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Swallowing A Deal Breaker


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Since we are on the topic of swallowing, are there any guys here that care to enlighten us females as to why swallowing is so important? What is it about the actual act that makes it such an important thing?


It feels great, no mess, and I think there is a certain level of intimacy that is reached through this act that is fantastic. It's almost like she loves me so much that she's willing to go this extra step for me and she is so into satisfying me that she is willing to go this extra step for me. I guess it's all about the extra step in my eyes. My level of satisfaction is increased.


And I think by not swallowing there is a bit of unintentional rejection. She likes me, but not enough to do THAT. It's not very justified, but that thought is there.

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It feels great, no mess, and I think there is a certain level of intimacy that is reached through this act that is fantastic. It's almost like she loves me so much that she's willing to go this extra step for me and she is so into satisfying me that she is willing to go this extra step for me. I guess it's all about the extra step in my eyes. My level of satisfaction is increased.


And I think by not swallowing there is a bit of unintentional rejection. She likes me, but not enough to do THAT. It's not very justified, but that thought is there.


Thank you for the clarification.

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I think that he sounds selfish and demanding........If the woman wants to swallow, then fine and if she doesn't then he should just be happy he is getting a bj.



I know I am happy to just get one.



Since we are on the topic of swallowing, are there any guys here that care to enlighten us females as to why swallowing is so important? What is it about the actual act that makes it such an important thing?


I don't think it's so much the actual swallowing as it is the getting to finish from the BJ. It's kinda the same for women, when I guy goes down and you finish from it it is more intense.

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Usually before it becomes a "relationship", people already express their sexual likes/dislikes. So...it's ok for someone to make it clear in the beginning what they expect, because I don't think anyone should settle for less than what they want. It's his right to want a girl who "swallows". Most girls will think "What a jerk", but I'm sure some of you wouldn't settle for a guy who didn't satisfy your sexual desires.

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I'm not a guy, but I think it's more of a mental/visual pleasure than it is a physical one. Swallowing is the extreme length that a girl can go to sexually, so it turns the guy on to know she's willing to do that to please him. I know if I were a guy...i'd personally be turned off if she stopped and spit =x lol Sorry for being so blunt...

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Before i argue this out i want to clarify that I do both BUT i can see why a girl wouldn't want to swallow b/c mens cum does not taste anywhere near as good as female's and 2nd off some girls don't do oral but that is not equivalent in terms of you doing it for us if it's a girl that doesn't get off from sex...

but like i said I am a giver and i swallow so no problems here!


argument accepted.

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I didn't say I don't like to swallow...I said I don't like to be told what to do.


This guy never told her she had to swallow only after she didnt and said as such did he let her know her opinion about the subject.


So is it safe to assume that you would have already been swallowing if he was a guy you liked?

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"Hi mom."


"Hi sweetheart. How are you doing? How's momma's little pudding doing today?"


"Oh, ok. A little blue. I'm having man problems again."


"What kind?"


"You know, the same ole'. I met this great guy, and he's so wonderful, but I don't really want to swallow his semen so he dumped me."


"Ah sweetheart. What is wrong with you?! How do you expect to snag a man if you're not willing to swallow his man juice!? I've been swallowing your father for 40 years now!"


"I know mom, who can blame the guy? I know it's me. Maybe I'll seek counseling."




Honestly, people categorizing this is a sexual necessity of some kind are kidding themselves. This is about power, domination, and control. This is about a guy saying "If I cannot dominate you, then screw you lady." It comes from the mouth of someone with some definite and distinct insecurities. It's not like the act is getting him off physically. He's already orgasmed. This is more of the "lick my boots beetch" variety.


I agree that there is nothing at all wrong with swallowing, and it's fantastic if two people both enjoy it, but of all the relationship dealbreakers out there, if your potential man has the nerve to bring this to the table as the last straw on his relationship camel's back then just thank your stars that he opened his mouth so soon and that you were able to avoid him.

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What are some deal breakers that secure and mature people would have?


Is this question rhetorical?


- Is he/she respectful?


- Do my friends like her?


- Do our religious beliefs mesh?


- Does he annoy the hell out of me?


- Do I think she's dumb or smart?


- Do we enjoy each other's company?


- Do we enjoy having sex with each other?



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If a man were to get enjoyment out of swallowing wouldnt that qualify as a reason then?


So, by your estimation, the enjoyment that a man was feeling up to the point of climax wasn't actually enjoyment unless his semen ends up not only being received by the woman's mouth, but then swallowed afterward? The act of spitting out the semen negates the previous two and half minutes of awe-inspiring sexual bliss?

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Swallowing is a major turn-on for a guy, not because it physically feels any better (though it is nice not to have to cut the act short), but because she will swallow the allegedly disgusting stuff for you to take your cum inside her which is a real sign of love and devotion.


Regarding a woman being uncomfortable doing it, I see no problem with someone doing something they are uncomfortable doing for the person they love. I think they should do such things every now and again. Of course it has to work both ways...


Having said that, while I don't think this guy is a jerk for having that as a deal-breaker I do think it's a little closed minded... Indeed I would rather have my womans lips around my penis than my own hand...


The act of spitting out the semen negates the previous two and half minutes of awe-inspiring sexual bliss?

A little... I mean the same effect would be had if someone said half-heartedly... "Hmmm.. that was OK I guess..." - Not to be comparing the two, but it's an analogy

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