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do all men who aren't with models settle?


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Caterina that guy sounds like he is shallow and has low self-worth.


I am usually attracted to brunettes with big noses who are cute, pretty, but not neccesairly beautiful.


The girl I like right now who I am missing is cute, unconventionally attractive, but she isn't beautiful by most standards. I have flirted with beautiful women who didn't spark anything (promoting clubs in Manhattan you meet em, including one who looked like jessica simpson).


I would prefer her over a beautiful model. In fact, I often think women who are too beautiful are spoiled and rely on their looks without much else to give. I would prefer my ex over a model without personality any day.


Sure there has to be physical attraction -- they have to be cute-- and I would probably have sex with a beautiful woman provided I didn't have contempt or hate for them -- but a cute girl with a personality goes way farther then a model without one, and a cute girl with a personality is no less than a beautiful girl with a personality. After definate physical attraction has been established, it is all about personality.



Guys who often want models and settle when they don't are guys looking to impress other people with their trophey.




By the way, women also expect more. They often expect you to have more money then they do (not important to me) better looking, and more than anything, they expect you to be more confident than themselves.

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I agree with your bolded statement. Most men who only want the hot model to date have such low self esteem that the average gal probably wouldn't want to be with them anyway. They are looking for their dates to prop them up. And like i said women do this too, not just guys. I think it best to overlook that type of person when looking for someone to date.

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I've always had boyfriend call me beautiful even if I don't look like a model on a magazine. I know what you're saying, but I'd want my boyfriend to find me absolutely stunning, which isn't necessarily conventionally beautiful. You'd probably have a crush on me, I'm a brunette with a big nose.

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Really, a good part of beauty is a work ethic. Most women you'd find stunning are that way because they put effort into taking care of themselves. And most guys that are average that complain about not being able to be with a beautiful woman, do so while they're sitting on the couch in their boxers eating Cheetos when they should be out running/cycling/climbing/studying/practicing/improving themselves in some way/form.


I think the "average man"'s desire for the model-type comes from an unhealthy desire for self-justification without having to put in the work that is suppose to go along with it.

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Really, a good part of beauty is a work ethic. Most women you'd find stunning are that way because they put effort into taking care of themselves. And most guys that are average that complain about not being able to be with a beautiful woman, do so while they're sitting on the couch in their boxers eating Cheetos when they should be out running/cycling/climbing/studying/practicing/improving themselves in some way/form.


I think the "average man"'s desire for the model-type comes from an unhealthy desire for self-justification without having to put in the work that is suppose to go along with it.



I can definetly see that. However, some people are naturally gorgeous without much effort. I've seen how in the past I'd prefer a man who didn't try as hard so that I could relax myself. I don't want a guy pushing weights at the gym every day b/c then he'd expect the same of me.


I just want someone who is a naturally attractive jeans and tshirt guy and who enjoys being active in a fun, non-ritualistic way.

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I don't think you should not expect to be with a model. To me, models are worth no more or no less. Hell, half of em aren't even that good looking to me and are actually pretty overrated and dumb.


If a guy will only date models, it is the models who should have to worry, not the women who aren't models.

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