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Breaking Laws

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Do you think it's healthy to break laws because it gives a feeling of freedom or do you think it's not?


I'm talking about buying beer or smoke for underage people.

Taking illegal drugs.

Speeding when driving or impaired driving.

Beating someone for any reason you find reasonable.

Throwing away junk where it's illegal.

Doing vandalism.


Give your opinion on that.

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Most of those activities seem very immature to me, so I have no desire to do them or feel they would be "freeing".


I believe in civil disobedience when there is a real reason to be doing it, such as protests and non-violent means of expression. Doing something illegal to just be doing it is pointless and several of those things involve consequences that are potentially fatal.

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driving while drunk or impaired is very dangerous. you can hurt not just yourself, but innocent people. i know so many people who have been killed or have injured others due to driving drunk or being hit by a drunk driver. it's inexcusable. take a cab, get a ride, wait a few hours!


vandalism - it's not yours, why should you be able to deface it and make someone else pay for it?


i think that list is very selfish.

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I agree, very immature behavior. Sounds like the participants are bored and should be spending their time doing something more productive.


My friends would probably laugh at the people doing this cause it really serves no positive purpose.

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I'm not sure how breaking the law in any of the ways you've listed above would "give a feeling of freedom," but I guess my answer to your question would be another question:


Does my illegal action have the potential to cause injury, harm or damage to another person (including damage to another person's personal property?) If the answer is "yes," I wouldn't do it. My conscience wouldn't allow me to, regardless of whatever (momentary) feeling of "freedom" or exhilaration the act might provide me. Pretty much everything you've listed above has the potential to harm someone else in some way, even if it's just vandalizing another person's property -- the person most likely worked hard for that house, car, whatever it was, and that can be damaging -- and I couldn't live with myself if I had done intentional harm or damage to someone else. Heck, I'm not even sure if I could live with myself if I accidentally crashed into someone's house or ran over a pedestrian who ran out into the street in front of my car.


So, to answer your question...no. In most cases, I don't think illegal actions should be done at all, and especially not for the sake of a feeling of freedom or euphoria.

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I noticed that when I dare to do illegal things, I am psychologically strong and in good health and on the contrary, when I feel like not doing anything of this, it's as if I was feeling down, depressed, and was losing control over myself.


Aside from doing physical activity, it also serves as a good way to releash my frustration, without harming anyone.


Am I the only one who feels like that?

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It's a quick and easy way to feel aloof from others, unfettered by conventions that keep conformists in a rut. A fantasy of sorts.

Ever been arrested, lost a driver's license or otherwise paid the piper?

Cause lasting damage to a blameless person?


Those things tend to dampen the buzz.

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Yes all those things will give you different rush/high. The drugs are giving ur body a strange feeling depending on what drug you take and will temporarily make you feel better because of the effects...ur probly not getting a rush because the drugs are illegal, its because the drugs effect. Now drinking and driving might give u a rush from breaking the law and being in control of a fast moving vehicle while impaired may be fun...but its dumb.


You should seek phyciatric help if you can't enjoy life normally...if you need these intence thrills and rushes to have fun then you have dulled ur sense of a rush to the extent where you need to do something extreme to feel the same as a normal person enjoying life. I won't lie and say i havnt done a few of these things myself...but they are not good for you, especially if it becomes a habbit...eventually its going to catch up to you and the results could ruin your life.

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Do you think it's healthy to break laws because it gives a feeling of freedom or do you think it's not?


I'm talking about buying beer or smoke for underage people.

Taking illegal drugs.

Speeding when driving or impaired driving.

Beating someone for any reason you find reasonable.

Throwing away junk where it's illegal.

Doing vandalism.


Give your opinion on that.




For one think, the first four can endanger the lives of others. I DO know more than one person whom has been killed due to being "beaten up" or been convicted for murder/manslaughter for beating someone up.


What the hell gives you the right to beat someone up for "any reason" you find reasonable?


I also know people whom have been killed speeding, driving impaired or by others speeding and driving impaired. Again, what the hell gives you that right?


