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for those who have seen my previous post, yes im still in this relationship and i havent heard from him in over a week.


but theres this other guy who is a friend of mine who seems hes becoming very attached to me. although in my mind i still have a boyfriend even though it seems like we are not together, we never officially broke it off.


i am a very loyal person and believe it to be very wrong to cheat on someone so i know my boundaries. but this guy babys me to death. dont get me wrong, hes a very sweet person but he always wants to take me out or do things for me, and he constantly calls me baby, babe, beautiful...etc. i love the whole pet names thing but for some reason it seems to be a bit annoying when he constantly does it like he does. its like he over killed it to the point where it just doesn't even seem cute anymore.


is there anyone else who has had that happen?

what do you think, is it possible that its just to much babying?


any stories & thoughts are welcome (:

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Well, he's either busy or he's broken up passively with you. Lack of contact for that long is a seriously BAD sign. How were things before he stopped the contact? Was he becoming more distant? Did you argue?


i dont know how to tell if hes done this without asking him straight up, i dont want to just assume we have broken up even though its not good that he hasn't contacted me.


and no actually we spent two straight days together and had a great time, not to mention he still tells me he loves me. he kissed me goodbye and left as usual and i haven't seen/heard from him since. he doesn't have a phone so i have no way of contacting him besides myspace or unless he calls me.


i wrote him a casual message on myspace, asking hey whats up i havent heard from you in awhile, and got no reply. his whole problem is he believes everything he hears but then wont confront me if theres and issue, instead he just disappears for awhile. now i dont know if this is the problem, i just dont know what to do from here.

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....hes a very sweet person but he always wants to take me out or do things for me, and he constantly calls me baby, babe, beautiful...etc. i love the whole pet names thing but for some reason it seems to be a bit annoying when he constantly does it like he does. its like he over killed it to the point where it just doesn't even seem cute anymore.


is there anyone else who has had that happen?

what do you think, is it possible that its just to much babying?


any stories & thoughts are welcome (


I'm with someone, exact same and I don't mind it, lol

Probably because I'm very affectionate myself...

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this dude sounds like a real winner!! NOT!!! wake up chick! he sleeps from friends house to friends house?? what a loser! go for the guy that takes care of you but let him know he is smotherin you a bit. i would consider you and your BF over and its for your benefit. he is not a good bf!

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this dude sounds like a real winner!! NOT!!! wake up chick! he sleeps from friends house to friends house?? what a loser! go for the guy that takes care of you but let him know he is smotherin you a bit. i would consider you and your BF over and its for your benefit. he is not a good bf!


thanks, im slowly starting to realize that enough is enough. ive spent to much time on this, and even though i have strong feelings for him, i just cant put up with this anymore.


by the way i found out the one who was "smothering" me, has been talking to this other chick at the same time as me, and she just happens to be the type who cant seem to keep her legs shut. i dont go for that bull * * * * .

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im working on it.

i just have to be sure its broken up, because although it may seem that way already i dont want anything to turn around on me saying i cheated when im a very loyal person.


its hard to get around when you really care about someone.


wow. you really care about a guy that treats you like this? haven't heard from them in over a week? no gf of mine would be around if this was going on. i'd tell myself i'm single and do my own thing. this is nuts.

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wow. you really care about a guy that treats you like this? haven't heard from them in over a week? no gf of mine would be around if this was going on. i'd tell myself i'm single and do my own thing. this is nuts.


yes i know.

most people ask me why ive stuck around so long when hes like this on and off.

ive known him for over three years, and for about a year of that we were talking. ive just been so attached to him for so long that i dont know how to move on without him. ive already assumed im single and im trying to carry on with my own thing, because with all i do for hi, i dont think its fair and its his loss, not mine.

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yes i know.

most people ask me why ive stuck around so long when hes like this on and off.

ive known him for over three years, and for about a year of that we were talking. ive just been so attached to him for so long that i dont know how to move on without him. ive already assumed im single and im trying to carry on with my own thing, because with all i do for hi, i dont think its fair and its his loss, not mine.


couldn't have said it better myself.


but you are doing this to yourself. not him. you are allowing him to treat you like this. so much better out there.

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When he eventually calls off a "friends" phone or myspaces :s just tell him uve been thinking and its not workign and u cant be with someone who can just disappear and u have no way of calling!!!!! how REDICULOUS.


Give the new guy a chance



well what if that was his way of breaking up?

its not right to have me wondering like that, ive already assumed that were not together anymore. so im just doing my own thing.


and believe it or not, the new guys another one who like to think he can lead on 5 girls at once. how pathetic.

i just have the worst of luck.

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