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Inviting him..........

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Hey guys

I realllllly want my ex to come to my art exhibition in a few dayssss

the reason being

its the thing that im most proud of that ive ever done , and i would always imagine him to see it.

it might also give the impression that ive grown up since the break up, which i have !

So i just want your stamp of approval on this text-


Hi J, my art will be on display tonight at ... 6-8pm, there will be canopies etc. Will you be dropping in? : )

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He is your ex...why do you have to prove anything to him? I thought you were planning on simply sending him an email along with everyone else...a batch email inviting all of the people you know so that you are not singling him out. You are really putting him on the spot if you ask if he will be dropping in. I would not send him that email and would go with the original plan of the batch email. He broke up with you...not a good idea to blatantly push yourself on him.

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He is your ex...why do you have to prove anything to him? I thought you were planning on simply sending him an email along with everyone else...a batch email inviting all of the people you know so that you are not singling him out. You are really putting him on the spot if you ask if he will be dropping in. I would not send him that email and would go with the original plan of the batch email. He broke up with you...not a good idea to blatantly push yourself on him.


Agreed...send a mass email or just send a text with out a question. Don't ask for or expect a response.

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Agreed...send a mass email or just send a text with out a question. Don't ask for or expect for a response.


agree - and would you be ok with it if he brought a date? seeing as how he is your ex, and you are inviting him to an art exhbition, how would you feel if he did?

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heey guys! thanks so much for the responses

crazyaboutdogs i know i was initally planning on the masss email etc. but some things have happened recently, me and the ex have communicated a bit and drop each other lines once in a while just as friends type thing, so i feel like its cool to just text him about it !

I shall let you know what happens and thanks again for the feedback xxx

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