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My poor kitty cat.... :(


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Hi Everyone --


I wasn't sure where to post this, but I had to write it out.


My beautiful, wonderful, 13 year old cat may be terminally ill.


Yesterday, I took her to the vet to have a red bump on her chin examined. The vet did a needle aspirate and determined that the bump was NOT an abscess or some other primary infection, that in fact the bump IS infected, but there is another underlying cause for the bump -- very likely a tumor. The vet sent off my cat's slide to a lab, and I'm supposed to get results back today. She said that the tumor can be removed, but she has no way of knowing at this point whether she has tumors in any other part of her body, or even what kind of tumor it is. So, I sit, trying to work but barely able to, waiting on the results.


Obviously, having owned pets before, I KNOW they have to die sometime. And, she is "old," though still not so old by modern cat standards (my sister's cat is 19, going on 20, my parents' cat is going on 17). But...I was just not prepared for this to happen so soon. I assumed we had a few more good years together. I know I will get over it, eventually, but her death will devastate me. I have good friends, but I live alone, have no significant other, my family is hundreds of miles away...I feel very alone.


I am not giving up hope, and I plan to do whatever I can for her, even spending a lot of money if it will prolong her life as long as she is comfortable. If prolonging her life will keep her in pain, of course, I will choose not to keep her alive. It is far more important to me that she be at peace.


Anyway, I haven't even gotten the results yet, but I guess I am preparing myself for the worst. I really don't need this right now, on top of several other things going on in my life, but I have to just do the best I can with everything.


If you could, all, please send some postive vibes, prayers, etc. in the direction of my beloved pet (and in my direction too, if you don't mind).



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I hope things turn out hon.


My cat is 13 too...she has hyperthyroidism (went from 20 lbs to 10 lbs within a few months) and is on pills. She is still happy (she lives at my parents now for a few reasons). The weight loss actually helped her as it eased up her sore joints and she is more lively (she needs someone to give her a tummy tuck to get rid of the loose skin though!). I went and visited her yesterday for a couple hours...she still thinks she is my baby and wants to be held and walked around and purrs like mad!). I dread the day she dies. She came into my life at a very desperate time for me..I had depression, an eating disorder and has been there through some tough stuff - death of my boyfriend etc.....and she is great comfort to me. Even though she has not lived with me for four years or so...I would be crushed if she died. I visit her all the time (I often go see my parents to see her...haha).


I am hoping the best for you...it sounds like you have given her a wonderful life and don't want her in any pain so have the right approach. I hope the results come back good...but if they don't I hope that you can do something and if not....know she has had a wonderful life and has been very well loved.


Love to you both.

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Awwww, that hurts so badly. Sending you good vibes from this side of the pond, they should be with you in a few hours!


This is the down side of pets, although there are worse things than a pet's death, it just hurts really really badly. I entirely understand, and hope that things aren't as bad as you fear (although like you say, always good to be prepared).


Take it easy, and be kind to yourself. x

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Hey darlin.


It is always so hard when a pet gets sick - they aren't like a gf/bf giving you grief - they so adore you - whatever your mood. That is still a good long age - and you never know - she may pull through this. Just stick with her and give her all the care you can....there is nothing more you can do - really there isn't - just give all your love.


My thoughts are with you.... it may just be a cat to a lot of people but that is a long time to be together.



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Aww, I am so sorry.


I, myself have had two cats pass away. My first cat Snoopy lived to be 21 and i my second cat Dylan was only 8 months old when he got hit by a car and I couldn't find him for two days...and he was still alive, but had to be put asleep. : -( So Ik now how it feels when a pet is sick.


It's always hard. Pets are just like family. They may not be human, but we love them as if they were.


I hope she is ok, and you can spend a few more years with her.


But if she's not and they can't do anything just remember she has had a very good life and she knows how much you love her and she wont be in pain any longer.


just HOPE for the best. xox

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im so sorry browneyedgirl.


it's never easy to deal with this sort of thing. pets bring so much joy to our lives . . . my dog is like my daughter. i can't imagine not having her in my life.


my thoughts and prayers are with you and your kitty (((hugs)))


Thanks soooo much, barbielovesmac.


