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Surdid Tales from Hell


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That was interesting...I had never heard of Asatru either, so I just did some quick research on it. I know you're not seeking advice here, but please go into this with your eyes wide open. I don't know if you're from the U.S. but please read the following just so that you're completely informed on the direction it has been taking in the States: (From link removed)


Corruption of Asatru:

It is not unknown for otherwise decent religions to become corrupted by incorporating racist, sexist, anti-semitic, and homophobic beliefs. For example:


The Christian Identity movement is one wing of the Christian religion which has adsorbed such beliefs.

During the early part of the 20th Century, The National Socialist Party in Germany under Adolf Hitler attempted to pervert Asatru by grafting parts of the religion onto the Nazi racist beliefs. This blasphemy died by the end of World War II, although some neo-Nazi groups -- largely in the U.S. -- are now attempting to continue the practice.


This type of activity is in no way related to the restoration of Asatru as a legitimate Heathen religion. There is a very strong anti-racist, anti-Nazi stance among national Asatru groups in the Scandinavian countries. This is also found in almost all Asatru groups in English speaking countries. They typically have a clear rejection of racism written into their constitutions. Unfortunately, some anti-racism groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (in its Megiddo report) have mistakenly accused the entire religion of racism.


Many people are exposed to the name "Asatru" through role playing games, such as Mage: The Ascension. Unfortunately, the Asatru of these games bear little resemblance to the real religion.

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^ I would be happy to continue this conversation with you in PMs. But I don't want to coninue it publicly because it might be mistaken for debate and get this thread closed. I do appreciate you taking such an interest though. Please don't take this as me being offended, because I am not.


And just an FYI, I am not originally from the US. I was born and raised in Oslo.

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Interesting story frost. You've shared it with me b4, but I guess I didn't realize you were only 18 when you came here. What a long hard road for just a boy to take on his own.


You inspire me. You have so much strength....I wonder if you realize that.

Now, come on over to the light. lol


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Because so many people have shown an interest in the Illuminati Video I mentioned, I decided to post it publicly. Not that I mind people PMing me about it, I don't mind at all.


Part 1:

link removed


Part 2:


link removed


This is a really long Documentary. But it's very engaging, not at all boreing if your into this stuff. The production value could also be better, but they didn't have much money to work with.

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Yeah, count me in the few latecomers, but here I am, better late than never! I read through it all, and it seems that I haven't missed anything! Looks like so far....the thread's entirely intact, lol!


This WAS a really good read (and almost long enough for me, lol!!) and even though I know a few things here, it's really interesting having some things filled in. It does bring me up to speed on how you got into this more clearly. I wasn't aware that you were going through a "spiritual reassessment," Frosts. Lots of things here that I'd like to comment on, but for starters, here are a couple of things that stood out to me:




You're right -- that IS pretty "devout", as atheists go. It almost seems to me that your parents had a belief system of their own -- even though it wasn't God -- that they wanted to insulate you with. It's one thing to say to your kids that they believe there is no such thing as a God, but it's another to try to protect your kids from the ideas of others, about God. Hmm. Interesting twist on "sheltering" kids with your belief systems, so that they don't "get other ideas"...don't you think? Seems almost like anti-religion religiosity...?




Actually, though, Buddhists ARE atheists. There are different sects of Buddhism, and some involve the deification of Buddha, or the deification of some icons, but in general, Buddhism is not about worship of any entity called a God. There are only visual representations of symbols of the human mind, it's not about any Higher Power. (And what type of Buddhism does she practice, if you know?)




I do remember your telling me about this. Though I never really did ask, so I will now: what are those things that you felt you couldn't adhere to?

(hope it's okay if I'm asking publicly, instead of PMing...you could PM me, but I don't think this is "debate" material that will be problematic...)




So what was it that brought you to that sense of peace? Do you know what it was?


I think there's more, but that's enough for now to be pestering you about.

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