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Swallowing A Deal Breaker


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So a friend of mine was telling me how this guy she met absolutely refuses to become involved or rather continue to be involved with any woman who wont swallow, something about respect and that if they dont the relationship is doomed anyways so no need to pretend it isnt what it is.


How many other people feel this same way about "sexual favors"?

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I don't think I could go the rest of my life with a partner that wouldn't give me oral. Swallow or not - I don't care. I couldn't be with someone that wasn't as sexually open as I am. But this guy is clearly using this tactic to pressure her into doing something she is uncomfortable with and in my opinion is selfish and just plain not nice. Maybe his dealbreaker is the real dealbreaker!


And like someone else said, he needs to learn how to STFU and enjoy his blowjob.

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So a friend of mine was telling me how this guy she met absolutely refuses to become involved or rather continue to be involved with any woman who wont swallow, something about respect and that if they dont the relationship is doomed anyways so no need to pretend it isnt what it is.


How many other people feel this same way about "sexual favors"?


I think that this guy is an absolute tool on any level, and to even engage someone in a conversation like this is akin to trying to have a debate about the economy with a 3 year old. Why waste your time?

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Is it his stating what he wants thats the problem or what he wants in general?


If you like to swallow would you have a problem with it?


I'm not a female but this would be a problem for me even if I was willing to do something. It just shows selfishness, immaturity, and that their value of what's important in a relationship is way different than mine. And being a jerk like this can only lead to being a jerk in other areas as well.

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i hate dating girls that don't like oral or don't swallow. i go down on you and do everything, why should i be sold short? it's about pleasing your partner. if i'm really into a girl i do that. if not, they get nothing. so to me it sounds like 'ewww, gross, you want me to what?' so yes, okay cya. my last full on gf was like that. i was like ehh.

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Is it his stating what he wants thats the problem or what he wants in general?


If you like to swallow would you have a problem with it?


This is like saying, "If when you clean the toilet, you don't use a blue toothbrush, then there's no way I could date you."


Who gives a flying bleep what you think about toilet scrubbing tripper?

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I'm not a female but this would be a problem for me even if I was willing to do something. It just shows selfishness, immaturity, and that their value of what's important in a relationship is way different than mine. And being a jerk like this can only lead to being a jerk in other areas as well.


Interesting, so whats important to you in a relationship and how do you go about expressing it.

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Interesting, so whats important to you in a relationship and how do you go about expressing it.


Lots of things including sex, but to me swallowing or not isn't a dealbreaker or something I value too highly in a relationship. Sure it's great but if she's willing to give me oral, where my cum goes afterwards is of no importance.

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i hate dating girls that don't like oral or don't swallow. i go down on you and do everything, why should i be sold short? it's about pleasing your partner. if i'm really into a girl i do that. if not, they get nothing. so to me it sounds like 'ewww, gross, you want me to what?' so yes, okay cya. my last full on gf was like that. i was like ehh.


Before i argue this out i want to clarify that I do both BUT i can see why a girl wouldn't want to swallow b/c mens cum does not taste anywhere near as good as female's and 2nd off some girls don't do oral but that is not equivalent in terms of you doing it for us if it's a girl that doesn't get off from sex...

but like i said I am a giver and i swallow so no problems here!

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If this is his big relationship dealbreaker, then what does that say about him as a partner? It just makes him an absolute idiot. Do women really fall for this garbage?


"So, beautiful... guess what? When I'm jerking off, I have this white, gooey stuff that shoots out of my penis. I have no idea what it tastes like, but it seems to have the consistency of a drippy oyster. So, yeah, I want you to swallow it, and if you spit it up then that means you don't love me anymore so I'm breaking up with you."


And you're how old again? 15?

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