I have had her for so long, since 1995, and she and I have grown up together, in a sense. My life has changed so drastically in the last 13 years, and she has been there for all of it -- this little calm, furry, warm presense that looks at me so lovingly, no matter what is happening, and seems to say "I understand."


I have lost two cats previously -- actually,they died within less than 3 weeks of each other back in `91 -- but this is so much harder.


I'm a total wreck, and I don't even have the diagnosis yet. I bawl like a baby watching the "Animal Planet" channel, and those animals aren't even my pets, so you can imagine how I feel about this.


Thanks again for your very kind response. It is greatly appreciated.

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Thanks so much, RayKay. You're right, she has had a wonderful life. I have loved her dearly and taken good care of her, and she has given me much love in return.


Like your cat has been for you, mine has been there through all sorts of changes and turmoil in my life -- a constant, reassuring presense. I have often marveled at how much better my life has been with her in it, and I am so glad I've had her for as long as I have.


I hope something can be done for her, and as I said in my other post, I am willing to do what it takes to prolong a comfortable life for her, even if it means adding some debt to my credit card. If, however, the time comes to let her go, if it's a choice between keeping her alive for my own sake and letting her go for hers, I will choose to let her go.


Last night, she sat on my bed next to me, for a long time, just looking at me. As she has so many other times, it was almost as if she was watching out for me -- "protecting" me, in a sense.

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Awwww, that hurts so badly. Sending you good vibes from this side of the pond, they should be with you in a few hours!


This is the down side of pets, although there are worse things than a pet's death, it just hurts really really badly. I entirely understand, and hope that things aren't as bad as you fear (although like you say, always good to be prepared).


Take it easy, and be kind to yourself. x


Thanks, HP, for the good vibes from accross the pond. I gladly accept good vibes from other continents!



I remember feeling this way when my mom was diagnosed with cancer, too, and while that would have been a much more devastating loss (thankfully, my mom's cancer was successfully removed and she is still cancer free 4 years later), I am blown away by how much this cat has meant to me and how much of a loss I will feel when she goes away. Animals have a tremendous capacity for love -- we think of them as simple creatures, and they are, but perhaps it's that simplicity that makes their love so special. It is so pure and real, with no conditions attached to it.


I am working on being kind to myself...thank you so much for your kindness.

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Sorry to hear about your little kitty. Pets can mean a lot to a person. You grow so attached. Whether it be a hamster to a horse, they all bring joyful companionship and love.


I hope everything turns out to be ok or treatable. *hugs*


Thanks so much!!!


You're right, even the smallest creature -- mouse, fish, whatever -- is special when someone loves it. I have always been very emotional about animals, and this particular pet has contributed so much to my life. Animals have a gift for bestowing love that is, as you said, joyful. It is really a wonderful feeling.



Thank you for your well-wishes. I will pass them along to my four-legged friend.

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Oh I'm so sorry, beg36......I will be praying for you and your cat. Please keep us posted. It's hard waiting....but keep your spirits up.

It never matters how many animals we have in our lives. Each one leaves his/her own special imprint.


Thanks so much for your kind response. You're right -- each one is special, and each one leaves his/her own special "imprint" (or maybe "pawprint," or in the case of fish, "fin print")


This is a very special one. I am grateful that I have had her in my life for so long.


I will keep you posted.

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So not trying to take away from the op...but I can empathize with the crying and being concerned. That is totally natural.

I finally shredded the vet bills from one of my cats that passed almost three years ago. I cried doing it. All that to say pets do wrap themselves around our hearts and even after their gone, the imprint is still there.

Interesting is that cat went through a lot with me as you say your cat has gone through some major changes with you, which is probably why even three years later the tears are still there. Amazing how that bonds us to them even more, huh? I didn't even consider that until I read one of your responses.

