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Hey guys, I'd like to ask for a bit of help.


Ever since I split up with my bf 6 months ago, i've comfort ate. I just can't stop myself. I have absolutely no willpower or motivation. I need to change this. I've gone from a UK size 10 to a UK size 12/14 - from 8 stone (112 lbs) to 10 stone (140 lbs). This is big. I can't fit into any of my old clothes and i look awful. I look round and wide with 3 ugly fat rolls.


I want to go back to being slim again. Mainly..i need to lose my fat stomach. I know this is gonna be a really hard thing to do but i need to. It's making me so unhappy.


How can i do this? What can I eat? I want to join a gym but i wouldn't want to go alone, i'm too self conscious, and none of my friends live close to me so they couldn't join with me. I've recently bought a trampoline and do that for 30 mins (i haven't done this in a few weeks though..) but nothing seems to work. I try to do 100 sit ups a night but this just feels like it's making me bigger.


I've tried everything but nothing will work does anyone have any ideas...or stories that they can tell me to try and help me?


Thanks in advance.


Blondy (now a brunette!!) xxxx

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Forget "spot reduction". Just find an exercise program you can live with and enjoy. One you can make a habit. If you cannot 'find' a program or time, MAKE a program or time. Get a habit of exercise now and it will pay for the rest of your life.


As for diet, go back to what you used to eat. I am not personally familiar with 'comfort eating', but I've had a friend do that and it is nasty. Not much else to say but 'stop'. It will take a little time to see results, but a good diet and moderate exercise will begin to show in a week or so. That will help motivate you to get back your slim, youthful hotness.


Best of luck.. come back and tell us how things are going.

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Get a TAEBO DVD!!!!!


I lost 3 stone in 4 months when I did that combined with healthy eating. By healthy eating I don't mean depriving myself. I mean lasagnes, lots and lots of fruit and veg and water, pasta, good breakfasts, yoghurts, and smoothies. Occasional treat too, such as cheese toasties or a vegetable burger if i was feeling really bad or drunk with the munchies.


Wish you lived near to me I'm looking for a gym buddy!


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I recently joined a gym and I go alone. I thought I would be paranoid but actually when I took the time to look round people like me were there to just lose weight and tone up. Trust me ... give it a go or even ask for a tour, it's actually really good and you feel so good after your workout.


I too have gained weight from neglecting my healthy eating and I'm working on that now. I eat breakfast in a morning and pack maybe a bannana or an apple with me when I go to college or work and that helps to prevent those hunger urges.



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Get TaeBo 5 on DVD. You can get it for less than a fiver including postage on Ebay.


It definitely works it has worked for me and 4 of my friends. It is quite tough, i dunno, it depends on your level of fitness.

It is all about the exercise. Do taebo every other day and it'll fall off you.

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Keep your fridge loaded with fruits and veggies, avoid buying sweets like ice cream. Brown bag your lunches/dinners to avoid all of the extra fat and calories in restaurant foods. Work out every other day. I know some people claim to work out every single day, but not everyone can keep up with that schedule long-term.

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You could just walk. It's easy, cheap, and you can bring an ipod. Three miles a day at a good pace will work wonders.


I like to walk straight out my door and go for thirty minutes, then turn around and walk back. Then I do some free weights at home, and that's pretty much it. I also make sure I eat at least one big salad a day (lettuce, veggies, beans, chicken, tuna, seeds, and oil and vinegar- no store-bought dressings which have hidden sugar and salt). Be sure to eat a decent breakfast as well.


If walking outside doesn't interest you, you should reconsider the gym alone. I've gone alone for most of my life, and it's actually a really good time for me to collect my thoughts, not distracted by having to be social. There's really no reason to feel self-conscious. And just think, if you are able to do that alone, you will have conquered both a weight problem *and* a self-consciousness problem.

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One of the most common things is eating before bed. You should not eat 3 hours prior to your bedtime. That's one of my errors. Also drinking a lot of water really helps. Substitute coke for diet or a fruit juice.


The whole eating-before-bed thing is a myth. Basically what it comes down to is how many calories you take in vs. how many you burn in a given day. Doesn't matter what time you take those calories in or when you burn them.


Three hours to bedtime (assuming you'll sleep a good 6-8) is way too long to go to morning with nothing in your stomach, also.


Drinking water is great. Swapping soda for diet soda, not so great. Fruit juice also has tons of calories and it's all sugar. Ditch everything but water, and if you're really desperate for some flavor, put some fresh lemon in the water and *maybe* a pinch of sugar if you feel you need it.

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I think DVD's and diet plans can help you loose weight temporarily, but the issue of your emotional eating won't be resolved. If you don't understand the mental triggers that turn on your body's hunger switch, exercise and diet won't be enough to keep the weight down.

Think about the difference between your physical and emotional hunger needs the next time you feel like eating. Think to yourself, "What else could I do besides eat?" I think getting back in control is an important step. Talk with your friends/family and see if you can confront and overcome your behavior.

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I think DVD's and diet plans can help you loose weight temporarily, but the issue of your emotional eating won't be resolved.


Good advice here. The emotional/out-of-control eating will sabotage your best intentions. And the resulting grief only snowballs.


Also, make fitness a habit and a part of your life. I know many folks who say "I hate exercising" ... you need to find a way to get the activity you need by doing something you enjoy. Make that happen.

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Losing weight is 80% diet.


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Sunday through Friday, don't eat anything that you can't the calories in.


Aim for 1500 calories/day.


Drink lots of water (as close to 1 gallon/day as possible).


Get plenty of protein and fiber.


Do things that burn calories. Either do cardio or lift weights. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn at a resting state.


Cut out sugars.


Soda is evil. Don't drink it.


It's all about developing a routine. Good luck!

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I agree about the walking. Maybe buy a book from itunes and put it on your ipod and listen to it as youre walking. I do that a lot and it makes the time fly by!


dont worry about the blisters. Just make sure youre wearing good shoes and eventually, your skin will get tougher. Since walking delivers a lot of oxygen to your body, the majority of the calories you burn are going to be coming from fat.


Gooood Luck! =)

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