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Why do i hate little dogs


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So I know a few girls that have little chihuahua's as pets and I cannot F'ing stand those dogs and others small dogs like that, in just want to punt them evertime i see 'em. They are so annoying and hyper and just jump all over you and wont stop licking you AHHHH! So annoying, why do I hate these freaking dogs, the sight i one makes me want to punch it.

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I have trouble enough not tripping over two big (well, one very big and one not so big) dogs, so a little one would be toast in this house!


Both mine - a rottweiler cross and a staffordshire bull terrier cross - sit on my knee, love being cuddled etc. The only thing I can't do is pick them up easily lol Deliberately breeding dogs to be smaller and smaller is just wrong.


I like my big mutts. I love chunky heads on a dog - apart from when they make contact suddenly with my own head........ Couldn't be done with a little ratty thing

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Well nobody is telling you you have to love them. Just stay away from them! I have three, we never chose to have them, it was an accident...we rescued the first one from an abusive household and 12 years later we have 3 of them, yeah they're annoying to strangers but I love them to death

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Because they are hyper? Tend to bite out of fear more than other dogs? Years ago, before anyone was polically correct, we called them "kick me, throw me" dogs. A rather harsh statement, but what also happened, was owners tended to spoil small dogs and not require them to behave like a large dog, so they tended to have no manners.


Most of my friends that had small dogs never trained them at all, very annoying little creatures and it was their owners fault.

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I HATE little dogs, and I'm an animal lover. I had an ex who used to always have miniature poodles. He looked ridiculous! I'm more of a cat person myself, but I have had dogs and loved them to bits. I have had a Doberman, a Rhodesian Ridgeback, and any number of Malamutes and Shepherds. Still, would I date a guy with a little dog? Sure, I already have, and I survived.

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because they remind of people that are small but think they are larger then everyone else? something like the napoleon complex?

I see these dogs around and they make up for their small size by being louder and more annoying. And Yes.. I too want to punt them.


BTW: isnt there a saying that the owners are just like there dogs or is it the other way round.

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