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Hey darlin.


It is always so hard when a pet gets sick - they aren't like a gf/bf giving you grief - they so adore you - whatever your mood. That is still a good long age - and you never know - she may pull through this. Just stick with her and give her all the care you can....there is nothing more you can do - really there isn't - just give all your love.


My thoughts are with you.... it may just be a cat to a lot of people but that is a long time to be together.




As always, Mark, you know the right thing to say at the right time. Thank you so much.


You are so right -- the cat or dog or bird or fish is SO different from a bf/gf (especially exes) who give us grief, disappear from our lives, cause us agony. The love of a pet is pure and unconditional. Pets expect nothing from us, and give so much. And, they never choose to leave us. They only leave us when they finally have no choice.


I will be doing my best to make her happy and comfortable, no matter what happens. And, I will try to remain hopeful, and I won't give up on her until I know there is nothing more I can do.


Thanks so much for your kind words. Everyone here is so wonderful!

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Aww, I am so sorry.


I, myself have had two cats pass away. My first cat Snoopy lived to be 21 and i my second cat Dylan was only 8 months old when he got hit by a car and I couldn't find him for two days...and he was still alive, but had to be put asleep. : -( So Ik now how it feels when a pet is sick.


It's always hard. Pets are just like family. They may not be human, but we love them as if they were.


I hope she is ok, and you can spend a few more years with her.


But if she's not and they can't do anything just remember she has had a very good life and she knows how much you love her and she wont be in pain any longer.


just HOPE for the best. xox


Thanks, Snoopy! Wow -- a 21 year old cat! That's amazing! You were so fortunate to have Snoopy for so long.


We definitely love them as if they were human.


I am hoping something can be done for her. I will do my best to do whatever she needs.

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Thanks, Snoopy! Wow -- a 21 year old cat! That's amazing! You were so fortunate to have Snoopy for so long.


We definitely love them as if they were human.


I am hoping something can be done for her. I will do my best to do whatever she needs.


One of my grandparents cats (Ming & Ling - two Siamese....when I was younger we had one of their sisters Blue) Ling lived to be 22...she was frail and on special food, medications and had to go to vet a lot....but she still had her tempermental Siamese attitude and you could hear accross the house!


I once saw on tv or something a cat whom lived to be 30...crazy!

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The vet called tonight with the results of my cat's biopsy. She said that, while MOST of the cells point to a benign skin growth, there are a few suspicious cells that *could* point toward malignancy. She said *could* because it's inconclusive. But, she DID say that, in most cases, these types of cancers, even the malignant cells, don't spread beyond the skin. So, most likely, this is not something that has spread to other parts of her body.


We have a surgery scheduled for next week, which is going to cost me a pretty penny, but it's totally worth it. The vet seems to think that my kitty will be OK and back to normal after the surgery.


I am keeping optimistic, and I am hoping for the best. The vet didn't seem worried, and she didn't suggest that death was even a remote possibility. She spoke as if once this thing is removed, it will most likely be gone for good.


So, crossing fingers, toes, and all other appendages that my little furry friend will live at least a few more happy years. I'll let you all know if anything else happens.


My most profound and sincere thanks to everyone who responded with such compassion to this thread. You are all wonderful!

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I know how you feel...I'm getting over the recent death of my cat(the one in my avatar). He was taken from me on the 18th of February. The day before he was completely healthy, being cuddly and cozy like he always was...then the next morning he passed away. He was only about 8 years old. I had him since he was a kitten, and most of all since I was young myself. It's never easy going through these things, because most of the time I am alone myself. I seek companionship in the animals I have, and the love they have to show for it is definitely more then typical. I miss him greeting me in the morning, and when I come back from college. But none of my crying can bring him back, and the same with your cat and her problem. It's good to just stay optimistic, but don't fool yourself into thinking that nothing is wrong. Most of all, take lots of pictures with her I wish I had the chance, but I never expected mine to pass as he did. I do hope she gets better though.

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