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Book Talk

What book are you currently reading?


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'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley.


The Hunger Game.


enjoyed both of these. ha. laughed a bit when i discovered the hunger games in the 'young adult' section of the bookstore! still enjoyed it.


''five people you meet in heaven''...


it's been part of a growing stack on my floor for almost 5 years.

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I would say im in the middle of a few books.. i started reading 'He's just not that into you'.. but since reading that and getting third of the way through, i realised that the person i was with just wasnt that into me and it wasnt very enjoyable been hit with the truth..


Currently making my way through Eat Pray Love.. and really enjoying it! Purchased a few books about anxiety too so those should be a good read

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