If you want to take illegal drugs and sit at home then its your body. But it is certainly not harmless as it supports a system of violence and addiction.


If you want to put your ass on the line for endangering minors, go ahead, but again, it's stupid.


Vandalism/destruction of property is just immature and stupid.


Sorry, I don't see how any of these are "freeing". They are stupid and selfish and dangerous to others. And INCREDIBLY immature. Let's see how free you feel sitting in jail cell. I know more than one person whom thought it was "cool" to break the law whom is doing that. Wow, what a great life they lead now!

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I noticed that when I dare to do illegal things, I am psychologically strong and in good health


You really, really need to find more meaningful ways to feel strong and healthy. No offense, but this has to be the goofiest thread I've read in a long time.

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I noticed that when I dare to do illegal things, I am psychologically strong and in good health and on the contrary, when I feel like not doing anything of this, it's as if I was feeling down, depressed, and was losing control over myself.


Aside from doing physical activity, it also serves as a good way to releash my frustration, without harming anyone.


Am I the only one who feels like that?


Have you ever thought of journaling to get your frustration out???? Most therapists recommend this. You could try to come up with creative, poetic ways to describe how you are feeling. I journal and it really feels freeing.


Have you also thought of going in your room and placing a chair in the middle of it and "telling the person in the chair" how you are feeling. I've done this and I feel a sense of freedom that I articulated my feelings.


I am going to go on and suggest some physical activity. Why don't you try to be a good citizen instead of a law-breaker and mow an elderly neighbor's yard for free?? I will tell you I feel a great sense of accomplishment from that type of activity.


Try volunteering to get that strong feeling that you are helping people out rather than finding activities that could/would harm them.

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Like other said, laws are set up so that others cannot be hurt by someone else's actions.


I'm talking about buying beer or smoke for underage people.


Smoking is a retarded habit that kills more people than any other drug out there. Enabling kids to smoke is very unethical. As for buying beer, in a perfect world everyone would wait until legal age to start drinking but as we all know that rarely if ever happens.


Taking illegal drugs.


I believe that everyone should have the right to put whatever they want into their body provided they are fully aware of the consequences. With such a high probability of abuse for certain drugs, its best to just keep some of them illegal. So this is a gray area to me. In principle I don't see it as being necessarily wrong to take drugs provided you are harming nobody other than yourself. Of course, selling drugs is a whole different ball game.



The rest you listed are obviously harmful to others and wrong.

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Many of you came up with the point of immaturity. What if I am ready to pay the price of getting caught? Doesn't that proove that I am responsible? What if I really try not to harm anyone. Doesn't it proove that I am not eccentric?


How much more dangerous is it to drink and drive when you're 1% over the limit of the tolerated percentage of alchool, especially if you're vigilant?


Why should people care about belongings of inconsiderate people who left their items without surveillance? Don't you believe that you earned everything you own enough to guard them?


Laws are apparently there to protect but does it prevent every kind of death? Why aren't there laws to prevent beggars to die from hunger? Laws don't exist to preserve life. They exist to preserve a certain quality of life. Then, what happens when the quality of life is better without certain laws? Shouldn't it be acceptable for cubans to leave cuba?


Yes, illegal actions have the potential to cause injury, harm and damage to other people. What about the legal actions? There are legal actions that have that potential too. Does it make sense? Yes. Why are they tolerated?


There are acts that are tolerated because people are conscious that accidents happen and that some acts should be tolerated. However, is it up to the humanity to decide where is the limit? Afterall, can't someone willingly cause harm when over the surface, he respected the laws and that, on the contrary, someone can unwillingly cause harm when he was caught acting illegally?


Journalizing is probably the least efficient method that I tryed. It doesn't release my frustration, it only let it move in circles. Sometimes, it even gets worse because I don't get any inspiration and I stumble over the same thoughts.


