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1. Zoo.- Yes, but some people don't like seeing animals caged up.

2. Bowling.- Some rather not go because they don't know how and don't think it be a good date idea. Although here you can see how she acts against competition, sore loser, is really good and rubs it in your face, or plays fair, ends fair.

3. Art gallery.- Boring her to death? Can you even talk in those? LOL Unless she has a high interest in it.

4. Skating.- Ice skating would be so much funner.

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I say art gallery, it sounds way more interesting to critique good art then to skate or dare I say bowl. Though I do not mind the zoo, I have a huge love of ducks and geese for some reason. lol I need to walk by them at least 2-3 times before I go. A trip to the zoo isn't right without going to find the ducks and naming them all "quacks"

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I say art gallery, it sounds way more interesting to critique good art then to skate or dare I say bowl. Though I do not mind the zoo, I have a huge love of ducks and geese for some reason. lol I need to walk by them at least 2-3 times before I go. A trip to the zoo isn't right without going to find the ducks and naming them all "quacks"


There are actually quite a few people for art gallery! I'm impressed.

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Wow....any of those sound great!!


I vote for the zoo, because it automatically gives you something to talk about...all of the silly animal antics and whatnot.


Nothing's better then watching animals have sex then pointing to monkeys throwing poo at each other and saying, "Let's try THAT in the bedroom!!!"

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