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Swallowing A Deal Breaker


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As a semi worse girlfriend

I have never, ever cum from oral sex- it does very little for me. He does it because he likes to. I don't swallow, but I give a ton of good blow jobs. Isn't that fair? What is he swallowing- his own spit. Same with me. Reciprocation...

And I have swallowed a handful of times. I think it's more annoying to see me holding back vomit than if I'm just straight with him. haha


It sucks when guys (and Ghost you normally have my complete admiration) get angry over it. I don't spit, I don't have a cup ready like some dork. I just finish him out of my mouth. I was honest about that from the beginning.


No big deal is made. Cum just makes some girls sick. If I could change that I so would.


This whole issue just burns a lot of women because men are so set in their ways and won't do anything they don't want to do- but women are seen as irritating and bratty if they don't swallow every drop of musty globby baby juice. haha

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my current SO...has no taste it's awesome!!!! i don't mind doing it AT ALL!!!!

Now some of my past guys...not so much... I think that is fair I know there are guys on here who have talked about girls that smell/taste bad...you don't do it then do you?


Side note: do any of you guys know how bad your cum can actually taste? seriously?!??! taste coconut juice straight from a coconut and you will have a faint idea of how bad it can taste...we girls taste WAY sweeter...sorry but its fact!

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This whole issue just burns a lot of women because men are so set in their ways and won't do anything they don't want to do- but women are seen as irritating and bratty if they don't swallow every drop of musty globby baby juice. haha


Very well stated. The whole act of sex/lovemaking cannot be defined about what goes where. It's 2 people interacting, in a very personal, vulnerable, passionate combination. To define it as "this MUST go down your throat or you're a bad partner" is BS.

To do so shows a level of immaturity. There's a big difference between being a good f**ker and a good lover.

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Thanks, and I mean- I did try it. I didn't say no without doing it at least once or twice (try 5 or so). It really depends on the guy- I don't mind thinner cum but his is like Elmer's glue. That's tough for me.


People put too much pressure on one another about sex. It is supposed to be fun, right?


Everyone has sex different ways. It really stresses the point made earlier; Why don't these men who are staunchly against women who refuse to do certain things swallow their own cum when they masturbate? Because it's gross maybe? hehe

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