I could try 'telling the person in the chair' but I often talk out loud to myself anyway and it's an activity which only helps to momentaly depressurize. And I will often feel sad after. It doesn't proove to have as much of a positive impact as when I feel ready to break the law. Respecting the laws is secondary to me. I don't ask to be a good citizen, I only ask to be a good person. As a matter of fact, I am generous of my time and I am a very considerate person, after a first glance.


If I technically can beat people, why should I restrain myself from doing it for a right cause? Doesn't the police call it protection when they beat down a rebuking crimical?


I could say everything is stupid in this world and I would probably be right but it's clearly nonsense when no explanation is given. Why is breaking law stupid? How can you explain that intelligent people break the law? As a matter of fact, I'm convinced that breaking the law is definitely not stupid but it's immoral. That's way different. However, since laws changed over decades and that different civilations have different laws, which laws are more moral to break than others? Are humans completely off track with their current laws?


If this is the goofiest thread that you've read in a long time, I'm offended. Do you really, really think that you're helping me finding more meaningful ways to feel strong and healthy? I'm happy to see that there are at least people who are able to balance their lives only by sharing their thoughts with others and do not have to live like criminals to feel healthy.


Needless to say, one day, I got arrested. The police officer told me that it was wrong and that he was giving me a chance if I promised to think over my act again. He left and right after, I felt really bad. I knew that I couldn't resist doing illegal activities and that I would break that promise. I can't believe how bad I felt. As if I was trapped. I guess that I would have preferred him to punish me. I would have felt more free to do it again if I wanted to. So, as you can see, I am not totally immoral but there is clearly something wrong with my body who simply loves breaking laws.


I would appreciate your help.

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It's a personal, internal struggle for some people I think.


I've broken some laws, and had my run ins with police when I was younger. Not with the name of Freedom coming out of my mouth - I do not believe there is any special worth in breaking a law, or nobility in it when it is simply because "I feel like it, it makes me feel good" or "I feel like I can not control myself or feel trapped".


And that is what it was for me - I wanted to do it, so I did.


I felt trapped, and wanted help, and this got me attention. Did I know it on a conscious basis? No. I just knew that I felt out of control and was being led by my emotions.


I think it is about attention more than anything. You almost hope to get caught and for someone to correct you, at least in my case, and hope they will offer up a better alternative.


Whatever other people do to correct or punish though mean nothing in the end to whether you will change or not, feel free, and learn about why other people would stand by these laws/enforce them in the first place. You can't respect others honestly without first having some respect for yourself, deep down inside. Though some people do refrain from taking to action.


You may never agree with every law, and that is ok, but you also recognize that it not for you decide for everyone else, and to tramp on others simply because you disagree or hold a different opinion.


The only way to start to get "help" is to make a commitment to practice taking accountability for your actions, and choices, and behaviors and to learn how to have greater self awareness so that you can understand how your choices will then later affect others- and YOURSELF.


Seeing a psychiatrist is one of the best things I ever did for myself, and for anyone with criminal tendencies - I highly recommend this especially by your choice and initiative!!


Take control now and do not wait for that time when you are sitting in a police station, or in jail, or in a hospital or the morgue looking at your dead buddy and are already crippled worst by your own internal chaos.


First you take responsibility for yourself fully...only then can you start to try to even begin to judge others and what it is right and wrong.


Until then...hands off my stuff!

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Simply put, you seem psychopathic by the very definition of the word. Your views on the world are skewed. I would try seeking some more professional counseling and visit some forums and communities online where you might get some understanding of your thought processes because your view of the world and society is clearly different from most peoples and warped.


There won't be much freedom sitting in a prison cell I can promise. Also keep in mind that laws are there to protect not just the things that we love, but also to protect the things that we hate. By that I mean the same law that prevents you from beating someone, also prevents someone from beating you.


I didn't mean to come off rude by calling you a psychopath because I know that term shouldn't be tossed around lightly AND IT IS APPARENT THAT YOU DID IN FACT FEEL REMORSE AFTER THE SITUATION but I am only trying to help you by seeing that your thought processes do come with a classification and that you should seek some counseling to keep you out of jail!


pschyopath -

A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse.

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