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Surdid Tales from Hell


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My girlfriend's Grandma just got back from Lords, France. There is a shrine there where the Virgin Mary appeared to St. Bernadette. It's a regular pilgrimage spot for Cahtolics.


She brought back a bottle of Holy water and gave it to my girlfriend.


I just have to comment on the irony that there is holy water in my house now.

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I always feel so bad when I call off from work... even when it's a legitimate reason. Usually when I miss work it's because of lack of sleep. Yes, most people find that hard to understand, but I am a terrible insomniac and there are days when I just know I am too tired to make it through the work day.


Days like today suck... because today I am too tired to make it through the work day... and it's someone else's fault. I have plenty of vacation time... But I am trying to save my vaction days for when I go home next summer.


I have a friend with some minor mental issues who got really drunk last night and called here when I was sleeping pretty heavily. Then he wanted to spend a really long time on the phone... and most of the time was spend chewing me out for not responding to an email he sent a week ago. He sent it to my aol address, whitch I hardly ever check anymore because since AOL mail became free, it's become over run with spam. Now I use a hotmail address as my primary email. I told him to start sending messages to my hotmail address and he angrily told me that he "doesn't do hotmail." He says he's had problems in the passed with hotmail. I tried telling him that it shouldn't matter if all he's doing is sending a message to my hotmail address, he doesn't have to deal with hotmail, it's me dealing with them. He just kept repeating over and over again how pissed he is that I never respoded. And I just kept telling him over and over why I didn't respond. Finally I had to get kind of mean and say "Look, you keep repeating that over and over and I keep giving you the same answer. I don't know what else to say." He just wanted to make this as long a conversation as humanly possible.


So, finally I end it, because my battery was dying. So I think, allright, we are done with that, time to go back to bed. Well, 1/2 hour later he calls my girlfriend's phone, wakes us both up again, and wants to talk about something that could have easily waited until today.


He works nights, so he sleeps during the day. He also lives pretty close to here. Today when he's asleep I should drop by his house. When he doesn't answer the door I'll stand on his front porch and call his cell over and over again. Just to prove a point.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was recently called out about a post I made here a while ago... It was in a thread asking "What is your philosophy om life?"


My answer was simple "Trust no one."


But, having seen how people percieved it, I realize now maybe I should have elaborated. It's not that I don't trust anyone ever. I don't trust anyone at first. People have to earn my trust.


When I meet someone for the first time, the only thing I can assume is that they are a liar who will screw me over and not think twice about it or feel bad about it.(because so many other people have.) If I know this person a while, I slowly stop assuming that. It takes longer with some then others.


Trusting people are taken advantage of. I learned that the hard way in my younger years.


I guess I thought this was a given... So you could imagine why I was thrown off when someone I've known a long time from here recently told me that they think differently of me and of our friendship because of three words I posted a while back, and honestly had forgotten about.

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Trusting people are taken advantage of.


I've been guilty of that. See my screename.


But I think for me, the right path is the middle path: don't mistrust, but do withhold judgement. There's a huge difference between the two.


If you assume someone is a rascal from the outset, that can cause a lot of false projections onto them. Even as a relationship deepens, false assumptions about their motives and reasons, and mindset can arise from this mistrust.


I am learning that people don't automatically warrant trust, they have to earn it. However, I still expect the best of people until they prove me otherwise. That may sound like a contradiction, but it's not: I expect that they will prove themselves trustworthy, though I reserve judgment of that for when the proof is there.

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Today I was coming out of the breakroom and I passed my boss's office. He called for me to go in and told me to shut the door. I thought I was in trouble for some reason. But no, they actually gave me a pretty good raise. It took affect last pay period but they forgot to tell me. We are paid bi-weekly so if he wouldn't have told me I would have known at the end of this weeks when I got my check.


So (I doubt anyone remembers, there are a lot of new people here) but when I got htis job I kept talking about the famed $12 Martini that I always wanted to try at the bar but never did. When I got this job I made a point to go straight to the bar and have a $12 Martini.


Tomorrow night I am taking my girlfriend out for her birthday. So I am anticipating another night of $12 Martinis followed by good sloppy drunk sex.



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So, tomorrow we are meeting up with my girlfriend's tattoo artist. I am making sure she gets some ink for her birthday. She has had this idea for a while now, and she's been kind of looking for an excuse to get it.


And I know this will cheer her up, because her birthday kind of sucked. It wasn't anything anyone did... just some bad circumstances. I took her out last Tuesday to celebrate, because it was thought then that she would only have that night off.


Then the night of her birthday, she showed up for work, and all the people she works with threw her a little party and then told her they decided to surprise her with the night off. They gave her a gift card to Applebees and sent her home.


I know you are probably wondering where the sucking part is... wait just a minute.


So, she came home, and we called a bunch of our friends and asked who wanted to meet us at Applebees. We had fun there, but by the next morning she was really sick. She spent that morning throwing up in our bathroom and had to call off from work. ANd no it wasn't a hangover, she didn't drink that much. It was food poisoning.


And, on recovering from the foodpoisoning, she got a bad cold. She came home from work early a little bit ago, feeling awful. So right now she's taking a bath.


She's pretty excited about tomorrow though.

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