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Judging by the number of girls who watch lesbian porn


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I think it is safe to reevaluate the general stereotypes about women. I have heard women are not that visual. But many straight women have confessed on the boards that they prefer lesbian porn to regular porn.


Why? If they are straight, why do they watch lesbian porn?


One woman told me that it is because women have naturally beautiful bodies. This was a straight woman


So maybe women are visual but maybe men don't have attractive bodies. I do have gay thoughts(I am a guy) sometimes but I do admit that men are not so attractive in the nude. I mean, a fully dressed Brad pitt and a totally naked Brad Pitt look about the same to me. He is sexy all the same. Male nudity is kind of ridiculous, IMO. With women, that's not the case.


Haha gay men are an exception in this, I guess!


So do you think this "women are not visual" thing is somewhat of a myth?

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I think that women are not as visually stimulated as men. But you cannot group "all" women into this category. There are alot of women out there who despise porn and would not tolerate a partner who was even interested in it.


Personally, I really like porn, but I'm a perv...lol! I am also bi. But I'm going to blow your theory to hell now and say that what really turns me on when watching porn are the bisexual men scenes. I love watching two men together, with or without a woman. Although, I do like it better with a woman. I do also really like lesbian porn, but only lipstick lesbians. I couldnt get turned on by lesbian porn if the girls were ugly!

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I dont watch it because women have beautiful bodies, and I'll try not to be graphic but it's because what I want is close ups of oral and you don't get many of them with man on woman, well not enough anyway..oh and none of the ones of two beautiful girls gently caressing mainly posing and because they are getting paid, I want the real dirty deal and to see them enjoying themselves for real and that goes for either sex.

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I think it is safe to reevaluate the general stereotypes about women. I have heard women are not that visual. But many straight women have confessed on the boards that they prefer lesbian porn to regular porn.


I assume that lesbian porn is a little less up-front than male (dominated) porn. But I am not an expert in this field, so...


As for women being visual or not, I have some comments:


Firstly, I think it has more to do with to which degree you are visual. I assume that all people are visual to some degree.


Secondly, a statistical correspondance does however not guarantee, that all individual members of the female population corresponds to the stereotype (or average). You should know about the mean/standard deviation also.


Lastly, I am not sure using ENA members who voluntarily disclose information about the porn preferences makes sense. This is certainly not a random sample, representing the entire population of women.

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I have heard women are not that visual.


Well, we sure do like cute shoes and handbags!


Why? If they are straight, why do they watch lesbian porn?


Women are hot!


Maybe women are visual but maybe men don't have attractive bodies.


Nah. Men are hot, too.


Male nudity is kind of ridiculous, IMO. With women, that's not the case.


Society places more of the female body off limits to regular viewing and then hypersexualizes those bits. If it were taboo for men to go shirtless in public, a guy with a good build might be as porn-worthy as a topless woman.


Plus, porn has historically been geared towards men, so I imagine that the quality is higher.


Also, I suspect it also makes guys feel less threatened to believe that women aren't visual. I'm not anti-porn, but I can see that if men succeed in selling the message that women aren't visual, they have to worry less about what THEY (men) look like, and less about being exploited for their own bodies. Not trying to make a big political statement, but it is interesting to think about who benefits from the current system. I suspect that some of the backlash against gay men in society is that all the sudden hetero men are finding themselves subject to all kinds of physical and sexual evaluation that they've been protected from in the past.

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^^^^^oops, that was supposed to be on your "many guys, one girl" post but I'm too lazy to fix it.


lool, it is not that I am actually doing it! I am visual and I like to see guys, the same as you guys want to see lesbian porn and I am sure some of you guys like it too, otherwise there weren't tons of porns like that!

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When ever someone says this I just wonder if they haven't seen the right men nude or if we aren't living on the same planet or what?


I understand that women are considered more attractive by you (you're a guy after all) and a lot of people...but i really will never get this idea that men aren't considered extremely attractive nude by many people (not just gay men).


I don't watch lesbian porn so I can't say for sure, but I've heard it's something about imagining yourself in the scene and how much 'softer' the scenes are usually compared to porn scenes that contain men.


I can't remember I ever went looking for a lesbian porn vid, maybe if a male friend ever sent me it but the idea not even came to me to go looking at it


I've heard from bi woman that woman are indeed often softer and more careful and little touching and gentle kissing etc


for me man have attractive bodies as well, can like it for ex. when it's bigger body and good devoloped, give me the idea of safety and sometimes the thought of bestiality but I agree woman have beautiful bodies as well and in a different way. The roundings and shape for ex.

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I'm very visual! I prefer lesbian porn to any other kind but I am bisexual and presently dating a guy. I'd never cheat but I mean a girl can look right? So I guess since I'm not with a girl right now that would be why I like watching lesbian porn. That and seeing some random guy that I don't even know butt naked is not really that much of a turn on for me. I'd have to agree that woman naturally have more beautiful bodies than men.

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