommend anything. I think they are probably b/s though.

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Some women really enjoy A-Spot stimulation. The A-Spot is located at the very deep end of the vagina, on the "top" side from the cervix (top when woman is horizontal on her back). A-Spot stimulation tends to cause the vagina to lubricate rapidly. People that have done the "girl on stomach, guy on top" position will stimulate the A-Spot if the penis is long enough. If you're a woman and enjoy this position, or you're a man and notice how much your partner lubricates in this position, then you're seeing the A-Spot in action.


Depending on the woman, a penis a bit over 5" will START to stimulate it, but the vagina is very stretchy and in this position can probably accommodate well over 8", with gradually increasing amount of A-Spot "stimulation" as the penis is longer (increasing doesn't always equate to pleasurable though.. like increasing pressure on the clit).


BTW, here is my source for penis size by country:

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^ yep it does feel good


If a guy is hung like an acorn or a rosebud, would this be a problem for women?


If you were only 3" on a good day, would that cause problems in sexual relations?


Would it put you off a guy or is it personality that counts?


3" would not be something i'd like for regular sex

if i already love him and he's good in other ways, it's doable (e.g. vibrator, oral, etc.) so i'd stick with him.

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