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Finding Love: So Easy for Others, But Not for Many


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Snuggling close in a candle-lit room whilst sipping coffee and watching a romantic movie, holding hands making a walking alone on the beach in the middle of a warm summer night, staring into each others eyes whilst moving closer and closer until our lips meet; things that make me melt and kick me into love.


Honestly, these days I don't even get to reach to that point. I will say that having a busy work schedule has contributed a lot to me not finding anybody (or not being found). By the time I get home on Fridays, there's nothing more I want to do than to relax at home. I get too lazy to change and go out again. Not even sure how I spend my weekends but it's definitely not going out to hot spots.


So I will say this - it's also my fault because I don't put effort in finding that special someone. As I scan my weekly schedule, I dont see Go-Out-There-And-Find-Love on it. Ok I admit, I am too lazy so I will take part of the blame. I guess I am waiting to be found. Geez!

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How about taking a few girls, doing a few very fun & exciting dates with them (don't do the usual coffee/diner routines unless your a romantic guy at heart), then see with whom you fall in love.


Well, see, I'm looking for some one with the right "chemistry" before I date them. I guess you could argue that it can take a few actual dates to really determine that, but I just don't have it in me to go out with a girl if I don't have an interest in them first and just see what happens.

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Well, see, I'm looking for some one with the right "chemistry" before I date them. I guess you could argue that it can take a few actual dates to really determine that, but I just don't have it in me to go out with a girl if I don't have an interest in them first and just see what happens.
Then you are setting yourself up for problems. Love at first sight leading into marriage does happen tough.
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Then you are setting yourself up for problems. Love at first sight leading into marriage does happen tough.


Yeah, I know. I really wish I could change that aspect about me, but... what can I do, yanno? If I could just snap my fingers and change myself, I would, but it's so hard to change the way you look at things when you've had those values for almost your whole life.

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This is a great point; I often find myself thinking -- "He's out there, he really is. He's probably in the same boat as I am, having gotten out of a relationship not too long ago, still maybe feeling a little bit of residual hurt, maybe a bit hesitant to put himself out there, worried that he won't find that special person." So yeah, we should all take heart that there are members of the opposite sex out there who are wonderful people, just like us, and are hoping to find that special someone too.


(P.S. High-five to a fellow Californian!!!!!)


I feel like this too. Sometimes I feel there is just no hope for me in finding someone special to share things with but I have to have faith. I have often thought that "he" is out there waiting for me to come along just as much as I am waiting for him FINGERS CROSSED!!!!

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I feel the same way you do but usually if couples are holding hands in front of me, I tune it out. If they're kissing or snuggling in front of me, I'm cursing them out. It's wrong but I don't care anymore. It does seem that some people find love easily while others can't find it at all. Just another thing that makes you question love and it's miserable rules

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can certainly relate to the original poster. Just about everyone around me is in a serious relationship. A lot of them are getting married. I'm going to a friend's wedding this weekend, in fact. One of my best friends found her "soulmate" and got married 2 years ago. It seems like it's just so easy for most people. I can't even make it to the date stage. Every girl that I'm ever interested in is unavailable in some way. However, that's probably the least of my problems.

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Yeah, and it does seem that all the ones that say "oh, Mr. Wonderful is out there...." are the ones that are in happy relationships or have not been single for very long. BUT I suppose statistically our chances of finding "someone special" are pretty good. I think more people find love than not.


I think it's important to have Faith. I know that's not easy to do. But never give up hope.

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I feel your pain! I see my mates hooking up or even flirting with girls so easily. Now out of my entire circle of friends I am the only one who has never had anyone in my life resembling a girlfriend of any kind.


It is good to know that we aren't the only ones on this planet who find it so hard to find love, though it sure seems like that in our day-to-day life sometimes doesn't it?


In a way I kind of wish I had at least one good friend in my life who is in the same predicament as me. People could argue that with my friends being so much luckier that I should be observing and getting advice off them - But it hasn't really turned out that way.

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